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Marvin should see limited action if we want to win


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I'm tired of the fumbling the ball out of bounds.

I'm tired of the blown rotations.

I'm tired of the weak handed rebounds.

Before the statquoters get started, let me ask... What good is 5 rebounds if Rondo takes three of them away from you before you can pass the ball??

Most of all...

I'm tired of the heartless play.

This is the freakin playoffs. Look at Horf, He's playing each game like his job depends on it. How about Marvin? He's sleepwalking through games.

For those of you who say " He's playing good defense". I say BS.

I have gone over games 3, 4, and 5 and there are a myriad of blown rotations in our defense. Maybe it's the switching. Maybe it's that he's too damn clumsy to get over there. He doesn't seem to drag his butt to where he needs to be and the Celtics are capitalizing.

He's shooting 39% from the field.

I don't give a damn how pretty your shot.. 39% sucks.

he has become a liabilty.. The Celts are looking for Marvin to take advantage of him on both sides of the ball.

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I agree that Marvin has not had a very good series. Not only is he shooting 39%, but many of his misses are uncontested jump shots that he just...misses. Shots of the 18-24 foot variety (which I was led to believe was one of his specialties, shooting jumpers from that distance on the floor), wide open looks at the hoop and he just misses.

We desperately need scoring, especially with Bibby stinking it up the way he is. This could be Marvin's opportunity to shine and really help pick this team up, but he just doesn't cut it. It's very frustrating....

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You know Woodsen is not going to make any changes, especially for the starting lineup. I would just start either Childress or Mario West. West played well in that one game we started him this season. I also want to know who else thinks that Acie would be a better matchup against Rondo than Bibby. Bibby should be in the game when Cassell is in there. I don't think Cassell is quite as defensive minded as Rondo.

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Honestly, I just don't think Marvin has it in him. He was overhyped and never had the potential that many predicted. He's very limited as a player and is A) not motivated B) uncoordinated and weak C)cannot handle pressure.

Every time I watch him I always wonder why so many thought he was a superior athlete coming out of UNC. He has proven otherwise and even if there is some skill there that heart thing is never likely to change.

The sooner we can get someone to give us any kind of value for Marvin, the better it would be to move in a different direction.


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I would like to see us try a lineup of:

Acie, Bibby, JJ, Smoove, and Horf to start.

See if we can get some run and gun going with Acie at the Point.

Bibby's ball handling is not the greatest and when Acie comes into the game, it gives us a PG who can truly take the ball to the hole.

I was a bit disappointed with Chillz last night. Too many blocked shots. However, I'm not as upset because at least Chillz will challenge. IF we want to beat Boston, we have to take the ball to the bucket. We can't become a jumpshooting team like them because they will kill us. However, if we take the ball strong, we can start to get to the foul line. Last night the foul line was our saving grace.

My second option is:

Bibby, JJ, Smoove, Solo, and Horf.

Do you notice that when Solo is in the game, Boston players get scared to shoot inside?

Woody needs to put Solo in and play Zone with a Diamond and one zone with Smoove being the rover and Solo running the middle, and Bibby up top. Junk defenses have their good points too!

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Every time I watch him I always wonder why so many thought he was a superior athlete coming out of UNC.

ZBo, to answer your question, the reason is simple. Marvin never had a true starring role at UNC. He was for all practical purposes an unknown. It's like the old show let's make a deal. We had Chris Paul giving his best workout for us. Destroying Felton. Marvin giving his worst... having to stop 2 times during his workout for us. However, instead of taking the known (a pg who had proven himself over and over again), we went with what was in the box.

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I can't agree with you more. The kid has zero passion. His defense is atrocious, embaressing.

The kid is so uncoordinated I don't understand how this went unnoticed earlier.

He is losing it for us. Limited production on offense and the D is killing us.

I don't see any heart in the kid. His only chance is if Horford is able to light a fire under his ass and even Al might not be able to do that.


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I can't agree with you more. The kid has zero passion. His defense is atrocious, embaressing.

The kid is so uncoordinated I don't understand how this went unnoticed earlier.

He is losing it for us. Limited production on offense and the D is killing us.

I don't see any heart in the kid. His only chance is if Horford is able to light a fire under his ass and even Al might not be able to do that.


You know, you can almost see it on the faces of Al and Josh... It's like they look at Marvin and say.. "Damn... I wish we had Chris Paul!"

Marvin doesn't match the energy of those other players and it's not because they are SO energetic... It's because Marvin gives very little effort. The Celtics are playing off of Marvin. Technically, he should have an open shot everytime down. He's been missing. He tries to put the ball on the floor and runs over somebody because he can't drive and keep his head up. His best highlight of the playoffs was him running out of control down the court on a fast break and somehow swinging the ball behind his head to Al for a finish. I think it was luck because he was going down (unassisted).

I would trade him for Tim Thomas right now!

I would trade him for Charlie Villanueva.

I would trade him for Channing Frye.

I would trade him for Marcus Williams.

I could go on.

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I would like to see us try a lineup of:

Acie, Bibby, JJ, Smoove, and Horf to start.

See if we can get some run and gun going with Acie at the Point.

Bibby's ball handling is not the greatest and when Acie comes into the game, it gives us a PG who can truly take the ball to the hole.

I was a bit disappointed with Chillz last night. Too many blocked shots. However, I'm not as upset because at least Chillz will challenge. IF we want to beat Boston, we have to take the ball to the bucket. We can't become a jumpshooting team like them because they will kill us. However, if we take the ball strong, we can start to get to the foul line. Last night the foul line was our saving grace.

My second option is:

Bibby, JJ, Smoove, Solo, and Horf.

Do you notice that when Solo is in the game, Boston players get scared to shoot inside?

Woody needs to put Solo in and play Zone with a Diamond and one zone with Smoove being the rover and Solo running the middle, and Bibby up top. Junk defenses have their good points too!

I have to say, this sounds like a pretty good idea! Can JJ really play the SF position?

I think he has the size. It really is time to take a hard look at Marvin's starting spot.

He started coming on a little towards the end of the season, but has looked horrible in the playoffs when it counts.

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JJ can play Sf.

In fact, you can call it what you want.

He does it from time to time anyway.

I would keep Acie in to long.. that's something that Woody was supposed to grow during the season. Bibby is great, but he's more of a Jason Terry OG than he is a pure PG. While Law is more a PG.

Also... Bibby gives a double threat because when he plays off ball, he's definitely a three point threat but he's also a threat to put the ball on the floor and find somebody.

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Cant agree more with your original post Diesel. Again I say, too many times I am watching the game and ask myself "Where is Marvin?" Our team is young and Marv just isnt cutting it. He has shown little to no flashes at all of getting any better. He has a [now inconsistent and unreliable] spot up mid range jumper and little else. He is the softest player on our team (a title formerly held by Zaza by far). You can't teach heart, nor determination, nor work ethic. You either have it or you dont. Trade him now while he has some value. Some team will take him. We definitely need a more reliable player in his spot.

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