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New Backup center is Lorenzo Wright


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Billy just keeps making good move after good move. This contract for Lo Wright will end up being a bargain. Lo is a very good rebounder who is a good positional defender. He will give the Hawks a very capable back up to Zaza in the post.

sheez. we're screwed. confused.gif

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Billy just keeps making good move after good move. This contract for Lo Wright will end up being a bargain. Lo is a very good rebounder who is a good positional defender. He will give the Hawks a very capable back up to Zaza in the post.

You have gone beyond all reasonable support for this offseason.

Why is a "bargain" so important when we need talent? This is a nothing special move for a team in the midst of it's most flexible offseason with it's greatest amount of draft, FA, talent, and cap room capitol in 10 years.

We don't need "bargains" we need results.


-ok fine, we need results...now tell me, what star out there could we have gotten? i keep hearing people bash this signing but i hear no other options coming from the same mouths. cassell was one of biggest free agents..we tried to sign him..ben wallace should not even have been considered and i hope he wasnt(wrong side of 30 for that contract)..milwaukee heard our offer for mags and it was a nogo...i would have like marcus banks but he's not a big man...so you guys think that the Lakers are just jumping at the chance to trade young Bynum for Al? is that it? thinking maybe that the Sonics MUST be itching to trade us Swift and the Warriors just can't wait to unload Biedrens on us?

so again and again and again i ask...if this is such a bad signing, what would you armchair gms out there have done that would have been acceptable other teams or free agents?

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It's funny how unbelievably pessimistic the Hawks fan base is.

We are only one injury away? Guess what? So are the Lakers, so are the Heat, so are the Cavs. You think any of these teams are serious championship conteders without their best player?

What a dumb statement.

As far as us not being a .500 team this year, umm were we supposed to be???? We went from 13 wins to 26 which is what I call an improvement. Then we're supposed to lose our 2nd leading scorer, keep the youngest roster in NBA history and add another 16 wins??? Umm I think I'll settle for 7-8 more wins to show me we're moving in the right direction.

If you think we should be competing for a title by next year then you're wasting your time posting on here. No team could realitically compete with this many young players for another 2-3 years.

We will improve on our reord from last year and we will now have the most money out of any team in the NBA which is perfect for when we look at FAs like Ridnour, Hinrich, and Kaman. ooo.gif

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Have to agree w/ KB on this one. The contract is a relative bargain for a proven backup center.

Zaza is far too young in his development to be tagged as a career back-up, so ease off folks ...

Who was available? Adding a cheap piece that improves your team should never be frowned upon.

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Guest Walter


so again and again and again i ask...if this is such a bad signing, what would you armchair gms out there have done that would have been acceptable other teams or free agents?


I write an example of what I would look to have done in the above. Lo's signing isn't a bad one. It's an uninspired one in a long line of uninsired ones. This frankenstein team needed inspiration leading to results, not a "bargain".


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Guest Walter


Why can't Joe Johnson or Josh Smith or Marvin Williams or all three be our superstars?

Bernie realizes that they are both SFs and that they will both fight for the Sf position. No such thing as "bench superstar".

JJ is a great player, but I just don't see him as a superstar.

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I think the Clippers did pretty d*mn well for themselves this past year.

We were a 26 win team this past season That's double the wins we had the previous year. This offseason we're filling our holes with solid pieces. They may not be superstars but their going to contribute to our winning more games.

If your opinion "is not all that different from the rest of the basketball world", why don't you join them on the sidelines and stop bothering us with your pessimistic outlook. I have faith in what is being built - I am confident that we are getting better.

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Unknown, different views don't make you pessimistic at all. I happen to side with Walter because we haven't maximized better positioning than I think other teams would have. Just because some love BK, some like a few moves, and others hate it makes them no less fans or authority than you or Diesel.

I don't dislike Wright, Shelden, or Speedy, but you can't tell me your vision included them with the #5 pick, AL, and cash as tools to significantly improve. If so, more power to you. I'm on the side that says we could have done more. I support the Hawks, not some of the moves.

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You have to remember that to some of these people, the fact that Zaza is 22 years old means that he has maxed out his potential.

Oh, they also think that because he isn't 7'0", 300 lbs, he isn't a true center. You know. Being 6'11", 265 lbs makes him a power forward.

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Billy robbed Pete on that deal. Shareef was a nice player, but he wasn't worth what the Hawks gave up and the salary they committed to him.

Who would you rather have:

Shareef/Tony Parker..



The problem is that Babcock couldn't put a team together. He squander the pick that we got from Memphis.

Reef was a 20/9 player who could carry an offense but wasn't exactly a superstar.

Gasol is no superstar either.

The intangibles come with what do you do with BK and Tony Parker.

Well, BK is one of the better PGs in the game, but he's often injured.

Tony Parker is one of the best PGs in the game and has the rings to prove it.

When you consider the deal carefully, I think it's either a wash or Babcock wins. Gasol wouldn't have done what he has done here.

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I hate bringing back players that didn't work for us the first time in an attempt to make them work this time. They didn't work the first time for a reason.....why bring the same guy right back in.

I am not excited about this signing!!!

Lorenzen Wright...LOL!!! This is our big man.......

Those power ranking are accurate.

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Bernie sucks. He goes on the air and acts like we are getting something decent. Lorenzen Wright? What a waste of money. The entire organization is sub standard from the owners, to Bernie, to BK and on down to Woody. Wow, Bernie what a great pickup.

It is hard to be a Hawks fan.

Yup. A good player in the past 3-5 years? Ahahahaha. Hawks fans will recognize? Ahahahahaha. The best quote was "he is not Shaq".

What an arrogant prick. We missed out Magloire (who they were obviously talking about before) and now we are supposed to be EXCITED about Wright??? Can we please get a new ownership? Bernie is slightly below BK on the worst Human Beings List.

This is certainly a move that doesn't HURT us, but I am having a hard time seeing where this will help us greatly. Sorry if I don't seem to excited about getting a backup center.

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Yup. A good player in the past 3-5 years? Ahahahaha. Hawks fans will recognize? Ahahahahaha. The best quote was "he is not Shaq".

How are those inaccurate? All he was getting at was that it was actually a guy who belonged in the NBA, not a John Edwards type. He didn't get minutes last year, but over the past 4 seasons he's still a 9ppg/7rpg guy. Again, no shaq, but no john edwards either. And yes hawks fans will recognize him as he's been here before and an established NBA vet.

I can understand problems with BK's public image, but I don't see how anyone could not like Bernie. I think the guy is great for our image.

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I can understand problems with BK's public image, but I don't see how anyone could not like Bernie. I think the guy is great for our image.

I met the dude once. He came off just as arrogant as BK. He has better public image, but as a person he is just as bad. He kept talking about how much education he has and the work he did with the Pirates and acted like he was the reason attendance was up...Barry Bonds anyone?

Also, dude has no idea about the NBA (this is his first job in the NBA). True story. Last year I was listening to Bernie speak and he was talking about 'A team once traded for a big name player in the past 3-5 years and they went (some bad record here)'. Can anyone guess who this was? And remember, he said the past 3-5 years...the answer was Damon Stoudamire to the Trail Blazers...it was 7 freaking years ago and I told him that but the arrogant prick told me I was wrong. Usually, if I tell someone is wrong after they correct me I make sure I double check my information.

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Maybe you'd like me to go back and get his quotes about his team quitting on the season.

Pryzbilla did indeed have quotes about being negative about how portland's season went(fair enough) but rest assured he had no interest in going back to Atlanta. His family loves Portland and even though he had comparable offers from DET and SA (two considerably more successful franchises recently) he stayed in Portland. The only place he was considering was Chicago and he was reportedly a coin flip between CHI and PTL. However, Ben Wallace's signing ended all of that.

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