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Diesel Speaks on the State of the Hawks.


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When we look at our successes and our failures, I will tell you what we see.


JT has been given the responsibility of kick starting this team. What do you mean Diesel? As point guard, JT is the guy we look to to initiate the offense, control the tempo, and to make his teammates better by getting them the ball in the right position to score. JT doesn't do these things.


Theo is the only real defensive piece that the Hawks have. Thus far, Theo has not really been included in the offense. Theo's main concern is blocking shots. He's good at that. Unfortunately, his rebounding is not a high priority mainly because he's not a great rebounder. Rebounding is more than just the tallest guy get the ball. Rodman, Barkley, and others have showed that there is a science to being a good rebounder. Theo doesn't have it.


Reef is the scorer of the team. He's built to put up 25/10 a night. He has an arsenal of offensive moves. Defensively, he's just average. He's an above average rebounder for his size. Bottom line, his JOB is to get points and boards.


Glover is a guy in transition. He's a power guard in the style of J. R. Rider. Like Rider, he has evolved his game to include an outside shot. Unlike Rider, he has not learned to be a post up guard. Instead of fashioning his game after Rider and Wells, it would best serve Dion to fashion his game after Nick Anderson. Before Anderson became a has been, he was a Power Guard who learned how to run an offense from the 2 guard position. He became so adapt at it that Penny Hardaway wanted to play more 2 than 1 and let Anderson be the point forward of the team. When Penny got hurt, the magic didn't miss a step because Anderson could run the offense and score when neccessary.


Jackson is the newest member of the Hawks. He brings big game experience. He played with a dominating Pf that taught him to move without the ball. He's been labeled as a 3 point shooter and one dimensional. However, he's athletic enough to make a difference.

The problem start with the PG. If JT can't get the ball to the other guys in their spots or if JT can't control the tempo, then the Hawks will have the same thing that happened last night happen every night. They will be forced out of their offense into a run and gun game and get pounded on the boards. That's our weakness. We can't play PHYSICAL and Fast.

JV bring better patience to the game, but there's still a need for Stotts to set offensive proiroties. The numbers speaks for themselves, our best 5 man unit is still:

JV, Glover, SJ, Reef, and Theo.

The problem is that we have to do more than change the lineup. We have to change our offensive philosophy. That means that we have to Make getting the ball to Reef our first priority until the other team can consistently stop it. Then we work the ball around to everyone else. Unfortunately, we're running the same score if you can offense that we ran last year.

The other thing to note is that we have been win or lose based on how JT plays. When JT plays well, we win. When JT plays poorly, we lose. Thus far when JT doesn't play, we win.

Offensive Suggestion is that we bench JT for a few games. It might be that it may take us building patiently on offense and like Sac_Town uses Jackson, bring JT in as instant scoring and tempo change.

Defensive Strategy...

HUSTLE. Most of the time, on the boards and on defense, we're just outhustled. We have to work for rebounds. We got to hustle to be a good defensive team. Other than that, it would require that we get new personnell. I don't think that's a possibility right now.

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The biggest one being Reef. You say he's built to put up 25/10 a night. Physically maybe. But mentally he can't do it. If he could put up 25/10, we'd win a lot more games. Because he would demand so much more attention. He doesn't get superstar attention though.

And Sjax. You didn't give this guy enough writeup. I think he can be a big player. He's already shown me more than i ever expected from him. I didn't think the guy could improve but I think he can be a near 20ppg scorer with all around good stats.

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Reef DOES get superstar attention, that is the thing. We just never place him in position to draw it. We keep him outside, where teams won't cover him.

As you noticed tonight versus Phoenix, the reason we built the lead that we did is because the offense flowed THROUGH Rahim. He commanded the double and he pased out of it.

The same happened when we built our leads in Seattle and against the Clippers.

But, against both teams we abandoned it... and abandoned our leads in both games.


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He can't take over games down the stretch, at least not consistently, and that is what separates the great ones from the good ones. He can't create his own shots down the stretch and he is NOT a great passer. Calling him an average passer out of the double team is being kind.

Reef can definitely be a key piece of the team, but if we are expecting him to carry us anywhere, we'll be right where we have been for the last 7 years that he has tried to carry a team, going fishing in late April.

If Reef will just hustle (he did a good job tonight), he'll be fine. He's simply not big enough or good enough to get by without giving maximium effort. I think he did give a great effort tonight and that was a key to our win.

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teams do not play him as they would a chris webber, Tim Duncan, Jermain Oneal. Those guys get doubles and triples thrown at them as soon as they touch the ball. That only happens to reef on his best nights.

Just because we have success when we play through him, that doesn't make him a superstar. Being a superstar takes a lot of talent AND the will to dominate the game. Reef only has one of those two.

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I don't think many post players are adept at "taking over" a game in the fourth quarter. Maybe Duncan and Shaq, but otherwise the my sense is, in the NBA, you ride the big man for the first three + quarters and then you need a perimeter player to step up - especially in the playoffs when defenses get tight in the paint. I know I have read the same thing about Garnett, for example, that he can carry the team till the fourth but needed someone to step up and hit shots to close the game.

At any rate, I agree Reef is not going to be able to carry the team alone. But, as others have suggested, an inside-out approach on offense does make the most sense with the Hawks personnel - particularly if Jackson and Glover can drive/cut to the hoop and Jackson, Glover and/or Terry can hit some shots from outside.

I am beginning to agree with D in that Ratliff is not the right fit at center for this squad - and at any rate will not likely be around when his contract runs out. They need a mauler in the middle who can rebound. Problem is not many of those exist. And don't say Ekizie!

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We'd probably be better off with just a decent big

man that is alittle bigger...One of Theo's biggest

problem is that he looks for shot blocks all the time...

Instead of thinking about defense and rebounding

and making blocks a secondary thought he only

considers blocks.

However, I think the Hawks biggest problem is that

Dion(considering position and such) is the teams

second best rebounder and that just isn't going to

get it done.

Reef isn't like Webber/KG....He doesn't have that athletic

ability and quite frankly doesn't have their versitility....He

doesn't have Cwebbs passing skills or KG's either.

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The team is getting outrebounded by 6RPG on the offensive


Teams are only shooting 41% againest the team, but

the team turns the ball over about 6 times more than

the other teams and give up 6RPG more on the offensive

end...The team the Hawks are facing are getting about

11 shots extra a game. You just can't have that happen

and expect to win games.

The guy we need wouldn't have to be completely a starter

either...He could be a guy that comes off the bench to

spell Theo when the team really needs it.

But I wish we could get Stromile Swift to come off the

bench...I notice he hasn't been playing lately so he might

be up for trade. Theo gets pushed around by even the

biggest bums of centers. I wonder if Detroit would part

with Zelko Rebraca....

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Until the past TWO years, Reef has ALWAYS commanded the double team. Yes, even the triple team. Go back and watch the games. Reef has NEVER had it easy.

Lately, coaches thought it might be smart to move Reef outside so he won't get doubled and tripled. That is why we see him on the perimeter... because he DOES get the double and triple teams. Usually, they are there BEFORE he gets the ball.

Put Reef in the post consistantly and you'll get results and double teams. You saw how the Suns reacted tonight.

No one is going to put the double on someone if they aren't a part of the offense. It is OUR problem as a team that Reef is not performing... we NEED to get him the ball.

Every one of the players you mentioned is INCAPABLE of performing without someone getting them the ball in decent locations and making them a part of the offense.

Players like Kobe, McGrady, Carter, MJ and the like can handle the ball well enough to create shots out of nothing. These players cannot. To think they do is folly.

They are all given the ball in good location and are the central part of the offense. Make Reef that and we will succeed.


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I think EDS has it correctly, you really cannot ride a big man in the fourth quarter... especially at the very end.

They don't have the ability to dribble around until something opens up. That is why you rarely see a big man get the ball for the final shots.

Big men rely on fouls and contact to bail them out a lot of times. You won't get that in the fourth.

Reef has been one of our best passers this year. Especially when we make him the focal point of the offense. He is allowing others to get involved.


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Everyone one of the players I mentioned, [censored] every great PF in the history of the game, do ONE THING that sets them apart from Shareef. They DEMAND the ball. That's why those players are considered to be the cream of the crop and Shareef is just the best player you've never seen.

Shareef has all the talent to be as good as Webber or Oneal or any other PF in the league besides Duncan. What he lacks is the WILL to be the best. He's content to get his 20/7 and call it a night. Even though he could get 26-28 a night simply by changing his attitude on the court just a little bit.

IMO, that's why Reef has been a part of some pretty horrible teams in his career. Instead of saying [censored] THIS and demanding that his talent be used more, he's content to do his part, not make a fuss and let what happens, happen. Not that i'm saying he's a slacker. But he has the talent to be on a different level than the one he's been on his entire career.

That's why he's a star and not a SUPERSTAR. That's why those player command so much more attention than he does.

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That being said, I don't think that Reef is on the same level athletically as guys like C Webb or O'Neal. That being said, from an offensive skills standpoint, Reef is as good as either of them, maybe better. He just doesn't impose his will on the other team down the stretch as often as he should. As you said, he doesn't DEMAND the ball in crunch time. He is NOT a superstar and he won't be until he starts CONSISTENTLY imposing his will on the other team on both ends of the floor.

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Several people are complaining (or making excuses) about Reef not getting enough touches or the offense not running through Reef enough. Here is what Edie Jordan had to say about Kwame Brown when Kwame suggested that he needed more touches:

"There is an equal opportunity involved in the offense," he said, "and the best players usually find ways to be good no matter what you are running. The players who have the skills, who have the desire, who have the toughness, who have basketball feel. The best players, no matter what you run, will step up and play."

I can think of no better way to describe the situation with Reef. If you are one of the best players, you will find a way to be effective no matter what. If Reef plays with more desire and toughness, he will DEMAND the ball in crunch time (and throughout the game) and he will be a lot more effective. He CAN do it, he has DONE it. He just needs to do

it more consistently.

I LOVE Reef. I just think he has the ability to take it to the next level and I'm sick of all the excuses that are given by others as to why he is not a next level player. At some point, HE is responsible for whatever success he has on the floor. Not the coaches, not the players around him, but HIM. Until he consistently plays with desire and toughness, he'll be just another pretty good player on a bad team.

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The problem is that he IS effective and does contribute on most nights.

That isn't the issue.

The issue is that the offense should be INITIATED through him. Tim Duncan couldn't TAKE over the game if the gaurds were busy passing the ball between themselves or dribbling around like a goofball.

They need to feed the ball to him.

I would LOVE to see Reef shoot more, and I think that would come, but the most important thing I see is that when we initiate the offense through Shareef, we turn the ball over less, we shoot a higher percentage and we play smart basketball on the offensive end.

I agree Reef needs to be more aggressive, and I personally believe that Reef is in the duldrums because of losses. I think it has killed his "fire" that existed during his first four years. If we can strap together some wins and keep him involved, I'm hoping it will elevate his game to the next level again.


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Actually, that Eddie Jordan stuff is mere Crap.

No way Jordan becomes Jordan if Phil Jackson doesn't put the ball in his hand on every possession in the fourth. No way Shaq remain Shaq if Kobe hogs the ball (that's the real problem in LA). If Eddie Jordan keeps feeding Kwame this BS, when Kwame can leave, he will and he will make a bigger impact with another team who will feed him.

I was watching the pregame show on ESPN last night. They said that Sacramento has devoted 75% of their plays around Webber. No wonder Webber is a freakin star. My question is how many plays are devoted to Reef?

Duncan is the initiator of the Spurs offense. KG the initiator of Minn's?

My question is how many plays are devoted to Reef?

The only star these days who operate in the manner that Jordan is talking about is Dirk. That's only because there are so many other talents on Dallas' team.

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CONSISTENTLY delivered when Phil went to him. Webber is one of the best passing/ballhandling PFs in the game and he makes good decisions with the ball. Comparing Reef to him in that regard is ridiculous. Reef has been the best player on his team for SEVEN YEARS IN A ROW and he definitely has not established himself as a go to guy in crunch time. In fact, one of the biggest knocks on him is that he DISAPPEARS in crunch time. There are two primary reasons for that.

1) When Reef is being doubled on the catch, he finds it difficult to get his shot off before the help can get there. He likes to put the ball on the floor and go to his spin move but you can't do that when the double is coming. What inevitably happens is that Reef spins and gets stripped or spins and runs into the double team and forces up a weak shot. If he could learn to spin baseline AWAY from the double team when he's on the left block (ala Duncan, C Webb, Rasheed Wallace, Nowitzki,, etc) he would be more effective.

2) Reef is NOT a very good passer out of the double team. He used to be TERRIBLE. He has improved in that area but he's still average at best. I watched the Kings play the other night and even Brad Miller is a better passer out of the post than Reef is. MUCH better.

The point is that when you are a post player and you can't get your shot off before the double team gets there and you can't pass effectively out of the double team, you are not a very effective go to guy. That is precisely why Reef has always been a guy who puts up good numbers but has never had the rep as a go to guy in the clutch.

As for Shaq, he is ALWAYS going to be dominant and he will ALWAYS get his touches because he will DEMAND the ball. The Lakers run the triangle offense and he and Kobe STILL manage to differentiate themselves from everyone else (just as Jordan did) because great players are going to find a way to rise to the top.

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Jordan got the ball because it was a part of the Bulls gameplan to give him the ball.

Webber gets the ball because it was part of the Kings gameplan to get him the ball.

The Hawks don't seem to have a game plan to get Reef the ball on a consistent basis. It's useless to say that Reef does not play like a star when you don't give him the opportunity tobe one.

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4 rebounds in 37 minutes as K Mart ABUSED him all night (23 & 14). I just don't understand why people keep making excuses for him. He's a good player but certainly not a star. We could have given it to him every time last night and he still couldn't have done anything with K Mart. Until Reef decides to play hard all the time, he'll never be anything more than a good player on a bad team.

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