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Sheffield to the Yankees?


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Maybe Weez can post today's insider for baseball. I know it talks about the Braves wanting to keep Sheffield, but if they can't they will go after Vlad Guerrero. I would be interested to see how that article reads.


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What I like about Vlad is his ability to steal bases and

hit those bad balls Andrew misses. Those bad ball hitters

drive pitchers nuts because even when they go out of

the strikezone they still have to worry about the ball

getting hit.

The Braves should look to trade Chipper...He had nice

numbers on paper, but he really wasn't effective last

year...It seemed like he never done anything of importance.

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trade chipper? wtf are you talking about? That would go down as one of the stupidest moves in braves history.

If they're going to trade someone, trade Andrew. We could get a LOT more out of him and the guy isn't going to get any better here. Maybe a change of address would help him out, I could care less really. But he's not going to get any better in Atlanta. They could get a lot more for him too. He's one of htose guys that every coach would like to get their hands on thinking they could turn him into the player he was supposed to be.

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He's still better than Chipper...Chipper pretty much sucks.

He isn't half as good as his stats make him out to be...He's

the highest paid player on the team, he's a poor defensive

player, he has no passion......Chippers a P*ssy pretty much.

He swings like one, acts like one, and doesn't seem to have

the attitude of a winner. Getting to the playoffs is good

enough as far as he is concerned....It's never ok for a player

to few it that way.

Chipper is a player that proves you can't go on stats alone

to see how effective a player can be...

Chipper isn't getting any better in Atlanta either. Trading

Andrew is a big no no.

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Heres what i think..

- Andruw Jones is a top 5 OUTFIELDER in this league on DEFENSE. Hes made so many highlights with spectacular catches. On Offense, he does seem to strike out a lot. But DEFENSE ALONE, shouldnt we just keep the guy?

- Chipper Jones was every braves' fan favorite player. Kinda like MIKE VICK with falcons. For many years, he was a candidate for MVP... last year he didnt produce as well and was overshadowed with the emergence of Giles/Furcal/Sheffield's offense. He did pretty much SEAL THE DEAL for 1 of the postseason game all by himself

so who do i decide with? Neither of u guys... i rather KEEP BOTH!

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He blurts out idiotic half cocked "ideas" and then backs it up with intelligent and thoughtful things like "chipper is a [censored]". par for the course."

He's overpayed-True

He hits too many weak groundballs-True

He doesn't have a win at all costs attitude-True

His HR's have been falling-True

His swing is weak-Just take a look at it

Poor ole Chillz can't handle someone saying something

bad about the Braves or one of their players. Even when

it's true.

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He's overpayed-True

*(not anymore... whens the last time u saw him on the cover of ESPN magazine? i dont hear much about Jones these days... all i hear is Prior/Wood, Pujols, Bonds, Sosa, etc)

He hits too many weak groundballs-True

He doesn't have a win at all costs attitude-True

His HR's have been falling-True

His swing is weak-Just take a look at it

*[censored] it... i dont wanna go down each argument and say my opinion of it... those things u said above may be TRUE... HOWEVER!!!

- Hes still our most PATIENT HITTER. Our batters are VERY IMPATIENT and just wacks at anything they see...

- His swing might be ugly to u... and it might not scare pitchers like Sheffields... but he makes GREAT CONTACT with the bat. seems like hes not even tryin hard when he HOMERS. He just has great fundamentals when it comes to offense.

Im not necessarily a Chipper fan... just lettin you guys know how i see it.

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haha dude, you're a joke man.

He had injuries the first part of the season. He still hit almost 30 homers. Still hit over .300 and still had over 100 RBI's.

It's funny that you in your educated sports wisdom, say he has a weak swing. But practically everyone in the sport talks about how sweet of a swing chipper has. Hmm, who knowst he most? Sports people or you? HAH.

As far as his attitude. YOu don't have a damned clue what his attitude is. Barry Bonds doesn't beat himself in the head with the bat when he doesn't get a hit. That means he's a [censored] with a loser attitude. what a joke.

Weak ground balls? The guy hits over .300. So all of his other non-hits are just weak ground balls? Isn't that the case for most players in baseball? I don't know many guys who hit right around .300 but every non-hit is a laser at a guys face or a fly out to the warning track. get real.

I stand by what I said, you talk out your ass. Doesn't matter if it's baseball or basketball. You take your personal opinion and try to somehow make sports fact. so and so is a loser, so they suck. So and so is a [censored], so he sucks.

Get real. Watch the games before you talk out your ass. wait, I don't know why you'd do that with the braves. You don't do it with the Hawks either and all you do it talk out your ass concerning them.

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He had injuries the first part of the season. He still hit almost 30 homers. Still hit over .300 and still had over 100 RBI's. "

Stats stats stats. Stats tell you Stephen Jackson is

actually a good player...Stats don't always tell the

complete truth.

"As far as his attitude. YOu don't have a damned clue what his attitude is."

Well, when he speaks like just making the playoffs is

enough I'd say that says a pretty good bit about his

attitude about winning. Maybe it's enough for fans, but

as a player would you want to settle for not being the


Get real. Watch the games before you talk out your ass. wait, I don't know why you'd do that with the braves. You don't do it with the Hawks either and all you do it talk out your ass concerning them. "

Yeah, lol you know so much...That's why you really thought

The Braves would man handle the Cubs eh? You know so

much, right? Get freakin real.

Fact is that Chipper is overpayed. His defense is poor

and you really have no defense for these things. He's

not much of a clutch hitter either. I saw plenty of games

and I haven't seen anything that good since his MVP

year. He hit 27 HR? This day and age that isn't all that

impressive. Maybe 10 years ago it was, but not really

anymore. He doesn't suck, but he's not that great either.

He isn't worth his salary, he doesn't have any upside,

and he's a poor fielder. Chipper should be traded before

Audrew....AJ still has potential to improve and he's

already better than Chipper anyways.

Oh and yeah, all the experts and knowledgable people

predicted the Marlins to win the World Series didn't they?

They are all so smart.lol

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Trading Chipper, that is just stupid.

The guy isn't overpaid first of all, at least by baseball standards. If you ask me everyone in baseball is overpaid.

Chipper had another solid year. Let alone he is the only Brave that shows up in the postseason.

I say if we had to trade one of the two, trade Andruw. Just because he plays good defense doesn't mean we should keep him.

This guys shows no effort and that he doesn't care. Every year is suppose to be his breakout year. So when is it going to be?

Even Sheff says this guy can be a monster, but he doesn't want it bad enough. Let alone he strikes out way too much.

I would like to see us keep them both. But, if we trade Andruw to get Vazquez or Vidro and some speedy OF that can steal bases I'm all for it.

At least I know Chipper shows up when it matters. When has Andruw?

How long are you willing to wait for Andruw? You talk about Chipper's attitude being poor. Look at Andruw's he has no drive what so ever. Because if he did he would already be a superstar by now.

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At least I know Chipper shows up when it matters. When has Andruw? "

Chipper shows up when it matters?? Since when? What has

his batting average for the playoffs? Chipper is NOT a clutch

player. He batted .167 for the playoffs this year.Chipper at his salary should be posting 40 HR 110RBI...Chipper needs

to produce a few more HR's.

Chipper is a good player without a shadow of a doubt, but

I think I'd still keep Andrew...You also have to factor in the

salary cap...Andruw doesn't make as much as Chipper I

don't think....Plus Andrew has upside and toped Chippers

numbers this year. However, part of that is due to the

fact that AJ is a hacker...

Personally, when I've seen Chipper play I haven't be

impressed...The last two years anyway. IT seems like

he hits an aweful lot of ground balls. But I don't watch

every game because baseball isn't exciting enough for

me to watch EVERY GAME.

In some ways I think it's too early to give up on AJ...

but in others you have to wonder if the Atlanta night

life will always hold him back if he's in Atlanta.

But the Braves must keep Marcus Giles. Seems like

that guy never got out. He had a better year than

Chipper in my opinion. It seemed like made a huge

impact while Chippers impact seemed small alot of

the time.

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I think even with Chipper's poor playoff performance this past year it was still better than Andruw's. If not I don't think Andruw out did him by much. [censored], Chipper won one of the playoff games himself. Which is more that Andruw can say.

Also, just because Andruw had more HR's and RBI's doesn't mean he had a better year than Chipper. Chipper wasn't too far behind in either category. Plus his strikeouts are less, he hits for better average and draws more walks.

Simply put Chipper is better. You talk about the upside with Andruw and you ignored my comment I stated before. He has been the league for six years. When is that upside coming. You have to wonder if it hasn't come now, when will it. You ignored Sheffield's remarks that Andruw doesn't want it bad enough.

I like Andruw as much as any Brave, but Chipper is much better. But the sad think is that Andruw could be the best Brave ever(possibly), but he doesn't want it enough. So, with that I would keep Chipper and trade Andruw.

Also, they make about the same yearly. Chipper may make a million more that's it.

I agree Giles and DeRosa were the only ones to hit in the playoffs.

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I forgot to follow up on another point and that is if you look through the all the years that Chipper has been in the playoffs. He is the only player on the team that puts up any offensive numbers. This was his first bad postseason. Besides Andruw's first game in NY, he hasn't done anything in the postseason.


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You ignored Sheffield's remarks that Andruw doesn't want it bad enough. "

Considering Sheffields playoff games the last two years(3 for

30) he probably shouldn't say much. Never did like that @sshole Sheffield anyway.

I'd still take Andrew 36HR 110RBI and great defense over

Chippers 25HR and 305 average...Not to mention CHipper

is a libility in the outfield and 3rd base. Batting average

doesn't mean much anyway. Jim Thome hits under .300

but I'd still take him over anyone on the Braves.

But neither guys seem to have a knack for getting the

big hits. Not to mention it can be argued that Chipper

had his worst year this year.....

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