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Thinking ahead


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There's something that know one is talking about but everyone here knows is going to happen if the Hawks stumble this year. LON KRUGER WILL BE FIRED!!! So let's think ahead...if Kruger get's the ax who do you think could turn this team into a contender? Would Dominique Wilkens finally get the chance to coach (hey, he said he wanted to coach..i'm not just making this stuff up) or would someone else get the nod? What do you guys think?

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I would like to get a younger coach also, you know, someone with some new ideas. I get tired of seeing the same old coaches get shuffled around from team to team. I know this may sound kind of silly, but I really wouldn't mind seeing Dominique given a chance to coach.

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Chuck would probably come here and try and make us a

team sorta like we had with Lenny.I think getting a trade

for Miller or the Penny deal we should go uptempo.

Shareef is a better passer on the fast break,JT/Dermarr

would really do well in this type of game and Theo can

run the floor and of course you have Dan Dickau and

Dion Glover can run the floor.

I think Black Hawk Down talked about setting our own

trends.How about going for a Dallas Mavericks team in

the east.The teams in the east are grind it out ugly

ball type of teams.How about we go the others way?

And if we are sucessful we might just change the way

teams run their games.

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he has earned one year with a healthy team that has had time to gel in my book. He took some serious lumps last year with injuries and young guys and learning the NBA himself. He is a smart man who has always advanced in a short time period wherever he has gone. He will do the same here. Give him time with a healthy lineup and he will do great for us.

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A younger coach can get you to the playoffs but an experienced coach like Daily could probably get us all the way. Just look:

Jackson - 11 titles.

Adleman - Coached the Blazers, the Warriors, and the Kings.

Larry Brown -Took the 76ers all the way last yr.

Nellie. Coaching the Mavs.

Silas = coaching N.O.

On the other side.

Carlisle - Detroit's coach

Scott - Coached NJ all the way.

Gentry - Not really that young of a coach... This is his second time around.

In any event, I think that the older guys that have been there knows what it takes to get it done. For us to say, we need to go out and get a young coach for the sake of Getting a young coach would be silly. We could just as easily trade everybody away because that's how long it would take a young coach to get settled.

Look at Kruger? He's young and that's the excuse we hear everytime he has a missed rotation or whatever. I just believe that Daily would do very real in motivating and teaching. For you who want new ideas... The sad truth is "THE GAME dOESN'T CHANGE."

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I agree we need someone else...i wouldn't mind seeing Lon

demoted to Assistant coach because I'd like to keep him

on but just not as a the head guy.

I purposed Bill Laimbeer because of the toughess...but he

went on to coach some WNBA team.

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We've been kind to coach Kruger due to all the injuries he had to coach around. But if we have a healthy team next year and we still don't make the playoffs I think we should look for a new coach. We have too much talent to expect anything less.

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I think Lon has set himself up for exactly this kind of discussion. If the refund business backfires in his face, his will be the a$$ in the sling. I want to see what he does with a full roster of actual NBA talent and not CBAers and backups, for one full season at least. I think he's got a good squad at his disposal (when healthy) and like DerMarr, things seemed to start to click for Lon toward the end of last year. If he does have to go though, I would'nt mind seeing Fratello brought back with Nique as his top assistant. They worked well together before, and the Czar knows how basketball should be played from sub patterns to ball movement. With Nique at his right hand, a guy who's been a star and knows how to deal with stars and their egos, Fratello and Nique could do good things with the squad we have here.

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Guest Walter

Below, Diesel, you cite Jackson, Nelson, and others as a reason to get an experienced coach. The fact isn't whether Daly is experience but that he is OLD! Jackson isn't that old (70?) and Nelson hasn't won anything.

Van Gundy would bring experience while not being so old he was washed up.

My hope, were Kruger to be fired, would be Doc Rivers. He may be looking to get out of Orlando if they can't get Duncan next year and/or if Hill continues to not pan out.


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