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Everything posted by jy23

  1. Couldn't have asked for a better first pick. Don't really know where I want to go in the second, it really depends on who's still there I guess. I'm cool with an O lineman, I'm good with a safety or a wideout....not really feeling taking a TE in the second. Would kinda be upset about that one
  2. Good lord this guy has been a bust. Are y'all done with him yet?
  3. Gotham is pretty good @AHF. Give it another chance. Daredevil is the best I've seen tho. Arrow is terrible, agents of shield wasn't that good, the flash is ok but daredevil is definitely the best
  4. I mean I wouldn't do it but to each his own. I don't look at joe as a villain or anything and I don't hate him for his time here so no I don't get it but if it creates a good atmosphere at the game then I'm all for it.
  5. Saw him in Nashville a couple of weeks ago....stupid funny
  6. College basketball as a whole has bad officiating, but to say that that's the reason we won the game is just out of order. We hit shots in crunch time and they didn't. Period
  7. Oh my bad that you feel we should have had to play both you and Wisconsin. I apologize for that. We beat two teams in the final four not once but twice this year. We were the better team period...I would have liked to play UK just to shut em up but we beat who we could.
  8. My god, cut it out. They had 2 fouls the entire first half. We attacked and attacked the entire second half. Tell me which one of those drives shouldn't have been called a foul. Our best player was in foul trouble the entire night but we got all the calls? All I heard after the Wisconsin KU game was that the refs cheated for UW....so basically whoever loses got cheated. We hit the shots when it counted and they didn't
  9. Never said anything about their pro careers bc Al is better in that department but in regards to college Christian's resume is better than just about anybody you can put out there. Yes Al won 2 ships but he still falls short of what laettner achieved in college. He averaged 20 on back to back championship teams...that's insane
  10. All of that may be true but laettner went to 4 final 4s, 3 championship games and won 2 of em. That is beyond amazing. Al was a great college player and I love the fact that he's a hawk....but collegiately he can't really compare to Christian
  11. Are y'all kidding me comparing laettner to horford in college? That's absolute nonsense. Laettner is easily top 5 college player of all time, how does Horf compare to that?
  12. I'm trying to not get to hype about this man but damn it's hard
  13. Got ya. Does he have any post up or face yo game whatsoever or is he purely a guy scoring scoring off movement and put backs at this point?
  14. Is he really that athletically gifted? From what I've seen he has great size but I haven't really seen the athletic ability that would lean towards a Tyson chandler comparison....unless you're just referring to impact and not actual ability. Like I can see him being a difference maker defensively and on the boards just not seeing the styles being similar.
  15. jy23

    The difference

    Doesn't need to be an excuse. This is an 82 game season. The best team in the history of basketball even lost 10 of em. You peoples lives must be miserable to be this dang negative all the time. The same people that are being called scrubs in this thread have been helping us win games all season long to the tune of being 10 games up on second place in our conference.....but yeah we got a team full of scrubs. This is why I stay off this forum as much as I do now. This shit is ridiculous.
  16. Oh no no no, nothing like grimes lol. He would actually be better suited as a safety to be honest. Has great open field tackling ability, just isn't quite quick enough to keep up with guys especially in that slot position
  17. He's a good tackler and was pretty good in coverage his first season here but got worse towards the end. Solid player tho
  18. Hell no to bringing back osi. Beasley should be the pick no matter what, I pray he's still there at 8
  19. Actually they are good players just not big names. I'm extremely pleased with what we've done so far.
  20. Yeah she makes Brent look so bad but he seems like a pretty good dude outside of her. And yeah I did try to tell you about her lol
  21. Lol I feel ya but the guy is still young and learning. He took a beating but he's still a good player. He was the second rated RT according to PFF last year (for what that's worth)
  22. Yeah Schraeder was pretty damn good last year, I say leave him be for the moment.
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