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Poll: whos better- Michael Vick or Peyton Manning?


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Ignore age + money...

u own a franchise... u want to win the superbowl next year. in the offseason, u can get ONLY 1... vick or manning.

who u pick?


- manning is better than both of them in the pocket

- vick is better than both of them outside the pocket

- mcnair is in between manning/vick.


- manning hasnt won an important game yet (playoff). failed 3 times in a row... but then again, his defense didnt really help him in the past

- vick beat a heavily favored Packers team last year with FARVE (a top 5 qb all time)

- mcnair was 1 yard shy from winning the superbowl few years ago.

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If they could both have equal teams around them, I would take Vick.

I'm also a Vols fan by birth, so I'm not going to hate on Peyton.

But Peyton is just a good QB. Vick is one of a kind. The only reason Vick doesn't get the pocket credit is because he doesn't have an Oline that allows him to stay there. If he had a line that could guarantee him a good 4-5 seconds on every play, like many QB's have, he would be deadly. Right now he has to use his speed just to stay alive. WHen he's allowed to use it for what it is, a tool, he'll be unstoppable.

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i have yet to pick a side.... or a QB, i should say...

but what u mentioned is VERY IMPORTANT. of the 3 quarterbacks, the Falcons have the WORST OLine.

also keep in mind that Manning has Harrison. Harrison is prob the best POSSESSION wide receiver and a definite top 3 with moss/owens (its arguable whos the best of the 3).

McNair doesnt have high-profiled WRs. He does have a good Tight End however.

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Well, Peyton has a high powered offense. I mean, a strong running game with James, and he has some good recievers.

McNair seems to be working with mirrors. He doesn't have the recievers. He has a running back, but George hasn't been elite in a long time....maybe never. So McNair seems to do it with Less.

Vick doesn't have amenities that Peyton has. He doesn't have the line... But Vick has something that those other two don't have. Extra dimensions. Vick can throw just as far as either of those guys. He's just as accurate. In fact, his passes are simply amazing when you look at the mechanics of many of them.

In short, Vick reminds me alot of Elway when he first came into the league. Stronger, Faster than other QBs. But Vick is the fastest player this league has seen... At most any position except reciever. Because of That, Vick can change any game. He punished carolina by himself.

All in all, I say it's probably McNair. McNair puts up great numbers, plays hurt every week. He can run and pass. And his team wins because he takes them to victory... All that and he doesn't have The receivers....

It's like comparing Marino, Montana, and Elway...

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nd his team wins because he takes them to victory..."

Actually the Titans are winning because of how many

bad teams they have beat. They haven't beat a legit

challenger this year. And no, Carolina is not a legit

chanllenger...They are fools gold.





Are the challengers




Green Bay

Those are the bogus teams.

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How good would Vick be on this years Colts.

You cant slam one without asking yourself how they would do in the others position.

You give Peyton the Falcons Oline and lets see how good his accuracy is. Lets see how many INTs he has. He'd get sacked 5 times a game because he doesn't have the ability to evade an old man one rollerskates with a parachute on his back.

Vick has one of, if not the, strongest arm in the game and is pretty damned accurate with his passes (didn't give up his first INT until what, week 14?). You give him the line that some of these other QB's have and he'll dominate in the pocket or out.

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If you put Peyton behind Vick's Line.. With Vick's running game and Vick's Recievers last year, does Payton go to the playoffs and does he beat GB??

The answer is NO. WIth better Line and recievers, the colts got stumped by the Jets in the WC game.

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He's nowhere near Elway.

Elway can read the field. Elway can go through 4-5 reads in less than 3 seconds. Elway can make presnap reads. Elway had a sense of where he was in the pocket. The only time Elway ran was when he absolutely had to.

Vick does none of these. Vick is told to run when his first option isn't open. Until he learns how to actually be a quarterback, he will never be a great quarterback.

He's nothing like McNair was. McNair was a passer when he came out of college. He set all sorts of passing records at the 1AA level when he was at Alcorn State.

A run first QB like Vick has never won the Superbowl, and they never will. Thank God the NFL has a great QB prospect like Eli Manning coming into the league. He may not have Vick's arm, but he can certainly pass circles around him with his ability to read the field.

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thats a first...

Well, im pretty neutral with Vick. I have a friend that got to meet him (he was a HUGE FAN) and vick was a complete ass with his "i am a hotshot, dont come close to me" attitude. but then again, Vick gets our team winning... so, im pretty neutral. i love havin him in ATL tho.

i dont think Diesel is exactly comparin Elway to Vick... Vicks potential hasnt even been reached while Elway's career is long gone and over. I think hes comparing their GAMES.

but i do agree, Elway ran when he had to... relied on mostly arm. As for now, Vick relies on his legs more often. Without his leg, hes just a fast passer without the field vision the GREAT ONES have.

- still, i get the feelin ur hatin on the NEW 2k look of QB... do u not like the transition that most QB these days are tryin to emulate Vick more than Manning? IMO, i love it! i love the fact that theres Vicks out there as well as Mannings. I love the fact that Eli Manning is comin in as a tradition "stay in the pocket" QB. i love Gtechs freshy QB who runs like Vick. but to me, it seems like u dont enjoy it as much...

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KB was too busy dogging him to mention that when you have an offensive line than cant give you more than 2 seconds in the pocket, and you can run, YOU HAVE TO RUN OFTEN.

He also failed to mention that last year, Vicks oline wasn't much better, if any better, than it is now. He also didn't have anyone to throw the ball to.

I'ts kinda hard to judge a guy on reading plays and making passes from the pocket when:

1. He can't stay in the pocket because his Oline STINKS.

2. He hasn't had anyone to throw to since he got here.

Because I've seen the guy make some amazing passes. Quick, on the money passes. Those aren't bail out, my arm is strong passes. Those are knowing where a guy is going to be and getting him the ball. Isn't that "reading plays"?

How many times last year did vick make teams entire secondary look like fools by hitting Finneran under double coverage, only to have Finneran drop the ball? At least 4-5 per game...

He's the best all around QB in the game, period. You give him the luxuries that some of these other "great" QB's have, and then we can talk. Because without those luxuries they wouldn't even get compared.

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Did you ever watch Elway when he first entered into the league???

Elway was brought in with the same fan fair as Vick... Even had the same HC. Elway was a strong armed QB who could run. Vick is a Strong armed QB who can run. Vick just does it much better than anybody who has ever picked up a ball.


I think Art Shell says it best here...

In reply to:

We're not talking about the same speed, but you can compare Vick's emergence to that of John Elway in the mid-80's. As with Vick, you had to plan for John Elway. He certainly wasn't as fast as Vick, but at that time, his ability to run with the football was fantastic. He made plays with his legs and he also beat you with his arm -- just like Vick does now.

Vick is doing the same things Elway was doing when he came into the league, but Vick is doing them at a faster pace.

Oh and that ability to read defenses, that didn't become evident until the Broncos got some good linemen in front of Elway. Elway was considered one of the worst reading QBs in football until shannahan started to work with him and he got some linemen. Just wait til McKay put some good Linemen in front of Vick! Vick is already Calm and magical with the ball in his hand.

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Best Quarterback --- Peyton Manning

Best Athlete -- Michael Vick

Manning is a superior QB to Vick. He has a quick

understanding of the game -- He knows how and he has

the ability to carry thru with it.

Vick is by far the best athlete of the two. He can do

things that Manning can only dream about. While Manning

has a strong and accurate arm, Vick is probably stronger.

Just not as accurate. Not yet, any way.

Vick can escape the rush and make moves with exciting

speed like no other Q.B. any of us have seen in the N.F.L.

Comparing these two, ignoring age, is like comparing

apples and oranges. Both are round and grow on trees.

Both are Quarterbacks. Two entirely different men

who both happen to play the same position.

My favorite team - National division - Atlanta

American division --Indianapolis.

I would love it, if next season, they both end up in the

Super Bowl!!

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