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I don't think Smith will make a contribution this season.

However, I think BK has put together a solid team. We really don't have a superstar but we have competitive players at every position 2 deep. We also have a ton of versalitility(sp).

Anderson plays one position but everyone else can play at least two and some can even play three. If these guys come to play and we get another C/PF, we might surprise a few people and creep into the Playoffs.

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Out of all the rookies I think Josh Smith is the one that is going to make the most contribution to this team. He showed he can hit the 3 with consistency, he can block shots with consistency and he can flat out slam with consistency.

His defense is amazing for a youngster and for this reason alone he will get some playing time and contribute.

The kid can block some shots on any 2, 3 or 4.

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I just want to comment that I think Coach Woodson is taking the wrong approach in that it seems he wants to take things slow with Josh Smith his first year, treat him like a little lost kid. I read some comments by Stan Van Gundy and he basically said that he doesn't care about taking it slow with Dorrell Wright because he is a highschooler. He said if he can play this year he will let him play. I think the Hawks should take the same approach with Josh Smith.

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Exactly...That is my fear of Woodson's statements. It seems as if Josh will be on the bench this year just to watch and learn. I think this would be a huge mistake. If he can contribute in some way his 1st year then play the kid. I believe learning by fire is more productive than watching.

I know he can contribute defensively right now!! Who on this present team blocks shots on the 2, 3 and 4 like Josh Smith...right now?

Answer: No one!!

He would be foolish not to play him his 1st year.

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I say that you earn the PT you get. I wouldn't mind if CC started over Walker if he played better. I don't think that the fact that you are a first round pick gets you an automatic starting job. The Hawks are trying hard to change the losing culture that wont happen if you just throw out a bunch of rookies and inexperenced players. For all that my point is simple: play the people who earn the playing time.

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Oh I totally agree. You have to earn your minutes, but it sounds like Woodson already has preconceived notions of what his starting lineup will be and preconceived notions of which rookie is ready to play or not. According to his statements, he doesn't think J. Smith is ready to play yet.

Now I have no problem with this, just make these decisions off of actual play and production. Thus far Smith is the most impressive looking rookie.

But I agree he has to earn his minutes, which I really think he can!!

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Woodson's comments are just part of the mental preparation. I don't think they are any indicator of how much playing time he's going to get. But the best thing a coach can do for him is keep the hype low. He's going to get plenty of playing time. Its a long season.

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The only barometer anyone has right now is the Summer League games and Smith was not only the best looking player on the squad but one of the best looking rookies in the entire league.

Games are always more valueable than practices in determining a players true value.

I kind of sounded like Iverson for a second there....I have to watch myself.

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The only thing that you have seen Smith, Childress and the rest of the rookies do was play in the summer league. Once again, summer league means nothing. Playing well in it does not mean you are ready for the NBA. Smith has a lot of learning to do and I agree he has to earn his PT. I just think he will not be ready this season to get extended minutes. It will come but not this season. Very few HSers have made contributions their rookie season...Stodomire(sp), James and to a lesser extend Garnett. The rest had to learn the game before they were ready to explode.

I think Childress will have a better rookie season although he will be lucky to get 10 ppg. He will be a solid player in years to come though too IMO.

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Play them or let them sit?

Well, from the world of Football.

Both Vick and McNair sat... and I think that sat behind the same guy?? Anyway, did that make them better or not?

On to basketball....

Kobe and KG were both HSers who had to be bleed into their minutes.... LJames and Kwame were played..

The bottom line is that I don't know....

It all depends on the players. I would hope that Camp will help with the details...

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It is important that we win some games this year. Having all the FA money means nothing if we can't win. People don't want to go to a losing situation. We couldn't even attract Damp or MArtin.

If we win some games and put a competetive team on the floor then FAs will be interested next year when we have a lot of money under the cap.

Playing all the young guys may hinder that. I think most rookies are not ready for big minutes right away. Make them earn it. If they deserve to play then play them. Otherwise they need to sit and watch and learn.

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Who will play "BIG" minutes? Early on, I expect the

veteran players to get the most of the playing time.

As the season grows, I expect the playing time for the

younger players to slowly increase. I would hope that

they get to play, if only for a short few minutes, in

almost all the games.

If the young kids can get 4 / 5 minutes per half, that

will allow them to gain experience and allow the older

players some breathing time.

As they gain confidence and experience, I would hope

and expect to see their playing time increase.

All this isbased on not having any injuries. If one

of the veteran players gets hurt, this makes it necessary

for these youngsters to step in and play major minutes.

And, from experience, we know this is going to happen.

It always does, especially to the Hawks.

Gues we'll just have to wait and see. This is just my

opinion and we all know that opinions are like noses,

everyone has one of their very own.

Go Hawks !!!


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