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Best sci fi flick that you saw that


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you thought wouldn't be so good.

Just to change things up, at least for me, I thought I would start a friviouls thread.

Here are some sci-fi flicks that I thought would be bad but turned out to be enjoyable:

1) Dark City- this is great film noir. If you haven't seen it and like dark mystries and science fiction, then check this movie out. I don't want to say too much as the plot is complex but can unravel with hints.

2) 5th Element- yes its Bruce Willis with a French director, but this pic has everything action, comedy, and a kick-ass chick. Plus the story is sort of cool. If you haven't considered it, its a fable about the formation of the moon.

3) Serenity- I thought this would be a nothing movie. Turns out to be a fun sci-fi romp with good characters. The acting isn't very good, but there are some classic scenes in it.

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I was going to go with 5th Element as my #1 before I even saw it on your list

After that, I'd have to go with Equilibrium. Not that it was an especially great flick, but because my expectations were so low, I was 10 times more entertained than I expected to be.

My wife HATES the 5th Element, so if I want to watch the big TV alone, I just pop it in the DVD player-

I haven't seen Equilibrium- I will try to rent it soon. You got the idea of the thread. A movie you expected to suck, but was actually OK thumb3d.gif

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I thought the 5th element would be good. it has the greatest character actor ever in it. Gary Oldman as Jean- Emanuel Babtiste Zorg. If you are familiar with his work, it's a delightful movie to see him in.

I absolutely love Galaxy Quest.

Starship Troopers, too. It's awesome. I mean, seriously. It's a giant space bug movie. What do you want?

I'm a Resident Evil fan, too. The movie was fairly faithful to the game and Mila is just soo hot.

In honor of The Swayze - Anyone ever see the worst sci-fi ever almost. It's called Steel Dawn. Check it out.

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In honor of The Swayze - Anyone ever see the worst sci-fi ever almost. It's called Steel Dawn. Check it out.

Worse than Battlefield Earth?

I am not a huge fan of the 5th Element. It is watchable.

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I absolutely love Galaxy Quest.

That definitely exceeded my expectations.

A big hit that really exceeded my expectations was actually the Matrix. I didn't know anything about it going in and was pretty well blown away.

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Ditto on the Matrix. I think that has to be near the top of everyones list. I didn't even see it in theaters because I thought it would be another Johnny Mnemonic and I wasn't going to get burned again by another lame Nanu nanu Reeves movie.

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I thought the 5th element would be good. it has the greatest character actor ever in it. Gary Oldman as Jean- Emanuel Babtiste Zorg. If you are familiar with his work, it's a delightful movie to see him in.

I absolutely love Galaxy Quest.

Starship Troopers, too. It's awesome. I mean, seriously. It's a giant space bug movie. What do you want?

I'm a Resident Evil fan, too. The movie was fairly faithful to the game and Mila is just soo hot.

In honor of The Swayze - Anyone ever see the worst sci-fi ever almost. It's called Steel Dawn. Check it out.

Perfect list!

Starship Troopers is one of my favorites too.

God, Steel Dawn was horrid.

But I agree that Battlefield Earth was even worse.

There was a 3d sci-fi movie that came out when I was like 12 or 13, I think it was called Starhunter or some crap. Now THAT was an awful movie.

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I have to agree about 5th Element, Galaxy Quest, Serenity and the Matrix

here some more:


Terminator and T2

Minority Report ( a very underrated movie)

Total Recall

Star Trek 2: the Wrath of Kahn (I am not a ST fan but I loved this movie)

I know we have been leaving out Star Wars but c'mon (not including the new 3, you have to include the originals ...well if you can just forget about the ewoks).

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BF Earth is probably one of the worst movies I have ever seen. ANother terrible sci fi movie is sphere. WTF was that all about? At the end they decide to forget. I wish I was able to forget that movie too!

It was an adaptation of a novel written by the founder of scientology, made by a bunch of scientologist actors, to funnel money to scientology. That's what that was all about.

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