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Everything posted by 00Blink

  1. Touche`, so he just shouldn't shoot at all...just rebound and dunk and block shots...wonder how effective he would be then since he can only shoot from 5 ft in...nice thought
  2. I agree with the weak link assessment, but the tired cop out I disagree with. AI led the league for a number of seasons and he has been in almost twice as long as Joe and still complains when he only plays 30 mins :lol6: and the fact that he has to guard the opponents best players, well they have to guard him also...
  3. Too bad he can't remind us of Knowshown Moreno...just sayin', the talent, skills, and athleticism to go along with the energy and passion
  4. And I guess it's no use trying to explain why try to turn a 6'9 average built PF into a 6'10-7 ft banging PF...he is not a banger...he uses his athleticism, he takes defenders to the hole, he jumps over people, he does a hook from time to time, he shoots perimeter shots....he TRIES to use everything in his arsenal...and like it or not, he has decided to extended his range to the 3 pt line as part of his arsenal, and I don't mind it, same thing David West has done
  5. My point exactly. Sheed wasn't known as a 3 pt shooter. He is still pretty successful at them though. I also think that he should post up quite a bit more, he's 7 ft, for goodness sake...Smoove is only 6'9 but he is still trying to develop a post game and has come a long way....just needs to learn a little touch around the basket, but his 3 pt shot has improved and the more he works on it, the better off the Hawks will be, and he doesn't just hang out at the 3 pt line, he does get in the post and mix it up a bit...he must makes them in practice for Woodson to run a play for Smoove for a 3 pt shot and for shooting coach Mark Price to work with him on it before games, after games, and during practice...somebody on the team must've taken notice
  6. I wouldn't ask Horford to try and beat too many people off the dribble...what I would ask him to do is to master the hook because he has a wide body for defenders to block his shot with his body shielding the shot....they would have to go through him to block it (foul) or time it perfectly, and I would ask him to pump fake and head fake, espcecially since his mid-range game is increasing, also should try the pick and roll with him
  7. I agree also. As Gray Mule pointed out, when Josh was missing, everyone was like that's just Josh being Josh, but now that he is making them, people are critcizing him for makign them, thinking that he will continue to look for the 3 and shoot...here's a secret....he has already been doing that, why do you think he continued to shoot them while he was missing!! Let's just be happy he is making them now. And the more people leave him open the more he will make and the more they will have to repsect that shot. Players didn't initially respect Rasheed's 3 pt shot
  8. And how many double figure foul shots has Joe taken all season...and he not only touches the ball EVERY series (as he should) but he has the ball for at least 12-15 seconds every series (as he should not)...Joe rarely gets to the line and he shoots all the tec shots...what about Horford, how many double figure foul shots has he taken all season....and he STAYS in the paint for the rebounds and putbacks, which should convert to easy buckets or FTs Just sayin'...if you gonna criticize, do it constructively and not negatively, compare his stats that you are spewing with teammates if they are team stats and other players of his caliber if they are individual stats :conversation:
  9. Now, this is constructive criticism. Do not knock a man for trying to develop another facet to his game. Give some better alternatives on how to go about doing it.
  10. So Bibby is laughing because Josh made a 3 pt shot. That is what is BS. Bibby hurts the team more than JS does with his defensive liability and his shot selection. He will pull up for a three with a 3 on 1, same with Flip Murray. I guess he couldn't have been laughing at a joke or something said and then the camera seen him laughing and pointed it to him. Don't take the scene out of context, that is all I'm saying. :conversation:
  11. FTW, Josh is still developing his game as some have already stated. He is not Amare, Boozer, or Brand. He is not Dirk, Rasheed, Or Bargnani (BTW all of these 3 are 7 ft shooting the 3). Only Dirk was prolific at the 3 coming into the league. He is Josh Smith, someone who wasn't given a chance coming into the league. Someone who is not being given a chance by his own "fans". Albeit, that Joe misses more shots than Smoove some games. This is a very fickle fan base. Criticism is acceptable when it is constructive, but the pitchfork and noose mobs need to quit it. The trade scenarios and lets get rid of Josh for this playeror that player is not warranted. I betcha bottom dollar a lot of teams would LOVE to get Josh and hone-in his talent and potential. Before anyone go saying what happened to all of these teams this past offseason; use a little logic and common sense: 1. Not many teams had the money to sign him. 2. A lot of teams were/are trying to clear cap space for 2010. 3. He was restricted, knowing the Hawks would match, why waste time to even entertain this scenario, excite the fan base and then piss them off when they don't get him. **Any one of those three reasons alone can be a number 1 reason of why there weren't much "interest" in Josh in the offseason. Go ahead and pick one, say it aloud and see if it sounds valid. Bargnani was a perimeter shooter and not necessarily a 3 pt shooter. Rasheed wasn't shooting 3s anywhere close to the rate he is now in Portland. He DEVELOPED it in Detroit. There are other PF and C who shoot 3s also: Okur, David West, Bonner. The point is, don't try to limit the man's development into what YOU want it to be. Obviously, the coaching staff (including the shooting coach Mark Price, MARK PRICE) and his teammates believes he can develop this as part of his game. Why can't you? That makes the naysayers no better than the "experts" and "analysts" that said Smoove was gonna be a bust, until he proves you all wrong AGAIN!! But what about his rebounding and banging and defending, he gonna become soft or his shot blocking is suffering. 1. What do his defense and shot-blocking got anything to do with his offensive game? 1a. He will be the first one back on defense if the opponent tries to run a fast break off a long rebound. 2. How can Horford battle two bigs for rebounds if Josh is shooting 3s? 2a. If Josh is at the 3 pt line, another big is on the perimeter guarding him. And if u doubt it and say they will put a guard on him, (man-zone type switch), he will back him down or penetrate, still a plus. 2b. I will take chances of Horford being one on one with a big in the hole than Al and Josh in the hole against 2 bigs that we are undersized against, to have a better chance at getting the rebound. 3. Josh will become complacent and settle for long jumpers and shoot threes. 3a. Not necessarily!! To assume this will make an *ss out of u+me. 3b. Dirk takes his fair share of 3s but he still takes perimeter shots and still plays with his back to the basket, leaning on his back foot to substitute the traditional turnaround. Sheed has started to mimic relying on the 3 moreso but he still plays with his back to the basket from time to time. Okur, that his main arsenal in his repertoire, because he is limited down low and not quick enough to blow by anyone. Same thing for Bargnani but he has a slightly better post game than Okur. David West doesn't rely on anything. His game is what he wants it to be, inside or outside. He doesn't take what the defense gives him, he gives it to the defense. Smith can be in the form of David West. If he can play wiser to the point where, if his shot is not falling drive to the basket or just stay down low, making the latter his first choice and then eventually spreading the floor by stepping out the paint. This will allow us to go with a bigger lineup with Smith, Horford, and Zaza, a matchup nightmare, but it diminishes our frontcourt bench to ineptitude. 3c. Josh at the 3pt line gives him more room and space to take his man off the dribble to get to the hole where he finishes pretty strong. And the refs don't give him a lot of calls in the lane as the same as they do Joe Johnson, Woody needs to get in the refs ear a little more about this disparity of calls.
  12. My thoughts and sentiments exactly. If they give D-Wade these same phantom calls and missed calls on defense, then we should refer back to this in the media to put an end to this charade and let the game be won by the players.
  13. I am at work and cannot view the article, could you please post it?!?
  14. Josh played ok, but it did hurt that he went 2-10 from the line...totally UNACCEPTABLE, but him, Flip and Marvin were the only bright spots from last night
  15. :write a letter: Where's a contract when you need one. That is pretty much what I would do but you summed it up in more concise words....plus, I would get in the face of my star....Donovan McNabb/Andy Reid comes to mind. It may not work for every sports relationship but it was an eye opener and besides, there aren't too many Michael Jordan's in the league anymore (player coach/run the team).
  16. My same sentiment. When the playoff run comes, or even the playoffs, we will be out of gas in this current state and our bench will not be developed.
  17. I disagree there. Majority of coaches take their starters out once the game has been decided. This does two things: 1. It gives the bench playing time for gametime experience and development 2. It rests the starters to be able to continue to play at a consistently high level I would have took ALL 5 starters out with 3:30-4 mins left...we were up 14. If the score would have gotten down to 8 pt lead, put the starters back in, but give the bench a chance to develop.
  18. I think I noted this on one of your posts the other day. We are developing chemistry. Now if Smoove can just kill the 3 attempts, as he has already started looking to give the ball up (except once last night), and drive more, I think we are the 2-3 best n the EC. I would put us ahead of the Cavs (stop LeBron, well CONTAIN LeBron) win the game.
  19. Nice breakdown...at the beginning of the season I pegged them to have between 46-48 wins...seems like they are making me look like a genius...hopefully they make me look worse by winning 50+, although I did state that 50+ was not out of the realm
  20. Talk about premonition....you were dead on.
  21. Nice post...not to take away from it but I would rate them at around 5 above Denver and SA. The thing that is going unnoticed is the chemistry, swagger, and versatility of the new Hawks. People are learning their roles and playing them better (Josh Smith, Marvin, Zaza). Josh is not shooting as many 3's (ill-advised, only when he's wide open) and he's been passing them up more often than not and taking it to the rack. He is also settling into being the 3rd scoring option and leaving the 2nd scoring option to Bibby or Marvin, whomever has the hot hand. Bibby and Marvin are shooting lights out and being a more formidable 2nd scoring option. Josh and Al are settling into their roles defensively. we all knew Josh would, but Al has been stepping up on help side defense. We have been winning games with Joe in a slight slump. That tells us that we can win without Joe. Not necessarily without him in the lineup but when he's having an off-night we can still win. We are learning HOW to win and HOW to close out games.
  22. 00Blink

    Joe Choked

    :worshippy: Thank you sir, may I have another!!
  23. :beathorse: It is still coaching my man...whenever you leave an underperforming player in the game b/c he's a vet, it's coaching, whenever there is NO offensive flow, it's coaching, whenever you don't get in there a light a fire under the under performers arse, it's coaching P.S. your boss doesn't get paid to micro manage you...if he only had 5 employees to worry about at a time, he probably would do some micromange....plus it is a coach's job to micromanage....they call the plays, the sets offensively and defensively, control the flow of the game, control the tempo of the game, make the subs, manage the timeouts, manage the players minutes, chastise when it is needed, demote someone when it is needed (bench), develop the players (see Acie and Solo...Solo played like a mad man when Josh was out...haven't heard from him since...I think he was abducted by aliens though, not ATLiens....waiting on him to get released and come back to us)
  24. 00Blink

    Joe Choked

    Ok picture this...I don't know how many of you have been in similar situations like this I have....I played in high school and I played on my unit team and EVERY base team where I was stationed in the Marines and Army U r at the line....the guys are getting ready to box out for the rebound...people are saying, he's gonna choke, box out, he's gonna choke, get the rebound....you can choke at any given time....do it consistently and you are considered a choke artist....there is a difference between choking and being a choke artist If a kicker misses the game winning super bowl field goal, is that a choke or just a miss even though he has hit 4/4 from 42, 46, 51, and 38 but he misses from 44....is that just a miss or a choke....it is a choke (It's the magic, it's the moment) the moment when the mishap happens my fellow hawks fans
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