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Off Topic Question of the Day 6-12....


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It's actually 2 questions.


1.  Who is your favorite Superhero (Comics, MCU, DCCU)?

2.  Who do you believe is the strongest Superhero  (i.e. Able to be the last man/woman standing in a Universe wide Battle)?


No poll for this one.. By answers only. 

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Favorite superhero is Spiderman

Strongest superhero has to superman cause the creators gave him every power possible and he's unkillable unless you have this green rock....

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1 hour ago, akay said:

Favorite superhero is Spiderman

Strongest superhero has to superman cause the creators gave him every power possible and he's unkillable unless you have this green rock....

What about the sun??

Not to mention Doomsday and Brainiac?

Just now, Diesel said:

What about the sun??

Not to mention Doomsday and Brainiac?

I feel you on Spiderman though.   Not my favorite but much respect. 


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4 hours ago, Diesel said:

What about the sun??

Not to mention Doomsday and Brainiac?

I feel you on Spiderman though.   Not my favorite but much respect. 


I'll be honest, all i know about superman is from this video I watched like 10 years ago lol - 


In the vid though, IIRC, Supes got energy from the sun, and if there was a star around he was pretty much invincible so under most circumstances no one can kill him.


Unless you're batman with prep time - then you beat everyone 😛  

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16 hours ago, akay said:

Favorite superhero is Spiderman

Strongest superhero has to superman cause the creators gave him every power possible and he's unkillable unless you have this green rock....

agree wiht this.


Spidey my favorite ANIEC.


Strongest if far and away Superman to the point where it's pretty much ruined his character.


Strongest MCU hero is probably Thor or Hulk unless you believe the movies in which case it's Ms Marvel.  

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I would probably be missing 

For Marvel, you've got some very overpowered characters who usually come with psychological issues like Legion, Sentry (Marvel's Superman with a ton of other abilities on top), and Molecule Man.  Don't know if the Beyonder really qualifies as a hero but he is very close to ominpotent.  Those guys can all just will reality to change which kind of beats out being "really strong."

For DC, the most powerful version of Superman probably has it (Superman Prime) with The Spectre and Dr. Manhattan getting honorable mentions for me.

For my personal favorite, I don't know that I have one person but the X-Men are my favorite group.  Like the themes they explore, the found family elements, and the range of and contrast between the characters.

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13 hours ago, AHF said:

I would probably be missing 

For Marvel, you've got some very overpowered characters who usually come with psychological issues like Legion, Sentry (Marvel's Superman with a ton of other abilities on top), and Molecule Man.  Don't know if the Beyonder really qualifies as a hero but he is very close to ominpotent.  Those guys can all just will reality to change which kind of beats out being "really strong."

For DC, the most powerful version of Superman probably has it (Superman Prime) with The Spectre and Dr. Manhattan getting honorable mentions for me.

For my personal favorite, I don't know that I have one person but the X-Men are my favorite group.  Like the themes they explore, the found family elements, and the range of and contrast between the characters.

Because of those guys like Beyonder I was going to keep it to the MCU and the DCCU but then you got Nick what's his face playing GhostRider..Yuck...   Daredevil being a Punk... Batman having no powers....Until he wants to fight Superman on one on one????  And the Green Latern... Damn.  so much potential.. wasted. 

I'm the guy hoping DCCU gets their stuff together because they can't put together a good story for nothing... Well, I liked Black Adam a little and Justice League...the Snyder Cut.  We want more of that..  And who green lighted Wonder Woman 1984??  Fire them!

The MCU is not without is failings.   Too much disney. Thank God that the XMen are sheltered from the Disney Cinematic Universe.  Otherwise, you'd have Jean Grey Dancing with the Stars with She Hulk.



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7 hours ago, Diesel said:

Because of those guys like Beyonder I was going to keep it to the MCU and the DCCU but then you got Nick what's his face playing GhostRider..Yuck...   Daredevil being a Punk... Batman having no powers....Until he wants to fight Superman on one on one????  And the Green Latern... Damn.  so much potential.. wasted. 

I'm the guy hoping DCCU gets their stuff together because they can't put together a good story for nothing... Well, I liked Black Adam a little and Justice League...the Snyder Cut.  We want more of that..  And who green lighted Wonder Woman 1984??  Fire them!

The MCU is not without is failings.   Too much disney. Thank God that the XMen are sheltered from the Disney Cinematic Universe.  Otherwise, you'd have Jean Grey Dancing with the Stars with She Hulk.



Disney owns the x-men now so we’ll see what they do with them.  They have owned them for several years so they are taking some time with it.  Fox’s x-men content was hit and miss but the highs were so good:  Logan, Deadpool, X2, Days of Future Past, and First Class being my absolute favorites.  The Legion TV show is also weird, interesting, and pretty fantastic.  

I’m optimistic with James Gunn having become the central planner for DC.  Liked his Guardian movies and his Suicide Squad movie (the one with polka dot man and staro).  I enjoyed bits and pieces of Snyder’s work but am very glad he is not running the show at DC anymore.  BvS was absolutely painful to sit through in its dour tone and stupid writing.  Snyder does not do joy or hope and many of those characters  (should) have that as their core instead of being tortured Christ figures.  Watchman remains his best comic book movie by a long shot, imo. Wonder Woman represents the highs and lows of non-Snyder DC for me.  The first was amazing other than the third act fight (which was forced by the studio) and the second was an absolute train wreck of a disaster, just brutally bad in nearly every way.  

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I didn’t read many comics growing up. Blue Beetle and a few other random comics. 
As an adult, though, I curated an art exhibition of artists who were influenced by comics, which got me into reading a bunch of graphic novels and TPS, mostly from Image Comics. I’ll read most anything by Allen Moore and Jonathan Hickman. Watchman, Promethea, Black Monday Murders, Sandman, Lazarus, Saga.

IDK about a favorite character, but my absolute favorite series is East of West by Hickman. 
And sticking with these comics, I’ll go with @AHF and say Dr. Manhattan for strongest. 

I love watching all the MCU stuff, but I honestly don’t know comic cannon that well. 

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45 minutes ago, bird_dirt said:

I didn’t read many comics growing up. Blue Beetle and a few other random comics. 
As an adult, though, I curated an art exhibition of artists who were influenced by comics, which got me into reading a bunch of graphic novels and TPS, mostly from Image Comics. I’ll read most anything by Allen Moore and Jonathan Hickman. Watchman, Promethea, Black Monday Murders, Sandman, Lazarus, Saga.

IDK about a favorite character, but my absolute favorite series is East of West by Hickman. 
And sticking with these comics, I’ll go with @AHF and say Dr. Manhattan for strongest. 

I love watching all the MCU stuff, but I honestly don’t know comic cannon that well. 

I know more of my comic "cannon" from the cartoons many of us watched which for me included the X-Men show, the Spiderman cartoons, Batman & Superman TAS, Justice League, Static Shock, etc.  To call myself out as a nerd, I still watch some of these today like Invincible, Young Justice, etc. (and non-comic ones like Archer, Castlevania, etc.).

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