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Do you Realize....


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that BK has now drafted 7 consecutive forwards with his 1st round picks? Is that not absolutely stunning or what? I think this is a relevant point because it speaks to how little he thinks of PG's. He obviously thinks you can get by with just average PG's as long as you have the forwards.

Gasol, Battier, Diaw, Childress, Smith, Marvin, Shelden...

Amazing. So, don't kick the TV or the dog when Billy drafts another one and tells us the guy can play the 5. That's what he does, jams square pegs into round holes. The Shelden pick was the biggest waste of a 5th pick I have ever seen in my life. There wasn't any reason to take him other than BK was in love. He will fall in love again and when he does the ASG will support him 100% because he is just that smart. Buckle up and bend over cause Billy's coming in the draft.

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WOW Could you draw a more biased conclusion off of half stats.

Yes while BK has drafted these F's there are other circumstances. Its very narrow minded to just look at the players. BK has simply taken the BPA.

In generally there are elite PG's and then the rest, just role players that dont factor. So if you don't get an elite PG why not take the BPA.

Diaw was the 17th pick, so your saying there was a great C or PG after the 17h pick, oh and Diaw has become a vital cog in a team.

Smith at 14 (?) really name a better player late in the draft. Also a very good player in the NBA.

Childress, soooo you wanted Deng, Iggy, oh wait even if he takes the guys you want it would have been another F. Chill is still a very good player and contributor.

Marvin was considered in that draft as 1 of 2 top players. that draft was similar to this draft, predraft all talk was aboutb 2 guys. Even Chad Ford predraft who hates BK said he didnt see how we could pass on Marvin, gee like you hindsight is Chad's weapon of choice. Marvin still hasnt been a bust. Guys like Rafeal Arrojo are bust.

Shelden I can see your argument if you wanted Foye or Roy.

So thats 1 out of your 8 cases where the player taken wasnt the BPA, or there were only F's like Iggy or Deng there. I suppose teams that succeed with a lot of F's like Detroit, Clev, etc are doing things wrong too.

My point is BK hasn't wiffed on a single pick. You may personally like the pick, but each of BK's picks still have value and use and are guys other teams covet. Would you rathr have picks like Ed Gray, DeMarr Johnson, or Priest that 3 years later arent even in the lague and have no trade value?????????

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Diaw was the 17th pick, so your saying there was a great C or PG after the 17h pick, oh and Diaw has become a vital cog in a team.

Leandro Barbosa went after him.


Smith at 14 (?) really name a better player late in the draft. Also a very good player in the NBA.

You can't argue the Josh Smith pick unless you are nbasuperstar and think he stinks.


Childress, soooo you wanted Deng, Iggy, oh wait even if he takes the guys you want it would have been another F. Chill is still a very good player and contributor.

Iggy could be a true SG but you are right about the other players here being swingmen or forwards.


Marvin was considered in that draft as 1 of 2 top players. that draft was similar to this draft, predraft all talk was aboutb 2 guys. Even Chad Ford predraft who hates BK said he didnt see how we could pass on Marvin, gee like you hindsight is Chad's weapon of choice. Marvin still hasnt been a bust. Guys like Rafeal Arrojo are bust.

Clearly better PGs available here.


Shelden I can see your argument if you wanted Foye or Roy.

Yep. Easy to see that argument.


So thats 1 out of your 8 cases where the player taken wasnt the BPA, or there were only F's like Iggy or Deng there. I suppose teams that succeed with a lot of F's like Detroit, Clev, etc are doing things wrong too.

Actually, that is only an examination of 5 picks (not 8) and the BPA wasn't taken in any of them (Josh Howard also went behind Diaw). Good PGs or combo guards were available at four of those picks and were better than the player selected in 3 of them.


My point is BK hasn't wiffed on a single pick. You may personally like the pick, but each of BK's picks still have value and use and are guys other teams covet. Would you rathr have picks like Ed Gray, DeMarr Johnson, or Priest that 3 years later arent even in the lague and have no trade value?????????

Babcock was the worst drafting GM in sports history so that sets the bar pretty low.

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lol TP I feel the EXACT same way that you do. As soon as we got the #3 I was happy we kept our pick. But now that I've remembered who is in charge, I am pissed. Seriously, I will be Walter #2 until BK proves me wrong.

Giving BK options in the draft is like playing russian roulette with a fully loaded pistol, it's not good.

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I wonder if, after 8 straight forwards, he even has the capacity to pick a PG. It may not be in his DNA.

I say their is an 80% chance this board has a meltdown about this draft on draft night. I think we are going to crap a brick about what he does.

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Guest Walter


Yes, I feel like we are handing a bomb to a child and trusting him to blow up the right target and not himself and the rest of us with Knight still in charge of things.

...all blow up in every Hawk fan's face. Too many people from the ASG on down to Joe fan are excuse making apologists for BK's incompetence and arrogance.

I'm scared to death that the same guy who thought Childress was better than Deng and Iggy, MW was more important than much less better than Paul and Deron, and SW was better than Roy and Foye...the same person who got us Lo, Speedy, AJ, and SW to complete our team last year, is pulling the trigger this year.

No one could have mucked upu this rebuild anymore than BK already has. It's like watching a train wreck of failures. When we're on the clock or if a trade is announced, I'm absolutely scared to death of just how horrible it could come out. Especially now with BK putting job security over the franchise. This could be extremely ugly.

Interestingly, BK has so lowered expectations of him that if he doesn't absolutely [censored] it up, people will applaud it out of relief. We need a home run here everybody. A double won't do. BK got us into this situation. If he hits only a double with the 3rd overall pick...we're still screwed.


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Guest Walter


BK has simply taken the BPA.

What are you smoking?


My point is BK hasn't wiffed on a single pick. You may personally like the pick, but each of BK's picks still have value and use and are guys other teams covet. Would you rathr have picks like Ed Gray, DeMarr Johnson, or Priest that 3 years later arent even in the lague and have no trade value?????????

When you pick the WORST OF THE THREE REMOTELY CONSIDERED CANDIDATES, passing on TWO CONSECUTIVE R.O.Y. that is absolutely the definition of "whiffing".

Few if anybody in the history of NBA GMing has done this poorly with so much.

Who are you? His publicist. He needs one with this level of incompetence.


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Where the [censored] is all this damn BK defense coming from?

"He's simply taken the BPA" ahahahahhahahahahahh..

It's truly BAFFLING that 50% of this website still supported BK..

In my post-season poll on BK:

26% supported BK

33% supported BK returning as GM if we landed a top pick

9% said it was either impossible to judge him or that the ASG was so hampered by the lawsuit that there was no better alternative available

47% said he should be fired immediately

49% said he should be fired after the draft or before

Post-Season Poll

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Guest Walter


Maybe I got them mixed up, I just remember that poll that Walter made where it was about 50/50 in support of BK.

I still think 33% is way too high honestly.

In my poll it was 50% in support of BK not being fired before this year's NBA draft.

Makes me question the loyalty and/or competence of our fan base.

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Maybe I got them mixed up, I just remember that poll that Walter made where it was about 50/50 in support of BK.

I still think 33% is way too high honestly.

for instance I'm a BK apologist. pillepalle.gif

You can not stand outside his office with protest signs and still have a problem with some of the stupid stuff he does.

You can say your peace about BK every now and then without regurgitating the same 4 standard "I hate BK" posts every time you see a thread on Hawksquawk.

Most importantly you can make the distinction between the players BK has drafted (after the fact) and BK himself.

Just because I want Shelden Williams to do well doesn't mean I think BK is some kind of genius. Just because I hope we hold onto Marvin as opposed to letting him become a SuperStar on somebody else's team doesn't mean I don't think we shouldn't have taken Chris Paul.

Don't let a clown like Walter make you believe otherwise, because if you do you'll be standing on your head looking like an @sshat as well.

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Because BK has yet to 'show me' anything in regards to being a competent GM. He got really lucky that the ping-pong balls fell his way in order to give him a chance to erase some of the mistakes he's made in previous drafts. Do we even have to bother rehashing his past selections, folks? Every one of his lotto picks have been questionable decisions at best; its equivalent to bringing in a .275 singles hitter with warning track power to bat clean up. The only free agent he's brought in to make a positive impact (JJ) single-handedly splintered the ownership group. Do fans still trust this guy to get it right when he's been soooo wrong before?

The fact that he has options with these picks should make any Hawk fan cringe with terror.

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I think that would be the smart thing to do because this one situation, if played right, can complete our team for 5 years. Of course, we also know who is pulling the trigger.

I think trading the pick is a mistake because if we draft right we could set the team for twice as long.

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