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Everything posted by tremor

  1. My thought is rather to split all PF minutes between JSmoove and Horf and try to bring big body that can be put at C for some minutes against Superman and not be totally crashed.
  2. That's what I thought initially, but the last thing this team is short of is offensively raw athletic PF. Also, he's listed to be between 6'8 and 6'10 long and 210 lbs so there's no way he plays undersized center.
  3. Playing good D Teague can make up for his shortcomings in offense. He matches any point guard in this league speed wise. If JJ stays (which I doubt), he won't have to cover PGs like CP3, Nelson, Jennings, Rondo which would save a lot of his energy.
  4. If he's over 30 than thanks, no.
  5. 5 or even 6 assists for starting PG on up tempo team is not much. I want him average 7 and have 10+ every 4th game in his 3rd season. 12 and 5.5 this season is OK for me.
  6. Another proof how a man can be blinded by hate. I don't have anything (well almost) against Marvin but he's not on the same level JJ is, not even close.
  7. PF is the last position we need to worry about.
  8. After what he showed in game 2 against Lakers? Now way, even for free. He didn't play since then I'm sure he won't unless other Boston bigs foul out.
  9. Not happy but it's too early to be disappointed. I wanted Casey, Drew is an enigma.
  10. What about this year play offs?
  11. Last season we had no one who could hit 3 consistently. I'd want him for the right price but Hawks need to address other issues first (JJ, center).
  12. Because he was happy. You should try it too. Fish is made of the same clay as Robert Horry - a player born to have the ball in his hands when it matters the most.
  13. I don't understand the hate. Mo used to be a scorer, never was a defensive specialist but he tries hard to do what he asks for. He'll turn 33 this fall, it's not surprise he's not quick on his feet but still moves well without the ball we just need better offensive schemes to utilize him.
  14. I'm impressed with what Rasheed does. He was great aquisition for the Celtics esp. in post season, much better match for Howard than Shaq. He's too old to invest in him though.
  15. I agree with Walter here. Team had more depth than ever before under Woodson but he still failed to adjust rotation probably wanting to get the best out of the Hawks in his contract year. No one had expected that Bibby would have fallen off the cliff but he's valuable off the court and still can hit some big shots for us, I just think that, unless Sund gets another starting PG material, Teague has to start and show what he's worth. Marvin was paid reasonably for numbers he put in his contract year and, properly utilized, he can average 14/7 easily.
  16. Thibodeau turned down offer from Hornets, not Bulls.
  17. and made about 6 errors in 4 mins of play starting from bumping dribbling Ron Artest when Celtics were in penalty and ending with two passes to Bryant in last seconds, first one turned into assist (second was close too). I'll be surprised to see him on the court again in the series except maybe garbage time.
  18. 1. Magic won't trade guy who's been working with Howard for 3 years and knows everything about his game to Division rival. 2. SF is the last position they would feel the need to fill. They have Pietrus, probably will resign Barnes, Lewis and Carter can play at SF too. Their aim this summer will be a facilitator and/or big name PF if they decide to move Lewis to SF.
  19. I wouldn't trade any of them. I don't see us landing a better or even comparable player in such trade.
  20. On one side it seemed to be the most probable scenario, on the other I was hoping something happens that will make him stay.
  21. It comes down to quality of the roster. It's OK to tank season to get high draft pick, it's not OK to set record of humiliation in the PO with the talent Hawks have right now.
  22. I don't care about number of wins as long as they finish top4 in the East. Emphasis should be put on preparation for post season - match ups against other top teams in the conference, exploiting their liabilities, covering own weaknesses, player development, offensive playbook and faith that Hawks can beat anyone.
  23. Another good appreciation thread. Coach is likeable guy, just not good NBA coach. It'll be better for him and organization if he leaves. Best wishes for the future.
  24. I like watching JJ play. Thanks for that. I hope he stays and some other pieces will change.
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