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People that don't need to be here next year.


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ASG Ownership group- We have to start at the top people. I hope the team is sold to a sole owner, and the sad thing is, I don't care who buys it. It could be T.I for all I care. These people have not only ran a franchise into the ground, they got lucky, won some games...then preceded to run it into the group again. In a city like Atlanta, the capital of the South, a city thats attractive unlike a SA, in THIS city, their NBA team isn't marketable. Conditions are perfect for Phillips to be sold out each and every night, instead they sell the opposing teams Jerseys to make a few quick bucks. Garbage, complete garbage. I could go on, but I'm sure you're already aware of the suck. If these idiots cared about Atlanta, or the Atlanta Hawks, they would sell to the highest bidder.

Rick Sund- This guy has literally just about done nothing, and even his transactions have been questionable. Jeff Teague is no better than BKs Acie. At least BK got us Al, Smoove and Joe (who I will get to later). Sund did however steal Crawford from Golden State, but bringing in bums like Mo Evans, giving Joe Johnson a max contract, drafting a guy named Pop Sy (sp?). He has won nothing, anywhere. Too Conservative, and too mediocre for my likes. I don't even think this guy likes NBA basketball. If Rick Sund cared and respected the game of basketball he would resign.

Larry Drew- Or should I say Mike Woodson 2.0? No, I'm sorry. Thats an insult to Mike Woodson, who Larry Drew makes look like Red Auebach. He has no control over these players, he doesn't recognize matchups, he will be in the midst of an 11-0 run and refuse to call a timeout, he is too passive, he has no playbook to speak off, he has no offensive scheme, and he plays zone against jump shooting teams. You get what you pay for I guess. You pay the Minimum, you deserve to get minimum production. If Larry Drew cared abut the Atlanta Hawks he would resign.

The fun part.

Should I just go down the lineup?

Josh Smith- I think the basketball has a higher BBIQ than Josh Smith. So much talent, but yet this guy wants to camp out 25 feet away from the rim. He doesn't even TRY to post up anymore. Most of this has to do with idiotic coaching, but he has been in the league 7 years now. Enough is enough. He makes the dumbest players possible. Its like whatever he could possibly do thats dumb, he does it. I'm starting to think he just doesn't care, because no human being can be that dumb.

Jamal Crawford- This guy will jack a shot without even bothering to dribble. He basically does what Josh does. Camp out, wait for the drive and kick, then shoot. When he is running PG the other players mind as well take a seat on the bench because they aren't seeing the ball, and they probably know this be know. They should anyway. He is 30-31, and there are plenty of guys that could do what he does. Hell, If I jacked 30 shots a game I'm bound to hit 1 or 2.

Jeff Teague- ..Some people just aren't meant to play in the NBA. Teague is one of those guys. No jumper, can't finish, can't defend, can't make plays, can't even see the floor. My advice to Mr.Teague. Go back to school, get your education, get a family, buy a house, and live your life.

The entire bench- I don't even know where to begin. Nobody on our bench deserves to be NBA players. Nobody. Not one. Thats all I'm even going to bother to say.

Joe "$$$" Johnson- Lets be frank here. Nobody hates Joe because he got a MAx contract. We hate Joe because he sucks and he got a Max Contract. He makes more than Lebron James, but a guy like John Salmons is just as productive. Nobody cares about him, half of the fanbase hates him, half of the NBA fanbase thinks he is a joke, he doesn't excite anyone in this city, isn't marketable, can't hit a 3 to save his life, is 240LBS but is afraid to go up strong against PGs, can't run a fast break, ball hogs, turns the ball over, isn't a play maker doesn't have any emotions or in any way express that he cares about the game, and lat, but not least, he makes more than Lebron James. Trade this bum. Release him, hell buy him out, I don't care. Hand him every penny , and tell him to never show his stone face in Atlanta ever again.

Edited by MVP23
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ASG Ownership group- We have to start at the top people. I hope the team is sold to a sole owner, and the sad thing is, I don't care who buys it. It could be T.I for all I care. These people have not only ran a franchise into the ground, they got lucky, won some games...then preceded to run it into the group again. In a city like Atlanta, the capital of the South, a city thats attractive unlike a SA, in THIS city, their NBA team isn't marketable. Conditions are perfect for Phillips to be sold out each and every night, instead they sell the opposing teams Jerseys to make a few quick bucks. Garbage, complete garbage. I could go on, but I'm sure you're already aware of the suck. If these idiots cared about Atlanta, or the Atlanta Hawks, they would sell to the highest bidder.

Rick Sund- This guy has literally just about done nothing, and even his transactions have been questionable. Jeff Teague is no better than BKs Acie. At least BK got us Al, Smoove and Joe (who I will get to later). Sund did however steal Crawford from Golden State, but bringing in bums like Mo Evans, giving Joe Johnson a max contract, drafting a guy named Pop Sy (sp?). He has won nothing, anywhere. Too Conservative, and too mediocre for my likes. I don't even think this guy likes NBA basketball. If Rick Sund cared and respected the game of basketball he would resign.

Larry Drew- Or should I say Mike Woodson 2.0? No, I'm sorry. Thats an insult to Mike Woodson, who Larry Drew makes look like Red Auebach. He has no control over these players, he doesn't recognize matchups, he will be in the midst of an 11-0 run and refuse to call a timeout, he is too passive, he has no playbook to speak off, he has no offensive scheme, and he plays zone against jump shooting teams. You get what you pay for I guess. You pay the Minimum, you deserve to get minimum production. If Larry Drew cared abut the Atlanta Hawks he would resign.

The fun part.

Should I just go down the lineup?

Josh Smith- I think the basketball has a higher BBIQ than Josh Smith. So much talent, but yet this guy wants to camp out 25 feet away from the rim. He doesn't even TRY to post up anymore. Most of this has to do with idiotic coaching, but he has been in the league 7 years now. Enough is enough. He makes the dumbest players possible. Its like whatever he could possibly do thats dumb, he does it. I'm starting to think he just doesn't care, because no human being can be that dumb.

Jamal Crawford- This guy will jack a shot without even bothering to dribble. He basically does what Josh does. Camp out, wait for the drive and kick, then shoot. When he is running PG the other players mind as well take a seat on the bench because they aren't seeing the ball, and they probably know this be know. They should anyway. He is 30-31, and there are plenty of guys that could do what he does. Hell, If I jacked 30 shots a game I'm bound to hit 1 or 2.

Jeff Teague- ..Some people just aren't meant to play in the NBA. Teague is one of those guys. No jumper, can't finish, can't defend, can't make plays, can't even see the floor. My advice to Mr.Teague. Go back to school, get your education, get a family, buy a house, and live your life.

The entire bench- I don't even know where to begin. Nobody on our bench deserves to be NBA players. Nobody. Not one. Thats all I'm even going to bother to say.

Joe "$$$" Johnson- Lets be frank here.. He makes more than Lebron James, but a guy like John Salmons is just as productive. Nobody cares about him, half of the fanbase hates him, half of the NBA fanbase thinks he is a joke, he doesn't excite anyone in this city, isn't marketable, can't hit a 3 to save his life, is 240LBS but is afraid to go up strong against PGs, can't run a fast break, ball hogs, turns the ball over, isn't a play maker doesn't have any emotions or in any way express that he cares about the game, and lat, but not least, he makes more than Lebron James. Trade this bum. Release him, hell buy him out, I don't care. Hand him every penny , and tell him to never show his stone face in Atlanta ever again.

" Nobody hates Joe because he got a MAx contract. We hate Joe because he sucks and he got a Max Contract"

This has to be the quote of the night.....lol

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And yet, somehow through all this, Marvin is still indispensable in MVP23's eyes.

His 2 points tonight really came through in the clutch.

Of course they were...those 2 points kept us from being blown out, at home, by 20 points instead of 18!

On topic though, this team needs a lot of shaking up (from management on down) before we are ever going to compete in the playoffs...much less a title. Some players on our team are either garbage, vastly overpaid, underperforming, or are too busy playing to their weaknesses. Problem is, that is most of the lineup. The coach seems to be either in over his head, just not head coach material, or can't get through to players that badly need a kick in the *ss and quality coaching.

To be honest, you do raise valid points about some of those players needing to be shipped off to new teams in the offseason (although why Marvin wasn't included is beyond me), but it won't happen...and even if it did--and it won't--new ownership, a much less reactive and more proactive GM, and possibly a new coach are all needed.

Now tell me, how much of that do you envision occurring any time soon?

About the only guys on your wish list I could see gone this offseason are Crawford and some of those bench bigs due to their contract expiring. That's about it. In other words, no one of merit.

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And yet, somehow through all this, Marvin is still indispensable in MVP23's eyes.

His 2 points tonight really came through in the clutch.

Off the bench Marvin would be serviceable.

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Guest Squawker

ASG Ownership group- We have to start at the top people. I hope the team is sold to a sole owner, and the sad thing is, I don't care who buys it. It could be T.I for all I care. These people have not only ran a franchise into the ground, they got lucky, won some games...then preceded to run it into the group again. In a city like Atlanta, the capital of the South, a city thats attractive unlike a SA, in THIS city, their NBA team isn't marketable. Conditions are perfect for Phillips to be sold out each and every night, instead they sell the opposing teams Jerseys to make a few quick bucks. Garbage, complete garbage. I could go on, but I'm sure you're already aware of the suck. If these idiots cared about Atlanta, or the Atlanta Hawks, they would sell to the highest bidder.

Rick Sund- This guy has literally just about done nothing, and even his transactions have been questionable. Jeff Teague is no better than BKs Acie. At least BK got us Al, Smoove and Joe (who I will get to later). Sund did however steal Crawford from Golden State, but bringing in bums like Mo Evans, giving Joe Johnson a max contract, drafting a guy named Pop Sy (sp?). He has won nothing, anywhere. Too Conservative, and too mediocre for my likes. I don't even think this guy likes NBA basketball. If Rick Sund cared and respected the game of basketball he would resign.

Larry Drew- Or should I say Mike Woodson 2.0? No, I'm sorry. Thats an insult to Mike Woodson, who Larry Drew makes look like Red Auebach. He has no control over these players, he doesn't recognize matchups, he will be in the midst of an 11-0 run and refuse to call a timeout, he is too passive, he has no playbook to speak off, he has no offensive scheme, and he plays zone against jump shooting teams. You get what you pay for I guess. You pay the Minimum, you deserve to get minimum production. If Larry Drew cared abut the Atlanta Hawks he would resign.

The fun part.

Should I just go down the lineup?

Josh Smith- I think the basketball has a higher BBIQ than Josh Smith. So much talent, but yet this guy wants to camp out 25 feet away from the rim. He doesn't even TRY to post up anymore. Most of this has to do with idiotic coaching, but he has been in the league 7 years now. Enough is enough. He makes the dumbest players possible. Its like whatever he could possibly do thats dumb, he does it. I'm starting to think he just doesn't care, because no human being can be that dumb.

Jamal Crawford- This guy will jack a shot without even bothering to dribble. He basically does what Josh does. Camp out, wait for the drive and kick, then shoot. When he is running PG the other players mind as well take a seat on the bench because they aren't seeing the ball, and they probably know this be know. They should anyway. He is 30-31, and there are plenty of guys that could do what he does. Hell, If I jacked 30 shots a game I'm bound to hit 1 or 2.

Jeff Teague- ..Some people just aren't meant to play in the NBA. Teague is one of those guys. No jumper, can't finish, can't defend, can't make plays, can't even see the floor. My advice to Mr.Teague. Go back to school, get your education, get a family, buy a house, and live your life.

The entire bench- I don't even know where to begin. Nobody on our bench deserves to be NBA players. Nobody. Not one. Thats all I'm even going to bother to say.

Joe "$$$" Johnson- Lets be frank here. Nobody hates Joe because he got a MAx contract. We hate Joe because he sucks and he got a Max Contract. He makes more than Lebron James, but a guy like John Salmons is just as productive. Nobody cares about him, half of the fanbase hates him, half of the NBA fanbase thinks he is a joke, he doesn't excite anyone in this city, isn't marketable, can't hit a 3 to save his life, is 240LBS but is afraid to go up strong against PGs, can't run a fast break, ball hogs, turns the ball over, isn't a play maker doesn't have any emotions or in any way express that he cares about the game, and lat, but not least, he makes more than Lebron James. Trade this bum. Release him, hell buy him out, I don't care. Hand him every penny , and tell him to never show his stone face in Atlanta ever again.

You do realize Salmons averages 13 Points 3 Rebounds and 3 Assist. So why are you saying hes just as productive as Joe? When he is on a team where you could argue he gets more looks and takes more shots than Joe. Salmons defense is about as bad as Crawfords. If i was going to compare Joe to someone it would probably be Paul Pierce not John Salmons. And how many All-star games has Salmons been to? Oh yea...

Edited by Squawker
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Jeff Teague- ..Some people just aren't meant to play in the NBA. Teague is one of those guys. No jumper, can't finish, can't defend, can't make plays, can't even see the floor. My advice to Mr.Teague. Go back to school, get your education, get a family, buy a house, and live your life.

LOL. Agreed, Teague has no potential whatsoever.

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If Teague scored 20 points everytime someone said he didn't belong he'd average 20 points a game. He deserves to start the rest of the season for the effort he showed, but lets not even start thinking he's magically good now. He has alot of work to do.

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