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Damp/Woodson to talk...


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he does like Atlanta...close to his home, etc

he just wants to get a SNT to NY to get more money and play in NY

but he likes atlanta if he must...just wants us to pay him more

also, i heard he doesn't like that we may trade him...he'd rather stay here if he signs ... so he does like ATL

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For the sake of argument, let assume that you are correct, Dampier is the best thing to come out in FA for the next three years. Is he worth the hassle and the wait, NO! Why because at the end of the day employee number 1 is disgruntled. (Besides in three years Swift could be as good but probably better than Damp, but for the sake of argument I will go along with this hollow reasoning) His desire to play in New York will eat at him and his "frustration" with playing with another "rebuilding" team will poison his attitude. This unsatisfaction may spill over to the baby hawks. D. you are ignoring the most important aspect of athletics- mental attitude. He could possibly poison the team and disrupt chemistry because he was forced to play here.

Moreover, all those other players that "fell" to us because they could not go where they wanted to were signed to short term one year deals, none of them are still on the team and we both know they all were playing for big paydays. (Even hendu plays well on contract years) Damp is losing his payday and running out of time- there will be no contract year for him if he signs here for a while. Damp will have nothing but character to play for if we "end up" with him. I fear he will play out his "sentence" pouting here in Atlanta.

The best thing that could happen if we end up with him is to trade him to someone else who will do "anything" to get him because they need him to compete for and in the playoffs. I do not want him as a long term "piece" of this team because he has already demonstrated and verbalized that he would rather play somewhere else.

We cannot ignore this facts and hope he will have a change of heart. Every dance must end- It is what we in the real world call life. Windows of opportunity never stay open indefinitely, maybe in Oz but not here on earth. This window is closing--- Damp are you in or out? Your choice

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Everything I have read about Damp points to a desire to play in NY. He even publically said that he did not want to play for Atlanta because he considers us in the "rebuilding stage." I would love to have him in the middle but only if he truly wants to play for us. With the cookie jar almost empty we may end up with him anyway. I just hope that a change of heart comes along with the signing of his name on our offer sheet. We will have a very good front court if he comes in, I hope that fact changes his mind. If he is still undecided after discussing with Knight the recent moves we have made, forget about him- and move on.

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Read the title again.. It says thinking Critically..


Is he worth the hassle and the wait, NO! Why because at the end of the day employee number 1 is disgruntled.

First off.... He would be less disgruntled because we are his best option. Period. If he's mad at anybody it's GS... But he still gets a fair deal.

Second. back to the Critical thinking.

Is he worth the wait? Well, let's see... The only C prospects coming down the Pike in the next three years are:

Theo, Big Z, Curry, James, Potapenko, and other sorry jokers...

Of those, Theo is the best and we have been down that road before.

So is Damp worth our wait...

What's the alternative??


Besides in three years Swift could be as good but probably better than Damp, but for the sake of argument I will go along with this hollow reasoning

I'm glad you didn't put yourself out there because I would have to point out that Antoine Walker is as big as Swift. Swift is 6'9 230... That's not C material.


His desire to play in New York will eat at him and his "frustration" with playing with another "rebuilding" team will poison his attitude.

This is hilarious. You think he has a desire to play in NY that keeps him awake at night??? Come on man. The only reason he wants to go to NY is because they will pay him 6 yr 67 million (out of the mouth of Thomas) if they could work a SNT. That's it. Damp opted out for the money. His goal is the money. Our offer is weak moneywise but it's still the best offer on the table...


The best thing that could happen if we end up with him is to trade him to someone else who will do "anything" to get him because they need him to compete for and in the playoffs.

Yes, I agree. If he is soured by being in Atlanta, we trade him for something good. However, you suggest that we walk away from that possibility??? Why? Sought after players with easy contracts are much better than Capspace. Just imagine what Memphis would give for Damp? Just imagine what Orlando would give for Damp? Just imagine what Toronto might give for Damp. Now what does Not having Damp prosper us? We don't have the possibility for trade...

Yes every dance must end. And the further we go, the more leverage we get on him signing with us. Just LIKE Jax... Or have you forgotten that too?

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It seems that Dampier should know that we are his best option and sign our offer sheet. Does that translate into happiness-No!!!! Even if we end up with him our best bet would be to trade him unless he shows a real desire to play here-period.(As we did with Jackson)

"This is hilarious. You think he has a desire to play in NY that keeps him awake at night??? Come on man. The only reason he wants to go to NY is because they will pay him 6 yr 67 million (out of the mouth of Thomas) if they could work a SNT. That's it. Damp opted out for the money. His goal is the money. Our offer is weak moneywise but it's still the best offer on the table..."

What is hilarious is that he walked away from money at GS, a bird in the hand, to pursue two birds in a bush- more money. I don't think anything "keeps him up at night" but the thought of not having more money. He is probably kicking himself from walking away from GS. My concern about his "motivation" is right on target. If he is forced to come here, he "may" play with a sour attitude and be less than motivated to play his best...which is not outstanding anyway. I do not know of any human being that works very hard when they know or "feel" they are being under paid or exploited. Thanks for proving my point for me.

If anyone does any walking it will be Damp and his idot agent. Nevertheless, this window must close at some point, opportunities do not last forever. There are other roster spots that need addressing and Damp has honestely become a distraction.

I would love to have him for a season or two, but he seems determined to go elsewhere. The Hawks must be prepared to live with that.

When it is all said and done we may end up with this guy, and I will be the first to commend BK for another job well done. He did not overpay for a big man with average talent, that is a hard thing to do in todays market. The window is still open for now.

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We should either give up on FAcy or overpay every free agent that comes our way. The bottom line truth is that Atlanta won't be any FAs first choice until we build a reputation for winning.

So is that the answer... Just give up on Free Agency?

Or maybe we trust that a player will be professional... like we have always trusted...

Did not making what he thought he should make sour Nique and make him give less effort?

Go back in your History.. Nique was upset that Koncak was making as much as he did... However, did that stop Nique from giving maximum effort? Did Nique pout and catch an attitude about being here?

What you will find is that this huge umberalla that you're trying to spread across Damp might not fit.

If we get him... Good.

If not Good.

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With the addition of Walker I think the Hawks would be

better to get Dampier than before. Before, I didn't think

it was all that great of a fit. I think with the team now

he is more likely to help.

Lets not forget Walker will become a free agent at the end of the season, so do you still think it would be wise to add Dampier?

Dampier just isn't the guy that I think will be able to hold his own if the Hawks were in the playoffs.

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But in the Center-deprived East(with the exception of Shaq), Dampier wouldn't do too badly here.

But then again, there's the Walker factor like you said. Maybe Dampier will think that Walker will most likely be traded or Walk away....

Dampier has a very big decision to make....

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Lets not forget Walker will become a free agent at the end of the season, so do you still think it would be wise to add Dampier?

Dampier just isn't the guy that I think will be able to hold his own if the Hawks were in the playoffs."

Yes, because even if we trade Walker or he walks if Erick

is signed to a respectable contract he could be tradeable


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Noooooooooooo! Do not place words in my mouth. Never said or implied we should give up on the process-you might try actually reading what I said.....You either have a eye problem or just like to say things that stir people up. I repeatedly suggested a sunset clause....let me repeat sunset clause. I do not view that as giving up on free agency; If u view that as giving up on free agency, that is your problem and interpretation. I view it as good business.....not wishful thinking.

Thus far Damp is not in our camp so all of this speculation, history, and theory (or "logic" as you put it) is moot.

Since BK is content on waiting it out for Damp, why don't we just leave it at that and not begin to question basketball acumen.

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Do not place words in my mouth. Never said or implied we should give up on the process-you might try actually reading what I said.


In my opinion if we should talk to him today, and
if he does not sign-we should forget about him and move on.
Let us not lose other opportunities "waiting" on this guy.

Just giving a fancy name does not change what it is....

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