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Compare JT and A.I.


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You have a right to your opinion man but to say JT is a better person than AI just becuase he sponsors a charity basketball game every year is just straight silly. What about the charity softball game AI has in Hampton, VA every year? Not to many people know about that because AI probably does it becuase he actually wants to and not just for publicity. Also, for all we know JT may go out and smoke crack and have sex with under aged girls after each of his charity games as a way to celebrate....i mean, who really knows. I'm not trying to trash JT or defend AI, but I am saying that we can't judge these men just by what we see on TV.

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I dont believe everything that I hear on TV, but somebody being convicted of something is plenty of evidence for me. Lets look at some of AIs troubles.

In reply to:

February 1993 -- Arrested for fighting in a bowling alley in Hampton, Va. He spends four months in prison before then-Gov. Douglas Wilder grants him clemency. The Virginia Court of Appeals overturns the conviction in June 1995.

August 1997 -- Pleads no contest to gun charge after police near Richmond, Va., pull over a car, in which Iverson is a passenger, and find a gun belonging to Iverson and two marijuana cigarettes. Completes 100 hours of community service, two years of drug testing and three years' probation, after which his record is cleared.

July 2000 -- Promised to have more of a business-like attitude following a season that saw him fined more than 50 times for being late to practice and suspended one game for missing a shootaround.

October 2000 -- Reprimanded by NBA commissioner David Stern for violent references and derogatory lyrics directed toward gays and women in his unreleased rap CD.

July 2002 -- Charged with four felony counts and related offenses for allegedly forcing his way into his cousin's apartment with a gun and threatening two men.

Now, please find something on Jason Terry negatively like this. I bet you cant even find anything about Terry being fined for repeatedly being late for practice. Bottom line is that Jason Terry is a high character man who knows the difference between right and wrong and decides accordingly. He is a very good player on the court and he doesnt get in trouble off the court. I also think that its ridiculous that you state that AI probably does his charity game just because he wants to and not for publicity and yet you say we shouldnt base our opinions off of what we see on TV. Anyways, JT or any other athlete having a charity game doesnt mean he is a good guy or just because he doesnt does not make him a bad guy, but rather its your actions in the real world and how you reflect on your team and family. I challenge you to find something bad about JT, cause I think you are going to have a very hard time.

As was said earlier in this thread by DJ Money there is no comparison between these guys.

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Posting AI's rap sheet and using my own words against me was a nice touch.....BUT the fact remains that none us is with JT 24 hours a day so we don't know what kind of man he is and besides what we've heard on the radio or seen on tv we don't know what kind of man AI is. Remember, AI hasn't been convicted of any crime yet. You're probably right about JT, he probably is a model citizen because he does seem to go out of his way to help others, but remember this, everyone makes mistakes. Ex. Michael Jordan...great player, media loves him, I love him....he cheated on his wife and some say he has a gambling problem.

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Cheating on your wife and gambling are a lot different that starting a bowling alley brawl and brandishing a firearm multiple times.

Allen Iverson is a guy who has gotten into trouble in the past and has done nothing to get himself away from that atmosphere. He is constantly putting himself into these positions.

He's one of these guys who went through very tough times as a youth and thinks people should cut him some slack because of that.

Hell no!

The reason people go to college or get into the professional leagues in the first place is to better themselves. Allen Iverson isn't bettering himself, because he isn't taking himself away from the crap he went through in his youth.

Allen says he isn't going to forget where he came from. Well, I guess he isn't. He continues to get himself into trouble by putting himself into very precarious positions. He's a careless person who does these things because, 9 times out of 10, he's going to get away with it due to his star power.

Truth be known, Iverson probably shouldn't even be in the NBA now. He probably should have been spending the past 7 years like Lee Benson spent the past 10 years or so. Sitting behind bars, putting things into perspective, and seeing that he better straighten himself out or his life will go down the gutter. As it is, all Iverson is now is a spoiled thug who gets away with things due to who he is.

Guys like Iverson really piss me off!

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I know this is kind of a silly topic in that morally JT is a better person than AI and AI is the better ball player. On the other hand, JT isn't "The boy next door". I like JT but don't try to make him out to be "Mr inncoent." Believe it or not but JT has a "Thug side" to him as well,maybe not to the point of Iverson but it is there. I will point out some examples: 1. Getting involved in the scuffle between Reef & Kenny Thomas. Yeah I know he was trying to help out his teammate but the fight was between Reef & Thomas and not JT. Futhermore JT swings and hits Eddie Griffin from behind who wasn't bothering Shareef. 2. JT was one of the few guys on the team who hung out with Rider away from the court, when Rider was with the Hawks. We know what kind of person Rider was and probably still is,and they always say "Birds of a feather flock together".3. JT took money from an agent while in college. I know alot of players in college have done this but it is just to prove my point that JT isn't as innocent as he might seem.

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Iverson will not get away with things like this 9 out 10

times because of his star status. Petty things like this would not even be pursued by the authorties unless the person involved was Iverson or a similar star.

This is a complete NOTHING press created crock of BS !

No legitimate crime commited here deserving of wasting time and tax dollars with.

And I don't even like Iverson !!

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I couldnt agree with Dolfan more. The point was proven, JT knows whats right and whats wrong and AI is just an immature thug that needs to act like a professional and a role model for all those kids that look up to him. AI needs to find his way and the right way because right now he is just hanging around with the wrong crowd and start acting like a true professional that he susppose to be.

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Hawksfreak, you have some of the dumbest posts. If you knew A.i. then you know he has huge stars [Mike Vick,etc.] to come to his softball game and put charity towards his community in Va.

Now if you wanna compare them on the court then here goes:

A.I. and Jt are both very quick[they may be the quickets in the game]

A.I. and Jt are both good scorers[Jt is a better 3-point shooter]

A.I. and Jt both have very good handles[A.I. is always trying to cross someone up and Jt isnt]

I would say A.I. and Jt are very ssimilar..If Jt took as many shots as A.I. he would score 26-30 ppg. also.

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Why? What do you know about any of these players?

I see people posting info about AI's "conviction" that was pardoned and now doesn't mean sqaut. Then I see some nonsense about how 9 times out of 10 stars get away with crimes. Yeah if your George W. or Bill Gates. The truth is 9 times out of 10 a young black man is more apt to be harrassed or falsely convicted. AI is call a thug and all other montra of degrading terms over situations none of us was a privy to witness. Not every black man is Kobe or Tiger, nor should be, I don't see this kind of crap written about Ryan Leaf or Janikowski.

The simply fact is say what you want AI is still got more money and clout that most people, and could care less what any of you think.

I've said several time when accused of racism for my hatred of sissy ball that race has nothing to do with basketball and everything to do with society in general. I am sick of ad hominim arguments that correlate AI's media image with the rest of his life. When I see AI I see someone with a stylish look. Unfortunately many of you just see black. It is a shame. I am sure many of you will call me typical or racist, but maybe you should look at yourself. You have made value jugdments about someone you dont know dont understand and frankly dont give a s#!t about, isn't that the true definition of prejudice.

" How do you rate it when only thugs with nothing relate to it" - Jay Z

PS AI could get in alot of trouble I was at a party he and Rkelly had, twice while I was around young wannabes accousted him in an aggressive manner both time he handled it well. So from what I've seen AI has good head on his shoulders.

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Why is it that you always have to bring race into a discussion. Its always about race or origin, always. Whether its poor young black kids getting harrassed or sissy white boy euro ballers, its always got something to do with race or origin. I have met a few people who live in such a conspiracy filled world like yourself and it really made me laugh. Not everything revolves around race or origin. Iverson would be a thug no matter if he was white, black, mexican, korean, etc........a thug is a thug.

Oh and by the way I dont know of anyone defending Ryan Leaf or Sebastian Janikowski. Both of them are headcases, although Leaf is way out there, but I dont remember him being arrested for anything or incarcerated for 4 months......do u?

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