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TB Wins!


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The Yankees lose. I wonder what trade the Yankees will make to off set their loss today. LOL.

It's funny how a team plays when they have no pressure on them to win. Devil Rays came out lose and relaxed and it showed on the field. Similar to the Marlins in the World Series.

On the other hand the Yankees came out and played a bad game. With the loss the NY spotlight gets a little hotter. There is so much pressure for this team to win. I don't think it is going to be enjoyable for them.

I feel teams play better when they are relaxed and having fun. Don't get me wrong the Yankees will still probably be the best team in baseball. I just feel there is something to say about a team that has so much pressure to win that it isn't even enjoyable.

Like I have said in the past, if the Yankees win it's not that big of a deal they are suppose to win. It's like a sigh of relief then a feeling of accomplishment.

If they lose then they are considered a failure. Because they have built the best team in baseball through George's greed and obsession for winning.

Yankee fans enjoy a stress filled season. Maybe not so much the fans, but almost for certain the players and coaches will be going through plenty of medication to get them through the season.


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How about that, sports fans! The Yankees are in last

place, all by themselves! No one has as bad a record

as the Yankees this season!!!

Dang, it felt good to say that. We all know that the

Yam Yankees will win lots and lots of games, and as you

said, they are expected to win all the time.

It can't last, but remember ---

The Yankees are in last place, all alone!!!

Yeah !!!

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It doesnt matter who they plug into the Yankees system, there will always be chemistry. Thats the atmosphere that Torre has created and its the Yankee way. My only concern is that the pitching is a little old and there are no lefty starters at this point. Right now they have more than enough offense to beat anyone in the game and a great bullpen....but pitching will determine this seasons success or failure.

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C'mon man, take off the yankee blinders. That team hasn't had a leader or chemistry in three years and as a result, no championship. That will be no different this year.

They've got tons of offense....but what's new? They've been buying offense for the last three years in hopes that it will be enough to win and it hasn't.

They've got two great pitchers in Vasquez and Mussina. Though Mussina has gotten progressively worse over the last few years. Brown is a question mark. He had a great season last year. But has struggled with injuries and he's old for a power pitcher. Power pitchers do not age well, especially those with what, two elbow surgeries?

They'll have a great regular season and will get knocked out of the post season by a team with better chemistry that wants it more.

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Wow was Pedro fantastic last night or what? Never had a pitch over 91 miles per hour? Talk about a pitcher past his prime. Gonna be sad to see the Red Sox finish in 3rd or 4th in the division this year because their superstar pitcher is simply ordinary now.

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Red Sox fans should worry, maybe? Just like the Yankees they came back to win the 2nd game after Mussina got roughed up. I expect the Sox will do the same. I would still take Martinez over Mussina. Should be fun watching those two teams beat up each other and crying about one thing or another throughout the season.


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What the heck do you call Derek Jeter? He has been their leader for about 7 years now. He doesnt have the same type of character guys around him like before with Tino and Oneil and Brosius but they are worlds better talent wise both offensively and defensively than they were in years past. The reason that they have lost the last 3 post seasons is that they played some good teams who were on fire at the time. Nobody would have beaten Schilling/Johnson that year they won the WS and then the next year the Angels were unstoppable and then the same last year with the Marlins. An aging pitching staff and players who werent willing to work the count (Soriano) are the biggest reasons on the Yankees side as to why they lost though, its certainly not because of a lack of chemistry or leaders.

Just watch this year with Jeter or Lofton leading off and not breaking strikeout records like Soriano and you will see how much more productive this machine is. They are capable of scoring 10 runs on anyone in baseball on a daily basis and it wont matter about pitching when you have a veteran offense capable of doing that.

If Kevin Brown stays healthy and Vasquez plays up to his potential thats 2 pitchers that can go for them and dominate in the post season as well and Mussina is still solid although not nearly the pitcher he used to be.

The only thing that can keep the Yankees from winning the world series this year will either be injuries or too much reliance on the long ball or maybe a lack of a starting lefty.

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yes the Sox fans should definitely worry because this is not the same Pedro. Did you see the game last night? He has changed his delivery and has lost 5-8 MPH on his fastball and thats a HUGE difference for a guy like Pedro. I really believe that he is almost done. If Schilling doesnt come in and dominate it will be a good but not great year for the Sox.

Mussina certainly isnt the pitcher that he used to be, but by the end of the year he should only be the #3 starter so I am not too worried about it.

As far as taking Pedro over Moose, maybe.....but Moose is a much smarter pitcher who doesnt have to rely on blowing people away to beat them so that gives him an advantage when neither of them have their physical games. I would absolutely take Kevin Brown over Pedro and Vasquez over Pedro as well.

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I wouldn't be so quick to write Martinez off. It's the first game of the year and it was 40 degrees outside. I would see how he is doing in the middle of summer before I say he is washed up.

Who knows about Brown? He could get an injury that sidelines him for most of the year. That has happen more times than Pedro having a subpar year.

I also don't think you give Pedro enough credit in his pitching ability. Over the last few years I have seen Pedro get by with little velocity. In those situations he had to pitch and not blow people away. Granted he is a lot better when he airs it out. But, I have seen him win both ways. Only time will tell. I just wouldn't be so quick to discard Pedro.


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