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GROB for Penny Hardaway?


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Penny has an all-around offensive game. He can pass, shoot, drive, dribble. Hes the last of the "TALL" Point Guards in the league. He can easily play SG next to Terry.

Injury is a concern though, but hes playing well lately and it seems like injury is just part of his past. He still has that heavy contract though.

Stats wise, GROB is the better player. I think Marbury/Marion/GRob/Stoudemire/ONE OF THE 2 JAKES looks pretty good offensively (Marbury/Marion/GROB) and defensively (Marion/Stoudemire).

Im not sure how the salary goes... i think we would have to add in a scrub or 2 to make it work.

wat u think? Hardaway plays smart + effective ball handler that we need.

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Sure, I'd take a healthy Penny. What are the odds of that, though? It's like trading for Big Z. Both players are way to injury prone.

Where would the Suns play Dog? SG?

I don't think they want another scorer. They have Joe Johnson back there, too.

The Suns are set, actually. They just need Stoudamire to continue to develop. If he reaches his potential, they're a championship team.

I doubt they'd try to ruin chemistry by trading for Hog.

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Marion is not a shooting guard and never will be. He does not have that game. He is a small forward. They will not trade for another starting small forward when they already have a really good one. They would trade penny to let Joe Johnson start but it will be for a Center or to help deepen their bench.

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For once I agree with Diesel. Bad trade for both of us.

Now Penny for Theo Ratliff is a different story. Both are injury prone players with bad contracts. Penny could run the point for you guys and let Terry play SG just like he does here with Marbs.

Theo would put us over the hump. Theo and Amare downlow would be devastating. We'd just have to wait for the young guys to develop and then we'd be making title runs. I'd throw in our first rounder this year and a future first rounder Cleveland owes us. Too bad it will never happen.

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I can't stand Penny, he is the epitome of the spoiled athlete. He was at the top of the NBA, someone who had the ability to change the game. Then a huge salary and a few injuries later he becomes a role player. His versitality is a plus but I think he is as soft as pancake batter. Call it the Vin Baker syndrome. He lost that killer instinct years back and I don't see any upside to his career. He should stay in Pheonix and work on his golf swing.

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go prior to that though. Don't get me wrong, Penny is the glue on Phoenix team this year. His ability to accept his duties as a "high profile role player" is the primary reason, imo, that Marbury has been able to do what he's done (turn his game around, earn respect in the L). He still has a variety of ways that he can contribute...but his injury history does extend past just the past two seasons.

I don't have the numbers, or rather, don't feel like looking them up, but I would wager that if you extend back further, Penny is the more injured player. Additionally, Theo's problems are not "run of the mill" knee injuries etc. The broken scaphoid in Philly - the second most commonly fractured bone in the body. The hip thing - freakish. Both of those injuries required substantial rehab time, but he's had very few nick-knack injuries to the best of my knowledge. The same cannot be said for Penny.

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Go deeper than the past 4 seasons?

Do you really think an injury that Penny or Theo sustained 6 or 7 seasons ago is relevant to their health today?

The last 4 seasons can give you a good idea about that. Penny's major problems have been with his knees. He seems to have gotten over that. His knees have held up for the last two seasons. This year he messed up his thumb.

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One does not typically EVER completely get over knee problems. The scar tissue and cartiledge damage are permanent. Anything eroded, bone on bone friction, etc. cannot be regrown. Procedures can be performed that alleviate some of hte symptoms or decrease progression of an arthritic condition, but any damage done is permanent. Ask Steve Smith.

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