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Everything posted by Randy

  1. So the question is are these the Miami Heat or now, just the Miami Lukewarm?
  2. If you want to think about something a little unsettling - imagine if Utah had Kyle or Paul the other night. Or both. They could have kept either one, I don't know much about the Utah owners but they must really be cheap or stupid.
  3. Not easy to come by, but when the team never makes getting one a priority, then its likely we never get one. I'm afraid Al making the All Star team as a center convinced these guys that they had that position locked down, and they've never been serious about getting one since.
  4. Forgot a big non game highlight. Kiss Cam. Guy proposes to his GF - it pops up on the Jumbotron. (She accepted.) Seen it on TV before, but never in real life.
  5. Now that you mention it - the only disappointment I had in last night's game was that I didn't see the Cookie Shop anymore. Used to be around Portal 7 or so Did that disappear, or did I just miss it?
  6. Hang on. Thanks for reaching out to us. Its a blessing to know we can help others on this board, even if only in a small way. Do know that you are appreciated. Prayer does work - sometimes by changing me either making me stronger when I need help, or more helpful when others need it.
  7. Randy

    Elton Brand?

    Moose made his minutes count. Pretty key tip in in the 4th quarter.
  8. We picked a good game to go to, for sure. The new intro with the laser show on the court is about the coolest thing I've ever seen. Worth going to at least one game just to see that. The vibe does seem a little more upbeat than in the past and it does look like they have improved the food selections too, which I used to complain about. So the "show" around the game is better than ever. And the fans seem a lot more into the game and loudly supportive of the team than in prior years. As for the game - it was a really good one, but too close for comfort. Utah has a good young team, and I think they will be a factor in the years ahead. The West is so tough, they may have a hard time getting anywhere. I like Hayward, but I'm not sure he's a superstar type guy that can carry them. They probably do need that one star player. I never thought much of Kantor - but he sure looked good. Their guards look good too. Favors impressed too. You have to ask how the Jazz ever let Sap go? He was really impressive. Back down to earth a bit for Dennis, but he still contributed. And Jeff looked like "Agressive Jeff" not "Socially awkward" Jeff from the Rob Lowe cable commercials. All in all a fun night and glad we went. The only downside of going to a game is I usually don't get to see lw3's pre-game analysis until I get home. They really ought to print them up and hand them out along with the programs!!
  9. To summarize it all, that trash talkin was OFFENSIVE....Carmelo Anthony.
  10. Dennis started out pretty shaky. Bud deserves some credit for rolling the dice on Dennis in the 4th, but Jeff made it sort of easy for him to do it. A little competition might be good for Jeff, and the good news is that if Jeff gets injured or goes into a slump Dennis is there. As for who's best long term - too early to tell. (BTW - this is all in pretty stark contrast to the way Jeff was developed. Remember he sat on the bench pretty much for 2 years and never made it into a game until injuries made it a necessity in the Chicago series. Good for the coaching staff for letting the kid show what he can do.)
  11. The Hawks should have given the Jason Smith the game ball the other night. Either him, or Kyle "The Human Eraser" Korver. BTW - you'd think a guy with the money of Carmelo Anthony could afford new hat.
  12. Well JayBirdHawk, your point 1 (let Scott cool himself off) seems to have worked perfectly. Now, how do we heat him up again.
  13. I thought he needed a ride on the d-(league) train. But - I'd rather be happy than right every time.
  14. That's gotta be one of the funniest pictures ever. BTW - good thing Woody coached the Knicks for a while - they have the ISO Carmelo down. He's sort of a one man triangle.
  15. So when does our acting GM start thinking about firing our coach?
  16. All good points. I'd add get Jeff and Al going on the pick and roll. Jefferson is typically not a good PnR defender. I recall them tearing up the Jazz a few seasons ago,
  17. The Hawks could fill up an entire team of draft busts. It does look now like Scott is the only good one of the Ferry era, though its still a little early on Dennis and Jenkins, but things are not looking up for them right now.
  18. Kinda hard when you are last in line to the toilet.
  19. I think the idea is to entice the crowd to come early. Its a Saturday, so traffic should not be a problem. But yeah - prolly won't work.
  20. That's my method. Why guess when we can know. Just takes a little patience.
  21. So where are the "multiple billionaires" we were told about? So far the names they are coming up with sound closer to David McDavid, and the Pizza King than Warren Buffet, Bill Gates or even Oprah.....
  22. I would make the tournaments part of the regular season - but there would be some trophies, money, bragging rights, etc to go with winning the tournament. Or they could give some other incentives such as making the tournament games count double for the playoff race.
  23. Send Dennis down to the d-league and let him get some playing time - and not just a game or two like they did last year. Its silly to just have him sitting around. I wouldn't be real upset if they trade him either, but I'd want something in return (draft pick, whatever.)
  24. I think a Holiday Tournament might be cool. Say get 4 teams from each region to play. I could see a Hawks, Heat, Bobcats and Magic Tournament with the games played the week between Christmas and New Years. (I would go with the final on New Year's Eve, and make it a big party, but that might not work.)
  25. Is Pero still recovering from his broken nose?
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