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Posts posted by thecampster

  1. I had no problem with the Penix pick. I had a problem with them not trading down for assets to draft him. He was going to be there at 15 (ish).  

    My bigger problem is the trade up for Ruke who would have been there 10 picks later. They traded a 3rd and their second to move up a few slots to get Ruke.  This was a bigger travesty to me.  They could have traded down a few slots, still got Penix, picked up another 3rd, got Ruke and had 3x3rd round picks.  This was a master class is wasting assets.

    • Like 3
  2. 7 minutes ago, NBASupes said:

    I don't edit videos or take clips from YouTube TV and cut them up for proof. But this coach did. 

    Here's what he showcased. 



    @Gray Mule




    I'll add more later.



    1 lesson should have come out of Purdue v UCONN.  The rest of Purdue was really bad.  How good must Edey have been to carry those jokers?  Purdue doesn't even make the tourney without Edey.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, KB21 said:

    He lacks flexibility as well.  He's not fast.  He's not agile.  He's not flexible.  He can't string together moves.  He can't do anything on the move.  

    And yet somehow managed to score 24 ppg and grab 12 boards while dishing out 2.2 assists?

    @KB21 you are offering observational opinion. He's not fast, not agile, not flexible, can't this, can't that. Those are observational opinions. You might be right but you'd get more respect in this thread if you said, he's not fast based on this official measurement. He's not agile as he performed poorly in the XYZ test. Isn't agile because he can't touch his toes.

    Your arguments are based in opinion...not, isn't, can't but without anything concrete to back up what you say except the similar opinions of some analysts.

    My arguments, some of Supes are based in facts.  24PPG is a fact. 60% FG% is a fact. Back to back college player of the year...fact. Can pass out of the post (measurable by assist numbers and type of shots off of assists), is a fact. Sets good picks (measurable, there are statistics on this).

    I have yet to take most of the arguments in this thread seriously as they've been hyperbole and observational opinion.  Please provide facts. You have a doctorate. You know how to provide fact, cite your sources. Do that or just quit on this. Screaming and pounding the table just becomes noise after a while.  Give me some verifiable measurables.  "Is Slow" is not a measurable. Its an opinion stated as fact. Give me "runs a 5.4 40", "fell while running cone drills", "has a 79% FG% allowed on pick n rolls", cite your source. But please for the love of my sanity please stop stating opinion as fact. You're better than that.

  4. The horse was dead weeks ago but some of you aren't tired. I'll be happy to pick this debate back up when either A) the Hawks draft him or B) we see him in Summer League. Otherwise, let it go you 2. Its not reflecting well.

    I've had my say and tend to be right on these things much more often than I'm wrong but I'm honest enough to admit I could be wrong. What I'd like to hear from both of you is, "I could be wrong about this!" That would satisfy me more than me being right.

    • Like 3
  5. 18 minutes ago, AHF said:

    Up to you guys if you want to bet but the most common one around here is control over the other person's avatar for a period of time.

    I would think a month of something like:  "KB/Supes is the best scout on the Squawk" would be a nice way to resolve this debate.

    @KB21 @NBASupes

    I say a "Supes/KB is my hero" avatar.


  6. 1 minute ago, KB21 said:

    Gilmore would not make it in today's NBA, and even he is more athletic than Edey.  

    Gilmore was slow, plodding and won his nightly battles on strength and positioning.  When he came out of college, he had similar criticisms.  By the end of of his career he was so slow, his nickname was Rigor-artis. Edey is actually more athletic and 60lbs heavier, 2 inches taller.  Growing up a Bulls fan, I saw Gilmore at the middle and end of his career.  They are very similar players and despite being relatively clumsy, Gilmore would thrive today based on his dedication to footwork and positioning. Modern players don't really appreciate how useful that is. 

  7. I think one thing lost in this shuffle is that Edey will come on a rookie contract where as OO and Clint do not.  A Clint for Edey swap also frees up between 18 and 21 million dollars in salary for something else.



    So Edey at 10 is $4.6 mil, at 14 he's 3.7 mil and at 20 he's 2.9 mil.    Pick 15 looks like the low risk, high reward slot for Edey money wise.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Mikey said:

    Edey dominated those first like 12 minutes and after that it was all Uconn. I don't think any of this game or really what he showed in the tourney is valuable to see what he'll be in the NBA offensively. No team will post him up and play at the pace he does in college and today shows what happens if you play him straight up and don't help off shooters. He won't have gravity in the nba like he does in most of his college games.

    His guards aren't good enough to use him as a screener which will be his primarily roll offensively in the nba. my thoughts on him remain pretty unchanged. Not a guy I would take for the Hawks current pick but if they traded back i could understand. Hes a 18-30 guy that will be a backup at best at the next level

    I disagree, but I hear you.

  9. 1 minute ago, JTB said:

    Maybe so. I can admit I may be a bit bias but I feel like they get good looks and simply just don’t take them. If Edey screens like that at the next level those are likely going to easily be 3s

    Good point. I like the whole fit honestly with or without Murray in the starting lineup.

    To @AHF's point, p'm speaking only offensively and rebounding there.

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