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Dennis Schröder


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This right here. Before the Cousins incident Dennis had played great in summer league, good in the preseason and good in the regular season. When he came back from that suspension you could clearly see that Bud had moved on from him at that time by giving him DNP-CDs and when he got on the court it was random and brief and he had the worst players on the team around him. What kind of raw rookie from overseas is going to put up numbers in a situation like that?

Now that he's again getting regular minutes you can see the Dennis we first saw starting to come back. It shocks me that some of the same people that literally gave Superbust Marvin Williams half a DECADE and were still defending him are some of the same people ready to throw Dennis to the curb in his rookie season when he's never gotten a real role. Cmon man!

I don't see anyone trying to throw him to the curb but to say he was playing good in the regular season is a huge stretch. He's had very few games you could describe as good and a bunch that were not good. But he's young and very inexperienced. Still to say he was doing really good until Bud randomly decided to bench him just isn't factual.

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Still to say he was doing really good until Bud randomly decided to bench him just isn't factual.

He had a 4 to 1 assist to turnover ratio before being "benched". Maybe we have different expectations for rookie PG's but that is at the very least a pretty solid job from a 20 year old PG.

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He had a 4 to 1 assist to turnover ratio before being "benched". Maybe we have different expectations for rookie PG's but that is at the very least a pretty solid job from a 20 year old PG.

Before his suspension and including the Sacramento game that got him suspended he had 17 assists and 5 turnovers so that's actually only 3 to 1, but still impressive. He was also averaging almost 19 minutes per game, scoring a solid 8.5 points but he was doing it on about 40% shooting.

The problem is the next 15 games after his suspension he averaged 12 minutes, 1.4 assists, 1.6 turnovers and 4 points. So you can say that he didn't deserve to be benched but the truth is he played his way to the bench with his very erratic play after the suspension.

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Before his suspension and including the Sacramento game that got him suspended he had 17 assists and 5 turnovers so that's actually only 3 to 1, but still impressive. He was also averaging almost 19 minutes per game, scoring a solid 8.5 points but he was doing it on about 40% shooting.

The problem is the next 15 games after his suspension he averaged 12 minutes, 1.4 assists, 1.6 turnovers and 4 points. So you can say that he didn't deserve to be benched but the truth is he played his way to the bench with his very erratic play after the suspension.

You're wright, but he's shown clear talent and we got to develop him. An 8th seed isn't a good reason to not play him; even if our 20 year old rook struggles some.

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Before his suspension and including the Sacramento game that got him suspended he had 17 assists and 5 turnovers so that's actually only 3 to 1, but still impressive. He was also averaging almost 19 minutes per game, scoring a solid 8.5 points but he was doing it on about 40% shooting.

The problem is the next 15 games after his suspension he averaged 12 minutes, 1.4 assists, 1.6 turnovers and 4 points. So you can say that he didn't deserve to be benched but the truth is he played his way to the bench with his very erratic play after the suspension.

I totally agree with this and I'm not trying to diminish his good play in those games but it was just 4 games of which he played well in 3.

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....The problem is the next 15 games after his suspension he averaged 12 minutes, 1.4 assists, 1.6 turnovers and 4 points. So you can say that he didn't deserve to be benched but the truth is he played his way to the bench with his very erratic play after the suspension.

Yep, that's what has gotten him back in the lineup now that we are stealth tanking. Mack and even Teague have given him a run for his money sometimes though.

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The problem is the next 15 games after his suspension he averaged 12 minutes, 1.4 assists, 1.6 turnovers and 4 points. So you can say that he didn't deserve to be benched but the truth is he played his way to the bench with his very erratic play after the suspension.

I'm really just trying to be optimistic because there's been a lot of negativity lately and I'm bored so here goes... The truly interesting stat about those next 15 games after the suspension, if my math is right, was that he totaled 24 DNP-CD's. That's just crazy. I totally agree his play was erratic but I also think that stemmed from being a rookie and his playing time wasn't there anymore. When he came back from suspension his playing time was immediately cut in half(when he did play) and only got decent minutes in blow outs...sometimes. Plus Bud took the ball out of his hands after the Sac game and had him playing off the ball which he wasn't doing during his time he was having success.

To me they really took away what he was excelling at. Now he has the ball back in his hands and he's doing well again during this "Lou Free Time". And to add on to the DNP's, Bud yanked him in several games during that period often after making just one mistake. Just seems like there was a real lack of patience there because I guess we were really caught up in the 3 seed at the time.

I'm also a little bitter because I think we were looking at short term success instead of the development of a young player and after watching Teague be Teague again it upsets me even more to know we could of been letting a young player take his lumps as a rookie and learn from it rather than being on a short leash looking over his shoulder never knowing if he was actually going to get in the game or not. I just get the feeling that people look at the box score for those assists and turnover numbers and don't realize the great dribble penetration he gets then kicks to wide open shooters who aren't burying their chances. I guess that's where I see his potential the most(other than defense and rebounding)...

Edited by ViperXX79
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I'm really just trying to be optimistic because there's been a lot of negativity lately and I'm bored so here goes... The truly interesting stat about those next 15 games after the suspension, if my math is right, was that he totaled 24 DNP-CD's. That's just crazy. I totally agree his play was erratic but I also think that stemmed from being a rookie and his playing time wasn't there anymore. When he came back from suspension his playing time was immediately cut in half(when he did play) and only got decent minutes in blow outs...sometimes. Plus Bud took the ball out of his hands after the Sac game and had him playing off the ball which he wasn't doing during his time he was having success. To me they really took away what he was excelling at. Now he has the ball back in his hands and he's doing well again during this "Lou Free Time". And to add on to the DNP's, Bud yanked him in several games during that period often after making just one mistake. Just seems like there was a real lack of patience there because I guess we were really caught up in the 3 seed at the time. I'm also a little bitter because I think we were looking at short term success instead of the development of a young player and after watching Teague be Teague again it upsets me even more to know we could of been letting a young player take his lumps as a rookie and learn from it rather than being on a short leash looking over his shoulder never knowing if he was actually going to get in the game or not. I just get the feeling that people look at the box score for those assists and turnover numbers and don't realize the great dribble penetration he gets then kicks to wide open shooters who aren't burying their chances. I guess that's where I see his potential the most(other than defense and rebounding)...

Huh? 24 DNP/CDs in 15 games? Yeah Viper I'm pretty sure the math is a bit off here. I'm guessing you meant after the suspension through now? He has missed a lot of games but he's still averaged 13 mpg this season, which isn't bad for the 4th guard on the depth chart and a guy who's a 20 year old rookie.
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Huh? 24 DNP/CDs in 15 games? Yeah Viper I'm pretty sure the math is a bit off here. I'm guessing you meant after the suspension through now? He has missed a lot of games but he's still averaged 13 mpg this season, which isn't bad for the 4th guard on the depth chart and a guy who's a 20 year old rookie.

For everybody who wants to understand his point it's clear that he meant that dennis was only playing 15 of the next 39 games - and that's a fact.

I don't know what happend behinde the scenes after showing some love for cousins, but something must have gone wrong...

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For everybody who wants to understand his point it's clear that he meant that dennis was only playing 15 of the next 39 games - and that's a fact.I don't know what happend behinde the scenes after showing some love for cousins, but something must have gone wrong...

Yeah it's called 1:1 assist to turnover ratio. In other words piss poor play.
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"When I was a child, I thought as a child." That's biblical. Dennis is still

a very young man. He was very successful in his previous role on a team

from over seas. He started out really good here but then, things happened.

English is his second language and he's, for the first time, in America and

playing against very good NBA players. Did he have an attitude problem?

Possibly so. "I know I'm good and you don't have to tell me anything."

Then, because of the suspension and limited playing time after that, things

simply fell apart for the young man. He desperately needed to grow up and

now, I believe, He's beginning to show some signs of maturity.

He's not there, not yet. But, he's showing that the talent is there and he may

be slowly becoming the player that he's capable of becoming. We hope so.


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15 minutes last night, shooting 4 out of 6 and making 5 assists on 0 TO's.

Young talent needs to build on confidence, which builds on time. No one should judge Dennis on that long period playing minor minutes inbetween and off the ball allot. Anyone can judge, judging wisely though needs all context available.

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This has to be the dumbest thing I have heard today:

This kid is delusional. We are better on defense when he is not playing http://www.82games.com/1314/13ATL2.HTM#onoff. He has the lowest defensive win shares per minute on the team. The earball test shows you that the only player Elton yells at more on defense is Mike Scott. The eyeball test shows Schröder not helping on defense and frequently lagging his man.

Someone please slap him. I am not here saying Schröder sucks, I am here saying Schröder has an inflated sense of how good he is relative to his teammates.

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I dunno, but when I read it says "he was told, if he plays defense, then..."

Also, note that German grammar is often similar to English, but often not. So sometimes you speak whatever comes to mind and it ends up comming across differently than it was intended.

Sounds to me like people told him to play defense in order to keep his playing time.

Anyway, American sports gossip is infintly more pedantic and obscurist than I could have ever imagined.

Good Dennis is not a local hero double-double machine like Josh Smith though.

The interpretation of the C-Viv tweet is rough because you have someone like C-Viv speaking. So what was said may not be what C-Viv says was said. My interpretation might be off, oh well.

And yeah, American sports gossip is pathetic. And if you think it is bad for the Hawks, then don't look at the Lakers.

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I have no problem whatsoever with Dennis, but I also have no problem with how the coaching staff handled him. In this league if you are playing for a playoff team if you can't play, you sit. That's basically what happened. Whatever the approach Dennis is starting to figure some things out, so development wise things are moving along nicely.

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I dunno, but when I read it says "he was told, if he plays defense, then..."

Also, note that German grammar is often similar to English, but often not. So sometimes you speak whatever comes to mind and it ends up comming across differently than it was intended.

Sounds to me like people told him to play defense in order to keep his playing time.

Anyway, American sports gossip is infintly more pedantic and obscurist than I could have ever imagined.

Good Dennis is not a local hero double-double machine like Josh Smith though.



Anyway, American sports gossip is infintly more pedantic and obscurist than I could have ever imagined.


    b-ball, football-euro

In Germany is (or I think so) different, but it seems to me ironic that you are a european football fan and you think that American sports gossip is pedantic and obscurist. It is, but not more than Spanish, Italian or Turkish european football's gossip that it's just trash.

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