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our FIRST WIN! but- Good news or Bad news?


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okay, im as happy as the next hawks fan- but think about this for a second. check out the box score.

EVERYONE on our team shot well. either close to 50% or better.* w/ 1 exception- AL HARRINGTON. Harrington had a rough night (6-17 shooting)

*(btw- I didnt include guys who had 8 minutes or less playing time as they all shot just 1-2 attempts each and didnt have much of an impact- positive/negative.)

we beat a very bad HORNETS team by 1 point. we had everything go our way (shooting wise) and won just by 1 point.

but how many times will we see our whole team shoot LIGHTS OUT? and does it take the whole team to shoot lights out for us to WIN (and barely win, for that matter)?

i feel like EVERYONE on our team (w/ exception of 1 player- whoever that may be) needs to shoot well in order for us to get a victory.

if thats the case, we're not gonna win many games.


however, cyman isint a negative person so i have to include this.

every game, we're getting better and better- regardless of the team we're facing. heres the trend

1st game- lose by 30

2nd game- lose by 21

3rd game- lose by 16

4th game- lose by 14

5th game- win by 1

at this rate, we're gonna win by 60 points at the end of the season!


but on a serious note, we are clearly getting better and i hope we continue to progress as a team.

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I don't think there's anyway to argue against that.

We are not a very talented team. We don't have much margin for error out there. We will have to play near perfect basketball every night if we want to have a shot to win. Playing with anything less than 100% means a sure Loss.

We shot wonderfully as a team tonight, but I still disagree about "everything going our way."

Maybe it's just me being a homer...but how many times a game to teams just seem to get incredibly fortunate against us?

Mad scramble for the ball, 6 bodies on the floor, they come up with it and the easy score. They fumble the ball around on offense, throw up a prayer to beat the shot clock, get the easy putback. It just seems that things like that happen constantly against us.

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we might have only won by 1, but it's not as though this team played the perfect game. jon barry will shoot 4 of 7 again in his career. kenny anderson will shoot 7 of 12 again in his career. their (and the teams) shooting was good but by no means perfect.

what kept this game close (which I watched for the 3rd and 4th quarters), was our inconsistant defense and the huge rebounding edge charlotte enjoyed (43-30). we need a big man more than kerry needed ohio.

what impressed me was the heart (not measured in the box score) and effort (again, not measured in the box score) of the hawks. walker has heart. so does KA.

also, the 27 assists to 10 turnovers is one of (if not the outright) best differential i can recall for about 8-10 years. more nights like that and we'll win some games.

all in all, the hawks will slowly get better. they will slowly learn to make less mistakes (ask boris diaw, who saw no action after a weak foul on maglore) and the rookies will slowly contribute more and more. the key word is "slowly", but hey, this season is a wash anyway...


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Guys, it's never easy winning on the road in the NBA.

And coming into this game against the Hornets, the Hawks have lost all their games by double figures and more.

Just be happy you guys don't go 0-10 starting the season.

You guys are rebuilding, I'm sure you all know this....what you guys have to look for is growth and unity.

Playoffs, championships will follow accordingly.

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