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Re: L. Drew Needs to do more than talk...


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Jason Walker of Peacthree hoops was making some very solid points about Drew's comments and the Hawks past reluctance to shake things up...But then...Around the 13:45 mark of the interview here THIS idiot Jason Walker said one of the only deals the Hawks could make with what we have, would be Jamal Crawford for Eric Maynor???? LMAO and SMH!!!


Edited by y2kenta
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Jason Walker is no idiot but I disagree with his opinion.

We could get something with Jamal Crawford's expiring contract BUT JW is probably going off the premise that the ASG will not pay luxury tax next year which makes trading an expiring contract for a longer contract an impossibility.

That limits the Hawks to trading existing salary on next years books for equal salary on next years books. That is why Smoove is a candidate there with trade value. We may be able to trade a very talented tweener for a very taletented PG and/or C.

Edited by coachx
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Jason Walker of Peacthree hoops was making some very solid points about Drew's comments and the Hawks past reluctance to shake things up...But then...Around the 13:45 mark of the interview here THIS idiot Jason Walker said one of the only deals the Hawks could make with what we have, would be Jamal Crawford for Eric Maynor???? LMAO and SMH!!!


You're welcome to your opinion but Jason Walker is a very well respected MEMBER of Hawksquawk and former writer for the Hawks so he's no idiot!

The deal would have to be for more than just Maynor though to make salaries work and I'm not entirely sure that we'd trade for Maynor since we selected Teague ahead of him but who knows. As far as the salaries go it would be difficult to make a deal unless they're giving up one of their better players or multiple bench players since there is about an 8 million dollar difference between Maynor and Jamal. They could add Kristic and Sefolosha and it would work and would probably help our team since they are quality bench players, but we'd then have 3 PG's and I don't see that working.

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Jason Walker is no idiot but I disagree with his opinion.

We could get something with Jamal Crawford's expiring contract BUT JW is probably going off the premise that the ASG will not pay luxury tax next year which makes trading an expiring contract for a longer contract an impossibility.

That limits the Hawks to trading existing salary on next years books for equal salary on next years books. That is why Smoove is a candidate there with trade value. We may be able to trade a very talented tweener for a very taletented PG and/or C.

I agree, Jason isn't an idiot but Maynor isn't much better than what we have now. He's basically a less potential more polished Teague and Jamal has a lot more value on the market than just a scrub PG.

You have to remember that any deal we do, we have to send more salary than what we receive. We are 300K from being over the LT.

Here are the teams that will give us value for Crawford:






That's it. Those teams have a MAJOR need for scoring off the bench, in fact Cleveland just has a major scoring need in general.

Key players they would be willing to deal for Jamal.

Memphis- Mayo/Thabeet

Cleveland- Mo/Hollins

Portland- Miller/Babbitt

Charlotte- Stephen Jackson/Kwame

Indiana- T.J. Ford/Brandon Rush

Take your pick

Marvin can't get us anything more than he is.

Bibby and Zaza could get us a really bad contract but not someone can get us anywhere close to being successful unless it's in a position that isn't of need.

I think Jamal value is overrated here. We aren't going to get a Nash or Billups. Neither one of their teams truly want to trade them. Memphis deal is by far the best deal that would be on the table. Most potential, most talent, and most bang for your buck.

Edited by nbasuperstar40
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You're welcome to your opinion but Jason Walker is a very well respected MEMBER of Hawksquawk and former writer for the Hawks so he's no idiot!

The deal would have to be for more than just Maynor though to make salaries work and I'm not entirely sure that we'd trade for Maynor since we selected Teague ahead of him but who knows. As far as the salaries go it would be difficult to make a deal unless they're giving up one of their better players or multiple bench players since there is about an 8 million dollar difference between Maynor and Jamal. They could add Kristic and Sefolosha and it would work and would probably help our team since they are quality bench players, but we'd then have 3 PG's and I don't see that working.

ASG is cheap but they knew next season that in order to compete they would have to go over the LT. They have 42 million committed to three players next season. 14 million committed to two players we can't really move, one is talented as well as needed and the other is old who no one really wants other than a combination for a bad contract. ASG knew this when they resign Joe and Horford they would have to spend to compete.

Also OKC will not do that deal either.

1. They have enough scoring.

2.. Maynor value to them>Jamal's. They need a backup PG and they have a scorer off the bench as well as depth at SG.

3. They need a center just as much as we do.

Crawford is getting traded which is the reason why he didn't get the extension. Not because ASG is cheap, it's just that the Hawks have greater needs and Crawford is likely to get value for the needs more than signing a MLE or the draft would.

PG and C is critical for us. It's clear Drew is moving Horford to PF permanently. Bibby will still start because just watch them. Bibby is bad as he is, is still much better than Teague would should be playing right now. He doesn't have the ability and doesn't understand the position and almost 20-22 teams have good to elite PG's. Teague would get killed, at least Bibby and control tempo, run the PnR, and make open threes. Collins will start. Not because he's good because he sucks but it's because he can defend the position and has high BBIQ. Zaza is better but Zaza is nonathletic, not skilled, and not smart enough to make up for what he lacks. He's good at his role as a 10-15 min role player but he's terrible as a starter. Both are poor starters but at least Collins doesn't hurt us too much.

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Jason Walker is no idiot but I disagree with his opinion.

We could get something with Jamal Crawford's expiring contract BUT JW is probably going off the premise that the ASG will not pay luxury tax next year which makes trading an expiring contract for a longer contract an impossibility.

That limits the Hawks to trading existing salary on next years books for equal salary on next years books. That is why Smoove is a candidate there with trade value. We may be able to trade a very talented tweener for a very taletented PG and/or C.

I guess I don't really mean to call him an idiot...But I just felt the statement was idiotic...Sorry bout that.

And why does Josh Smith seemed to be the only core member to consistently be mentioned for trade? Why is Marvin absent in most trade discussions? So Marvin, 6'9, with his abilities, and his 3yr/$22MIL remaining would be hard to move? Especially packaged with Crawford or Teague + pick (like Jason said, if we're not gonna play him enough). Shouldn't that be good enough value for a 2nd tier PG or C like D. Harris, Kaman, or maybe Nash???

Just saying.

Edited by y2kenta
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I guess I don't really mean to call him an idiot...But I just felt the statement was idiotic...Sorry bout that.

And why does Josh Smith seemed to be the only core member to consistently be mentioned for trade? Why is Marvin absent in most trade discussions? So Marvin, 6'9, with his abilities, and his 3yr/$22MIL remaining would be hard to move? Especially packaged with Crawford or Teague + pick (like Jason said, if we're not gonna play him enough). Shouldn't that be good enough value for a 2nd tier PG or C like D. Harris, Kaman, or maybe Nash???

Just saying.

It depends on what you want to get back. Smith should return a borderline All-Star at a positon of need, esp point. Williams + garbage= OK player and garbage (e.g. Marvin + junk /= Devin Harris). So, take your choice on what return you'd like to have. Do you want a player that can actually make an impact on team's succes in the playoffs or an OK player at a postion of need (Kaman)?

Me, I would rather deal from our position of surplus (PF) for an area of greatest need PG. I don't think there is a center out there that equals Smith in value between both teams. That is, all really good centers are worth a lot more than Smith, and all the other centers in the league are not equal value for Smith. PG is the place where we could maximize the return on Smith.

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I watch OKC games and Maynor is good. He is playing behind Westbrook so it is hard for him to get PT. He is a good defender, he can handle pressure and is good at distributing the ball. I like him but not for Crawford. If a deal like this was in motion, I wonder what other pieces OKC would throw in to make it work. They have quite a bit of cap space too so they might not need to add anything.

Someone made the point that OKC would be left with one pg and that is true and I agree it does not make sense for them. They already have a scoring guard off the bench with Harden and really the thing they are missing is a PF or C who will be tough and rebound.

I see them trading Green at some point because they have a redundancy with Horford. They are both SF/PF hybrids and Green might net them that tough guy.

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I watch OKC games and Maynor is good. He is playing behind Westbrook so it is hard for him to get PT. He is a good defender, he can handle pressure and is good at distributing the ball. I like him but not for Crawford. If a deal like this was in motion, I wonder what other pieces OKC would throw in to make it work. They have quite a bit of cap space too so they might not need to add anything.

Someone made the point that OKC would be left with one pg and that is true and I agree it does not make sense for them. They already have a scoring guard off the bench with Harden and really the thing they are missing is a PF or C who will be tough and rebound.

I see them trading Green at some point because they have a redundancy with Horford. They are both SF/PF hybrids and Green might net them that tough guy.

Actually OKC is right up against the cap so they don't have any ability to absorb extra salary. We could get Maynor for our TPE but I doubt that they're looking to just get out from under his contract.

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