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Billy Knight is a Genius


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There is no way Mr. Knight would have gotten to where he is without careful and methodical planning. He sure a S##t didnt get the GM job easily. Knight know good and darn well that we need a PG and that AL Harrington has to go but he isnt going to say it in a press conference or a meeting with season ticket holders, but he told us look I dont need a PG if its just some average run of the mill Point he wants a star, the Hawks since he came have begun to amass talent and talent can be developed and traded. BK will pick un Olowakandi and he will play center the right way REBOUND AND BLOCK SHOT two things Zaza Pauchulia is incapable of doing.

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The Hawks have no rebounders, defenders and passers.. Which means the talent is pretty much limited to athletic ability

and a little bit of shooting.

Yes, the Hawks are only in year two of rebuilding... But this is what happens when you continue to draft players

that have limited talent other than athletic ability.

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What are you saying Hots, the Hawks have drafted some kids with nice skills! Smoove and Chill are both skilled, Smoove more athletic than chill but more raw, Chill less athletic than Smoove but more skilled. Marvin is very skilled at many things just raw offensively. Salim is a very skilled shooter, not quite the athlete some other guards are, and still needs to improve ballhandling and passing...this is a very young team, the youngest team in the league, which also has an inexperienced coach..the problem isn't lack of talent it is lack of experience.

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Pachulia is the only person we have right now. No one else on the team even comes close to being a good rebounder. Pachulia does not defend well, nor block shots, but he is the best we've got in terms of rebounding. As for Olawakandi, he got his big contract and sat on his butt just like Dampier. I was really impressed with him in his "contract year," but once he got his contract, he has been worthless.

As for Billy Knight being a genius, when is he going to reveal something that will enable us to know that. He has assembled a mismatched team full of small forwards, no point guard and one backup center. He also hired the biggest idiot for a coach since Lon Kruger. Hard to say between the two of them who is the most inept.

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What are you saying Hots, the Hawks have drafted some kids with nice skills! Smoove and Chill are both skilled, Smoove more athletic than chill but more raw, Chill less athletic than Smoove but more skilled. Marvin is very skilled at many things just raw offensively. Salim is a very skilled shooter, not quite the athlete some other guards are, and still needs to improve ballhandling and passing...this is a very young team, the youngest team in the league, which also has an inexperienced coach..the problem isn't lack of talent it is lack of experience.

What does Smoove do other than block shots and dunk?

His rebounding and defense overall is rather unimpressive.

Chill is a 7/5 player. He's somewhat between a poor man's

Shawn Marion and a poor version of Doug Christie. He can't

shoot, his defense is weak, and his ball handling ability

is weak.

Chill's awareness and the fact that he is an above average

rebounder considering his position will make him a good

role player. But that's it. Not what you expect from the

6th pick in the draft.. The bottomline is that Chills is

a late first round talent. Josh Smith is a mid first round


The things they have in common is that neither can create

their own shot, play defense, or handle the ball.

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He first of all NO ONE AND I MEAN NO ONE DESERVES TO BE COMPARED TO LON KRUGER. Lon was the worst coach in the history of bad coaches. ;-)

But I agree Olowakandi showed me something before he got his contract, infact when Minnesota signed him I though him and Garnet were the next RObinson/Duncan. Was I ever wrong. But Olowakandi's contract ends this year, we can resign him for next to nothing because nobody else is dumb enough to give him more tha 5 yrs 20 - 25 mill we could give him 3 yrs 13 mill.

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What does Smoove do other than block shots and dunk?

His rebounding and defense overall is rather unimpressive.

I agree but I think he has the ability to become a top tier rebounder within a year, he is already doing 6 to 9 every game when he is only playing 25 to 28 mins/game. And dont discount those blocks he is a league leader in the area and not even playing that much.

I agree his offense needs volumes of work, but look at Jermaine O'Neal he didnt do anything in portland other than what Smoove does now, DUNK.

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I agree but I think he has the ability to become a top tier rebounder within a year, he is already doing 6 to 9 every game when he is only playing 25 to 28 mins/game. And dont discount those blocks he is a league leader in the area and not even playing that much.

I don't think he will. Yes, I know he blocks alot of shots

in his 25-30MPG... but he does it while being a poor one

on one defensive player... That's why I compare him to a

Theo Ratliff type of player.


I agree his offense needs volumes of work, but look at Jermaine O'Neal he didnt do anything in portland other than what Smoove does now, DUNK.

He didn't even get in games to dunk. He played on one of the

three best teams in the league at time. Everyone tries to compare the situation with O'Neal to every young player that

comes into the league. It just doesn't hold water.

O'Neal is not only athletic, but he's 6'11 aswell... Josh

is what... 6'9? There is alot of difference between the

two players. I've not seen Smoove get any form of an inside


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...as you say, then why no Chris Paul or Deron? Why try to sell JJ as a Pg? Why did he sign a non-star Pg in Lue?

I think it's more likely that BK doesn't believe we need a Pg, much less a "star" one? He's a mad scientist and this team looks like Forward-stein.


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Mike Woodson vs. Lon Kruger? I thought Kruger was bad but Woody now defines the term "totally incompetant". Woodson is deficient in so many areas that its amazing we don't lose every game. He is holding this young team back from making progress.

As for Knight, any GM stupid enough to hire Woodson and then stick with him when its obvious he can't hang...needs to be shown the door. His lottery picks have left a ton to be desired. Lets all be honest here...as long as Woody the dolt is head coach this team will frustrate and spin its wheels...you see, Woody's players view defense as optional, they turn the ball over in droves, the players have no idea about their roles, the coach forgets key players during games (Smoove), etc.

I'm more concerned for the Atlanta Spirit because the buck stops with them and they have total incompetance running their team.

If Billy Knight is a genius then I'm the President of the United States.

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Knight has something you all dont patience and a job. He can over react when the team starts loosing and sell the farm. He is being cautious waiting for the right opportunities, just wait, he will get a star point gaurd. Even back on the Access Atlant board people acted like it was the end of the world that we couldnt Andre Miller,THen we had to have Theo Ratliff, even Donyell Marshall was suposed to be the solution according to posters. Its this simple sit back relax and wait Knight will amass talent and trade it for the right components at the right time.

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I would have more patience if I saw a method to the madness. Really, this guy has done nothing to indicate that he is following anything but a good stiff breeze. We employ a coach who is embarrassingly bad but our genius GM is too close to him to fire him. He wants to keep a hot and cold offensive player with no tolerance for defense. Oh, and he didn't draft the best player in the draft, in a position that we needed, to instead grab a guy who cannot play enough minutes because we have duplicate players. The year before he didn't draft the best player available (DENG) so that he could draft a skinny kid with ZERO jump shot and limited offensive skills.

If we ever want respectability we are going to have to fire Woody. We then should pursue a GM with a semblance of a strategic approach in how you construct a real team.

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You know its amazing that so many of you think Mike Woodson has his job through some form of nepotism. I admit he isnt the best coach in the league but you all are slamming him waaaay to much. The hawks veterans are 25 their youngers players are 19, Jordan and Pippen used to suck it up until they gained a little experience and both played 4 years of college ball. The only mistaks BK has made was Josh Childress but even that may turn out to be a godsent we wont know for at least a year.

Anyway you cut it he is a better than Babcock

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