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Philly and Cleveland make a trade!!


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Philly trades Eric Snow to Cavliers for Kevin Ollie and Kedric Brown? If thats all it took to get Snow we should of been all over that. He would of been perfect to slide JT over to SG with.

Who is going to play PG for Philly now? Do you think Iverson will take over that role? Or do you think they have a enough faith in Igualadala(sorry on spelling)?

This is scrolling across the bottom of NBA TV if anyone wanted to know my source.

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perhaps you underrate that ability though, esp. with a young team (the Cavs) in need of stability and smart play...a pg who can control the tempo. It's the skill that JT has been the furthest from mastering as a pg, something that many young pg's don't possess (and those from the NBDL, as they're often trying to impress the brass, earn their worth).

overpaid (but James isn't due in the next three years, and Z comes off the books after this year). they can spend, and need the stability...I mean, when McInnis went down...that's why they fell out of the playoff race, to the team that, imo, was the worst playoff team in recent memory.

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I am not suggesting that we take on his contract. Just the thought of him in the backcourt running the o dishing dimes to King James is something I would pay to see. Snow is a solid PG. He will make the cavs a much better team next season.

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The Cavs lack a legitimate post presence with the departure of Boozer. That will hurt them more than many people think.

LeBron James is a special player though. That guy can elevate the level of talent around him. The Cavs will be in the hunt for a playoff spot, and it wouldn't surprise me to see them finish ahead of the underachieving Bulls in that division.

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