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Everything posted by BrazilianHawk

  1. I like the idea of Bibby coming off the bench, but I'd rather see Teague getting more minutes at this point. I wish Bibby well, but we gotta free Teague! He was doing OK last night until Drewed for his second foul. FREE TEAGUE! GO HAWKS!
  2. Smoove has to go, yes, but all this negativity doesn't help anyone.
  3. I hope this guy has another trade in the making... We liked it, Sund, do it again!
  4. Thank you Mike for being a Hawk for three years. I'll miss you too, wish I could hear again "Mike Bibby for threeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee". I'd rather see you retired or in our bench instead of traded away but, oh, well, at the end of the day, it's all business. GL in Washington!!! :thumbsupsmileyanim:
  5. Woody had to go. Iso-Joe was unbearable. Having said that, I agree with you guys he was far more prepared to coach than Drew.
  6. WojYahooNBA: Charlotte-Portland talks for Gerald Wallace cooling, sources say. 'Cats pulling back, with one source suggesting MJ's getting cold feet. [via Twitter] Send CHA Brainless Smoove and Teague, what can we get for them? Any chance we get G-Force and DJ? http://games.espn.go.com/nba/tradeMachine?tradeId=5s499fu Hell I'd just get rid of Smoove straight up if needed. :help wanted3:
  7. SpearsNBAYahoo: Wiz agree 2 trade G Kirk Hinrich & C Hilton Armstrong to ATL for G Mike Bibby, F Mo Evans, G Jordan Crawford & a No. 1 pick, sources tell Y! [via Twitter] About ti,e, but I really would rather have Sessions. Oh well, I guess I should be happy anyway.
  8. I fell you GM. We like our core. :shake_puter:
  9. I have said this since he went to NJ. Go and get this guy. We could've make an offer for him, get him on the cheap (could've sent some bums just like we got Craw) but now he's probably going to a contender. Empty stats, doesn't play D, lazy... So much crap was written about this guy. I won't be surprised if he goes double-double off the bench against us. :kickcan: link and now we've got to see him playing for a contender. That's why we'll NEVER contend with this GM and ownership. :angry22: SMH
  10. I don't understand why you guys are complaining... WE LIKE OUR CORE! Jesus Christ, Sund stinks. We need someone else to be our GM.
  11. That's true... but by your reasoning we should get rid of JJ as well. I believe there will be more takers for Joe's contract than Marv's.
  12. Hm. I actually miss Jamal's scoring when he's on the court nowadays. the guy's messed up. right, deal one of our best defenders and then resign Jamal who doesn't play a lick of D and can't score anymore like last season... I don't think we're going to get happy with his production over the next few seasons. He's 31 and he's going down for sure. LOL D, if LolBron's shots stop falling, at least he can rebound and assist his teammates. So does JJ (not at the same level of course). Now you tell me, what if Craw's and Bibby's shots aren't falling. what do you do? Pray? Oh... and LolBron can even dance! :line dance: Yes, of course. Craw could be the 1st in FT attempts and it wouldn't change a bit. Because we're a jumper-happy team we don't go to the line much. It won't make a difference whether Craw goes to the line more than the other players,
  13. None of the options above. I'd do Smoove-Craw-1st for Felton-Nene-Smith
  14. 1. NO WAY. But if it was Smoove, I'd do it in a heartbeat. 2. Yes, probably. Marc is a nice center, he could eventually be just a slight downgrade from Horford. 3. YOU KIDDING ME, RIGHT? Smoove is better than these two combined, never mind Horf.
  15. The answer to your question is "It's not what he's done, but what he doesn't do". Boss doesn't turn it over nearly as much as Smoove. Boss doesn't complain and pout like Smoove does. Boss doesn't try to be the PG/SG/SF like Smoove does. Unlike Smoove, Boss plays serious D all game long. Unlike Smoove, Boss can play C and looks to crash the boards.
  16. I don't like the Boss being coveted by Utah, but if that's what if takes, so be it. DWill would be our savior. Just make sure we ship Marvin for Millsap as well and I would make it. http://games.espn.go.com/nba/tradeMachine?tradeId=4mw2q77 + 2 ATL 1st
  17. Lottery or not, this team just can't draft. Give away the first if it means upgrade at PG. Now.
  18. Aye, Sund, please stop posting and do you job. GET O}N THE PHONE, MAN! :shake_puter:
  19. Mozgov to Denver, i guess NOW we could make a play to get Nene to the ATL as well. Smoove/Craw/1st for Felton/Nene/JR Smith http://games.espn.go.com/nba/tradeMachine?tradeId=4zbt6ez Felton/Bibby/Teague JJ/JR/JC2 Marvin/JR Boss/Powell/Zaza Nene/Boss/Collins The bench still sucks, but we get a hell of a stating 5. GET ON THE PHONE SUND YOU IDIOT.
  20. Once more... Jamal is a loser, he has laid some eggs in the playoffs and yet there are people willing to ship Marvin in order to be able to resign him. So why not take Sessins, a "loser", to run the offfense, since all we got @ PG is crap? Sessions is a definite upgrade, getting him on the cheap should be a no-brainer. Not to mention we would never have to see Mo in a Hawks uni again.
  21. Hm. Right. And Jamal is a winner for sure. Would be better off without him as well? I mean, not right now, but when we traded for him?
  22. Marvin can't be faulted for being selected #2. It wasn't HIS pick. He´s got good defensive and rebounding abilities, makes open jumpers and goes to the hole/line when possible. He's far more useful to this team than Crawford it isn't even close. Shouldn't trade a player only because he fails to be someone the GM thought he was. It was BK's fault and for that (among several other "mistakes") he was fired. I'm cool with Marvin, at least he tries to do something useful instead of just jacking up bad shots. Someday he'll understand his role as a bench player is much bigger than as a starter and he'll be fine with that. Then we'll have a second unit that at least will be able to not squander double-digit leads in the second quarter. We had no need for him then but we do have need for anyone who plays a lick of D now. I'd keep him unless we can get someone who's going to address a bigger need and play D as well.
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