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The NBA - fairness does not exist on this league does it Mr. Stern, NO SENSEI


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Apparently noone was watching the same game that I was. The National bullsh*t Association struck again tonight. You can call it coaching, you can call it bad shot attempts, you can call it whatever, but this so - called fair league was at its worst tonight. How many times do I have to watch Lebron James barrel down the lane, knock down Joe, Mike, Zaza, Josh or anyone on this team only to hear a whistle and a blocking foul call. Queen James puts his shoulder in everyone's chest and yet we get called for a blocking foul. It is absolutely absurd. How can any official call a Double Technical in the same g-d d--n sentence. Zaza, 1. should not have been called for blocking there, and secondly how in f--k was that even deserving of a double technical. GET THE F--K OUT OF HERE. That call essentially killed any momentum that we had and these refs knew what in th F--K they were doing. Here's another stat that blows my mind Atlanta was called for 29 fouls, Cleveland 11 fouls, through the entire game. Cleveland shot 17 free throws in the 2nd half and Atlanta shot 3. Dont give me this lack of aggressivenss BS, cause that is exactly what it is. How in the hell are we supposed to even stand a chance when these a--holes take over the game. I PAY THE SAME HARD EARNED MONEY FOR MY TICKET THAT ANYONE IN CLEVELAND, L.A., OR BOSTON DOES, yet this so called league takes things into their own hands. WHAT A CROCK OF S==T. STERN YOU CAN GO SUCK ONE.

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Apparently noone was watching the same game that I was. The National bullsh*t Association struck again tonight. You can call it coaching, you can call it bad shot attempts, you can call it whatever, but this so - called fair league was at its worst tonight. How many times do I have to watch Lebron James barrel down the lane, knock down Joe, Mike, Zaza, Josh or anyone on this team only to hear a whistle and a blocking foul call. Queen James puts his shoulder in everyone's chest and yet we get called for a blocking foul. It is absolutely absurd. How can any official call a Double Technical in the same g-d d--n sentence. Zaza, 1. should not have been called for blocking there, and secondly how in f--k was that even deserving of a double technical. GET THE F--K OUT OF HERE. That call essentially killed any momentum that we had and these refs knew what in th F--K they were doing. Here's another stat that blows my mind Atlanta was called for 29 fouls, Cleveland 11 fouls, through the entire game. Cleveland shot 17 free throws in the 2nd half and Atlanta shot 3. Dont give me this lack of aggressivenss BS, cause that is exactly what it is. How in the hell are we supposed to even stand a chance when these a--holes take over the game. I PAY THE SAME HARD EARNED MONEY FOR MY TICKET THAT ANYONE IN CLEVELAND, L.A., OR BOSTON DOES, yet this so called league takes things into their own hands. WHAT A CROCK OF S==T. STERN YOU CAN GO SUCK ONE.

Guys on the Celtics and Cavs dont get thrown out for injuring players or shoving refs like Garnett did last year or Rondos smack to Brad Millers face but ZazA GETS TOSSED FOR HITTING THE FLOOR. LMFAO FUKKK YOU DAVID STERN

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i missed the chat during the game...why did everyone think Zaza was pissed? tirico n brown kept talking about the restricted area, but i thought Zaza was pissed about getting elbowed in the face by joe smith. then smith n varajao kinda stood over him while he was down. you NEVER hear the tv guys (stern's puppets) mention that stuff.

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i missed the chat during the game...why did everyone think Zaza was pissed? tirico n brown kept talking about the restricted area, but i thought Zaza was pissed about getting elbowed in the face by joe smith. then smith n varajao kinda stood over him while he was down. you NEVER hear the tv guys (stern's puppets) mention that stuff.

Zaza was frustrated and p!ssed. He lost it a bit. Silly actually - Va standing over him is a joke - Zaza could kick Va's arse in just a few minutes...maybe seconds. Actually - if it came down to a mano-a-mano straight fight - I would take Zaza against any of them (or us).

Joe Smith is an old vet and he got in a shot - intentional? - Deke usta do that stuff all the time. Zaza likely said a bunch of angry gibberish to the refs with some "Fs" in there and they canned him.

Edited by DJlaysitup
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Unless you happen to be one of the few lucky teams who snag a superstar in the draft (or have one handed to you, like the Celtics), you stand no chance in this league. The league dictates how games are called based on ad campaigns for sneakers and sports drinks.

I've been watching NBA basketball for over 20 years and I've never seen more biased officiating than this postseason's. They don't outright fix the result, there'd be a congressional investigation if they did that. But if there's a moment where they can swing momentum or bail out a favored team over the other, they do it 100% of the time. Kobe throws an elbow and kicks Shane Battier in game 1. No foul. Kobe elbows Ron Artest in the throat in game 2. No foul called, no suspension, though league rules mandate there should be one, and Artest gets ejected from the game. LeBron is one of the most physical players in the game, and he's been called for what, 3 fouls in 3 games? And then you have a Cavs player crashing into a Hawks player, and the Hawks player gets called for a foul, 2 Cavs stand over him like getting preferential treatment is something to talk trash about, and Zaza gets the quickest double technical I've ever seen. 4 point swing in the Cavs favor, all of Atlanta's momentum quashed and the game quickly becomes a laugher. That's a game changing moment entirely created by the officials.

I guess as basketball fans we should all say screw it and accept the inevitable Kobe vs. LeBron showdown. At least then we might stand a chance at watching a fairly officiated competition.

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11-29 free throws on OUR home court is not acceptable. Delonte West wrestling with Joe Johnson while Joe is trying to establish position. Things get physical and NO foul is called either ways. An All Star has to grapple with a role player for position and they rather call nothing than call the foul on Delonte? I literally heard one of the fans at Phillips yell at the official to stop talking to them and call the foul. Zaza had no issue with the blocking foul as much as the shot(s) he took while trying to take the charge. Not to mention how the Cavs have roughed up Smoove since his dunkfest over their entire team in the first half of Game 1 with with no consequences. No wonder the Phillips crowd started throwing stuff on the court.

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I guess as basketball fans we should all say screw it and accept the inevitable Kobe vs. LeBron showdown. At least then we might stand a chance at watching a fairly officiated competition.

The Rockets are not going quietly into that dark night...

Up by 27 in the 3rd!!

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There are also things that don't show up on the stat sheet.

The Hawks stopped the Cavs and had a 4 on 2 break going but the refs broke it up to call a shot clock violation of the Cavs, despite the fact that we were just starting a 4 on 2 break.

Well what happens after that? Cavs go on a 7-0 run in that game and never look back.

If they didn't stop our break we could have cut it to 1 point.

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The Hawks stopped the Cavs and had a 4 on 2 break going but the refs broke it up to call a shot clock violation of the Cavs, despite the fact that we were just starting a 4 on 2 break.

i know what you are saying. only thing is i've seen similar calls around the league all season. that is one rule i would like to see changed or at least cleared up...teams are getting punished for playing good defense.

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