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Who will capture Hank Aaron's record?


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In this order....

1. Barry

2. A-Rod

3. Pujols

Dont see anyone else in baseball that has the potential to hit that many. Maybe Adam Dunn....but he is a long ways off right now. I dont think that either Sosa or Griffey will have the staying power to get there.

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Aaron's record is truly amazing.

Bonds can get it if he stays healthy enough to hit 29 hrs for the next 3 yrs.

Sosa can get it if he stays healthy enough to hit 29 hrs for the next 7.

ARod can get it if he stays healthy enough to hit 29 for the next 13.

Pujols is too early to tell. He's only at 133 in his 4th year. He has had a quick start..

I didn't look up Jrs. Like Pujols Jr had a great start but injuries slowed him down. However, he's still in it.

I think Barry will get it and likely be challenged by Arod.

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Yeah it really is a truly amazing record. It will be broken by Bonds though. Bonds is the greatest power hitter this game has ever seen. Even after what 17-18 years of being in the game now he is still the best player in the game (offensively at least). I dont see any reason to see him not breaking it.

A-Rod is such a physical freak and with him being an infielder and not taking the pounding that outfielders get I dont see him getting seriously injured like Griffey Jr. So because of that I dont see any reason to believe he wont consistently hit 40-50 every year.

Pujols is an amazing hitter and might be the best ever when all is said and done, but he is still so young and anything could happen. He is on some kind of pace though.

Adam Dunn isnt far behind these guys. He actually grew up down the street from me and played for my rival HS (although he is younger than me so we didnt play against each other). He has more power than any hitter I have ever seen. Piazza or Big Mac are the only hitters I have seen in my lifetime that can hit the ball like him. Durability might be a question with him because he is so big, but he is close to 100 career HRs already, not too far behind Pujols and I believe he has been around 1 year less than Pujols.

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I dont know if A-Rod has the desire to play that long, but he is in great physical condition and has an incredible desire to be the best, so I can see him wanting to hold the all time HR record. Question is, how much will Barry break it by?

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He doesn't deserve the honor of replacing one of sports classiest guys in the record books. If he breaks it, maybe they could put an asterisk by his name to denote "modern era" so generations from now they will know that while many records were broken in this era, they were all tainted by the shadow of performance enhancing drugs.

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you know that they'll never asterik the record, should it be broken. You also gotta have faith in something...that being the American Legal System....and realize that if it's there, it will be found. I mean, people still vaunt Big Mac...and yet he took a proven steroid precursor...and was open about it...and most don't care. Also, don't think that the guys, back in the day, didn't use "performance enhancing" substances, particularly greenies, which you now can't do....It's not like it was a pristine game before...but much like the Presidency and any other "public" job, the media now has no bounds to which they can envade...thus the people know much more, right or wrong.

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Dude you can say what you want, but performance enhancing drugs don't make you the most feared hitter ever. And they damn sure don't win all those gold gloves he won, or keep his batting average as high as it is. The guy is probably in the top 3 of the best ever. Rather you like him or not you need to give him his due.

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I never said "performance enhancers" made bonds a great hitter. He's ALWAYS been a great hitter....

But there is a HUGE difference in being a great hitter and being a guy that can turn a routine pop out to left center into a 500' home run! THAT is what performance enhancers do and HAVE DONE for Barry Bonds. They took a guy who couldn't hit 50 Hr's in the most watered down pitching era EVER and made him into a guy that hits 49 one year and 73 the next....

But I never said he didn't deserve to be considered a great player. Surely he does... But he DOES NOT deserve to detrone a man like Hank Aaron. A man who earned the record with nothing more than a great, great swing. A guy who did it in one of the toughest pitching eras in modern baseball.

Bonds doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence with Aaron.

I'll give him his due and I'll deliver it in the form of a hat and scarf to cover that chemically mishapen head of his.

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Selig has proven that the "image" of baseball is much more important than the legitimacy of it. Instead of stepping up to the steroid issue, facing it and dealing with it. He made it an off-limits subject and wouldn't allow anyone to talk about it.

He knows they have a problem. But baseballs popularity is on the rise again. He won't do anything to risk that.

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......is like putting your faith into the Trial Lawyers' Association to get something done about malpractice. It is misguided faith.

A perfect example of the Legal System is the case in Alabama, where a man convicted of raping and sodomizing a 12 year old girl just had his sentence suspended from 10 years to 60 days.

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question: with all this "grand jury testimony," which is supposed to be off the record, top secret, now coming out into the open, at least with Montgomery...I pose to you this: are y'all in favour of this? on the one hand, yes, it cleans up the sport to a degree, cheaters get caught...and it will spreda to baseball,it's a matter of time.

but it is against thelaw, againstwhat the cdourts promised these athletes for their true, full testimony....

are you it ok with it nowbeing leaker?

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