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Zaza As A Powerforward- I Don't Get It


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Over the past few months, I have seen numerous lineups with Zaza being listed as a backup powerforward. I don't get this slotting of Z. There is nothing in Zaza's game that suggests he would be anywhere close to an effective PF. He is too slow, has bad footwork, and can't defend out in space. The modern-day PF is a ball handling big. Z would get torched defending a PF out on the wing. Offensively, Z is at best a dribble and throw the ball up guy. A PF needs to have some post moves as well as a baseline jumper or range out to the top of the key. Zaza has neither of those.

Let's face it, Zaza is a Center in the NBA. He's not a great Center, but that is what he is.

If some of you that have put Z as a PF can explain why you have him listed as a b-u PF I would be interested in seeing your argument, because right now I don't get it.

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I have not seen that since his Milwaulkee days when he was like 20 years old.

It's probably just some 40 year old dude living in his mom's basement who types blogs as a"expert analysis" of the NBA in between reprepeated viewings of Star Wars. At least that is how alot of those blogs and write-ups on sites like yahoo-sports come across. Clueless !

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I have not seen that since his Milwaulkee days when he was like 20 years old.

It's probably just some 40 year old dude living in his mom's basement who types blogs as a"expert analysis" of the NBA in between reprepeated viewings of Star Wars. At least that is how alot of those blogs and write-ups on sites like yahoo-sports come across. Clueless !

The thing is that posters on this board do it from time to time. I've noticed they tend to be part of the newer cadre that has joined us over the past few months.

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I think people are under the impression that every team in the league has a starting center who is a mobile 7'0 275 with post moves and shotblocking ability. Even in the glory days, not every team had a hulking center.

Anyway, some people will say that Zaza is an inch too short to play C and he doesn't block shots or post up. I agree with you though, he's a much greater liability if he has to defend space because he has really slow feet.

By the way, I don't even think he's that bad a center as long as he isn't having a disaster of a season like the last one. As the 12-7.5 guy he was the previous two seasons, I like him quite a bit, especially as a backup.

Edited by crimedog
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By the way, I don't even think he's that bad a center as long as he isn't having a disaster of a season like the last one. As the 12-7.5 guy he was the previous two seasons, I like him quite a bit, especially as a backup.

Agreed, Z can be a very good b-u Center, just not a PF. I hope that his passion and drive that he showed in the Beantown series carries over and he becomes that enforcer that the Hawks have almost always lacked. As long as doesn't try any more of that Euro-league flopping, I will be fine with Zaza on the Hawks.

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Anyway, some people will say that Zaza is an inch too short to play C and he doesn't block shots or post up. I agree with you though, he's a much greater liability if he has to defend space because he has really slow feet.

it's not his height.....it's his pitiful vertical leap. He should try those "training shoes" George wore on one of those Seinfeld episodes.

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it's not his height.....it's his pitiful vertical leap. He should try those "training shoes" George wore on one of those Seinfeld episodes.

Well my thought is that you should always have a decent shotblocker in the game but it doesn't have to be your biggest player. Zaza is big and heavy enough to hold position and is better built for post defense than he is for trying to defend the high post. Imagine Zaza at PF trying to guard a guy like Josh Smith, Dirk, KG... He'd be torched from the high post and in transition all day.

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The thing with ZaZa is he is by far the clumsiest player on the team. Marvin is clumsy, but my god..ZaZa is an uncoordinated mess. I actually think he is more clumsy than he is soft, and everyone knows ZaZa is softer than a roll of Charmin.

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Imagine Zaza at PF trying to guard a guy like Josh Smith, Dirk, KG... He'd be torched from the high post and in transition all day.

That, or he would foul out within about 10 minutes time.

But in Pachulia's defense, in that Celtics series when he was matched up on KG, I thought Zaza did a pretty damn effective job for the most part in defending him. It seemed like he got inside KG's head a bit in a couple of those games, and really frustrated him. Like someone said earlier, hopefully he carries that level of intensity over into this season....

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Over the past few months, I have seen numerous lineups with Zaza being listed as a backup powerforward. I don't get this slotting of Z. There is nothing in Zaza's game that suggests he would be anywhere close to an effective PF. He is too slow, has bad footwork, and can't defend out in space. The modern-day PF is a ball handling big. Z would get torched defending a PF out on the wing. Offensively, Z is at best a dribble and throw the ball up guy. A PF needs to have some post moves as well as a baseline jumper or range out to the top of the key. Zaza has neither of those.

Let's face it, Zaza is a Center in the NBA. He's not a great Center, but that is what he is.

If some of you that have put Z as a PF can explain why you have him listed as a b-u PF I would be interested in seeing your argument, because right now I don't get it.

I place ZaZa at the PF sometimes simply by default. Everyone knows the NBA is all about matchups. With the addition of Morris I would trade ZaZa for Carl Landry(if healthy). He could be a very good replacement for Smoove off the bench. Energetic weakside shot blocker who would compliment Morris size.

I agree with the poster who said ZaZa is a good back up if he returns to his years prior to last season though. That playoff series moment still hasn't made me forget the dreadful season he had this year. I expected more.

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I agree with most of the people here in saying that if he returns to form of a couple seasons ago, he is a very serviceable center. Or great backup.

One thing no one mentioned that I observed a couple times last season, is that he can actually get out and run the fast break pretty decently for his size.

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