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Everything posted by RedDawg#8

  1. Boston never ceases to amaze me. The only thing, and I mean only thing, that keeps me from outright publicly clowning those bums, is the fact that good or bad, they tend to always have our number. If that ever starts to change, Im on them like Peo on LP lol
  2. https://www.clnsmedia.com/jeff-teague-lineup-decision-emblematic-of-growing-brad-stevens-dilemma/ Jeff Teague has already been figured out in Boston. I thought it was quite entertaining how Celts fans thought losing Hayward and signing Teague and Thompson qualified as a successful offseason. That team has a solid core of Brown, Tatum, Walker, and Smart. But beyond that they have are lacking in depth. And speaking of height in shoes, let's not mention how they have to hide the 5'11 Walker on defense. But you wont hear that narrative the same way you hear people use it against Trae, who is taller. https://sports.yahoo.com/kemba-walker-reveals-real-height-023258431.html
  3. Right. Other players get the continuation on way less clear instances. Refs have swallowed their whistles a lot on Trae and he is still making teams pay. Drawing fouls is a natural response to a being tiny and teams trying to beat on him because of it. If they are going to get physical within a him, he will bait you in to the foul. The only way he will get room to breathe is if he de-incentivizes physical play from his opponent. It's smart on his part.
  4. I know that's what it feels like but there are some pretty good names who average more turnovers than him. http://www.espn.com/nba/seasonleaders/_/league/nba/sort/avgTurnovers/order/true And those happen to be the exact same names who average more assists than him too http://www.espn.com/nba/seasonleaders/_/league/nba/sort/avgAssists/order/true I know its ugly, and I for sure want him to clean up the stupid ones. But when you are creating as much offense as he is, you're going to have turnovers. Its a direct correlation to high assist totals.
  5. This roster and season are falling apart before our eyes. I still think there is plenty enough talent to win games, but the room for error has evaporated. Guys like Cam, Kev and Gallo can't all go missing at the same time during games. Trae needs somebody else to be a threat from the perimeter. AND We really need to flip this scheme and play inside out through our bigs who are able to eat inside. Let them get some inside touches to hopefully draw fouls. AND when we do get teams in fouls trouble, attack the basket at will. Make teams defend us down the stretch, stop bailing them out with jumpers
  6. Zzzzzz, I'm sleeping on his elite shooting 8pts a game. But I am categorizing him as the potential "scrub" that will light us up tonight. Im fully prepared for him (or the next guy) to have a career game against us.
  7. The injuries are a significant factor and I agree that it's hard to judge this team when we haven't been at full strength for even a single game yet. That being said, we have still had our best players available for the most part all year. Trae, John, Clint were always our top 3 heading in to the season. Dre emerged as potentially a #2 guy for us, so I don't want to discredit his absence. But the trio of Trae, JC and Clint are consistently high performers in their own right, and we expected them to be as much. Bogi, Gallo, and now Hunter are also guys who when healthy, have the talent to be high performers, but except for maybe Hunter, they would still fall just behind the other 3 on the pecking order. I think that with great coaching, we would still have enough to be around the .500 mark even in spite of the injuries. I mean, the fact we are only losing games down the stretch and not necessarily getting blown out lets you know that its not a talent (or lack thereof) issue. We are not outmatched, and rarely outgunned except for vs BKLYN maybe. The coaching and execution has failed us when it comes to winning time.
  8. We will find a way to lose because it's us. But make no mistake, Boston already had zero depth at FULL strength. They are basically a G league team featuring two All Star level players now Look for a 40 piece from either of their big-2 as well as a career game from a scrub, Coaching matters in this one for sure. Injuries are not an excuse for either team in this matchup. All things are equal
  9. And if he did. he would have been unavailable for at least 3 full weeks due to wrist bruising, or a sore knee. That, or he would have shot a career low 3 point percentage here due to the "Hawks cant have anything nice" syndrome
  10. How many times does Randle have to light us up before we put him on the scouting report. Like, did we just forget what he did to us last game, dang near had a triple double.
  11. Guess we still haven't figured out how to make them "feel us" on defense. Sounds nice in a presser. Still can't execute defensively.
  12. Everyone plays small. Its all about when you do it. Right now, closing games small is burning us over and over. O.O should get primary back up C minutes. Im good on Fernando unless OO is out.
  13. If Im paying for homegrown talent, only Trae, JC and Dre look to be worth it.
  14. I wish I was there so I can BOOO this garbage
  15. This is pure hot garbage. No leadership on this team at all
  16. Yes, so true. I too believe we played the best hand from an organization perspective. JC is willing to gamble on his FA value, but if we are comfortable matching regardless, then it wont matter in the end
  17. Remember when we were clowning the "Mega trade" because we thought it would only net us McConnell? My how far we have fallen lol
  18. Agreed, and I imagine moving assets for that 1 missing piece at shooting guard is a lot easier to pull off in isolation than trying to find pillars at the 2 and the 4 at the same time. Its clear where our weakest link is in the starting unit, no need to create another hole just to save a buck when its looking more and more likely that nobody else from the young core will ever be worth what JC and eventually Dre will end up with. Most definitely I agree
  19. Well, here we are. Still waiting for a realistic timeline. Maybe he comes back in March, maybe April. Who knows right now. I think my frustration this season with the way we update injuries has to do with the fact that we just came off of the longest offseason, with no idea of when we would be able to play again. Very little news about anything relating to the team. Then, boom, a two week span of excitement with free agency and the draft. Just to have it all come crashing back down to earth with all the new additions being injured or unavailable at some point since day 1 of training camp. And we are forced to be patient again and again and again. "Two more weeks" has been their catchphrase all season. Its like, dude, Im so over this. Just be real and let me know we wont be full strength until its too late to matter anymore. Let me temper my expectations for this team now, versus keeping me anxious that we will get some help. This has been a well executed mental game from the organization to keep us engaged for so long.
  20. I hear ya. I just wish they would say, "Hey, he's going to be out for at least a month, possibly longer." Instead of us having to play internet doctor and research examples of his injury just to get an idea. Like you said, he has had issues before. So if they are going to be extra patient, with the possibility of resting him all season, just be upfront with the public and say so.
  21. Nice, just in time to find out we have to wait two more weeks for an update.
  22. It is definitely temporary. But its the right thing to do right now. We are not in development mode. You dont see Okongwu getting significant minutes just to play through his ups and downs. Cam needs to have a similar leash right now.
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