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Why am I wrong?


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... to think like this? Why am I wrong to think others should think like this, too?

(Honest question, and I'm just throwing this out there to read others' thinking, not to argue. In fact, I'll just say from the jump, don't reply expecting me to reply. I won't say I absolutely won't but I will say I don't intend to, and I can be pretty dog-determined to do what I say I was intending to do.)



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I think you want us to set aside the social dilemma created by having arena's open and players playing through the Omnicron stuff and focus just on entertainment value of semi-pro meets pro ball.  If so, I actually enjoyed the games and unusual scenarios it created.

1. We got to see how much the talent drop off is and is not when G league gets in the games.
2. Our actual rotation and end of bench players were forced into roles and had the opportunity to shine or flop.

I don't really care that it impacted our record, which we had two games that we should have won regardless Portland and Orlando.  If we won those games we would have almost zero impact on our overall record.

Lastly, if this happened every year, I would love it.  Eight to ten games where teams are forced to problem solve with a bulk of their roster out and then mix in G League and Big 3 players.  

Probably not the reaction you wanted to hear, but my actual thoughts are being cast as "wrong" around here quite a bit lately.    

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Just my 2 cents...

Next man up is part of sports.   Next man up shows the ability of GMs and Coaches.   Without Next man up, Tom Brady and Brett Farve would not be household names. 

Lebron has 2 of his titles because of next man up. 

Therefore, I don't call this semipro... it's pro..

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1 hour ago, Diesel said:

Next man up shows the ability of GMs and Coaches.


(*sigh*... so much for "dog-determined," I suppose.... hehe... forgive me... but I still am going to try to recommit myself... right after this... hehe )


"Next man up" when everyone has a roster formed under the same conditions, yes.


I question, maybe obviously, the premise that the omicron spike has affected every team sufficiently close to the same.

The talent drop-off between the #1 player on a given opening night roster and the #15 is one thing... when you're having to, instead of the #15, dive into, not just the G-League all-star pool, but to the run-of-the-mill pool???... and when you're having to do that, on the fly for a few for one game, and several the next???

Then, zooming out and considering that this is a game where only 5 men see the field of play... where chemistry is at least as important as any other sport on the planet...


The effect is exponentially convoluted compared to other sports. These are not games that should count if integrity of the regular season--and by necessary inference seeding for the playoffs, and even mere qualification for that matter--is actually held as paramount.

I get why NBA HQ... I get why NBA owners... I get why NBA media and their advertisers.... none of them are especially eager to hold integrity as paramount. They have paychecks to consider.

I don't get why we don't. I feel we should.


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Sooooo... days later... seems like it's less that I'm wrong, more that so many Squawkers are just that addicted to this form of entertainment, and prefer to carry on like this is any ordinary year with any ordinary year's assessment and prescription for what needs to happen...

The coaching is terrible... never mind that there's no stability there...

Players x, y and z are terrible... never mind that there's no stability there...

Players a, b and c are guys we need to trade for now... never mind that the state of instability will continue no matter how the GM alters the roster.


Addictions put the hell in unhealthy. See y'all when the NBA gets stable again.

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I'm in agreement with you.  Seeing the team starting G-League players and guys who didn't play a meaningful minute all year until the roster got wiped out is not fun.  Win or lose, it is like watching some random college basketball game and saying one of those teams counts as the Hawks.  Add in the inequity of some teams simply not signing guys to get their games postponed while teams like the Hawks can't get a game post-poned missing 10 guys off the roster further reinforces the arbitrary nature of this period in the season.  I've watched less of the games and this is the reason.

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On 1/8/2022 at 1:54 PM, sturt said:


(*sigh*... so much for "dog-determined," I suppose.... hehe... forgive me... but I still am going to try to recommit myself... right after this... hehe )


"Next man up" when everyone has a roster formed under the same conditions, yes.


I question, maybe obviously, the premise that the omicron spike has affected every team sufficiently close to the same.

The talent drop-off between the #1 player on a given opening night roster and the #15 is one thing... when you're having to, instead of the #15, dive into, not just the G-League all-star pool, but to the run-of-the-mill pool???... and when you're having to do that, on the fly for a few for one game, and several the next???

Then, zooming out and considering that this is a game where only 5 men see the field of play... where chemistry is at least as important as any other sport on the planet...


The effect is exponentially convoluted compared to other sports. These are not games that should count if integrity of the regular season--and by necessary inference seeding for the playoffs, and even mere qualification for that matter--is actually held as paramount.

I get why NBA HQ... I get why NBA owners... I get why NBA media and their advertisers.... none of them are especially eager to hold integrity as paramount. They have paychecks to consider.

I don't get why we don't. I feel we should.


You do have a point that we have to dive into the pool of players who are not on the roster... That's a good point.   However, it's still GM and Coaching.   Generally, that 14th and 15th player sees the floor possibly less than that G-Leaguer.  This is where your GM has to be able to know what the coach needs and this is where the coach has to take a guy picked in the last round of the draft (Tom Brady) and make him a household name. 

We have definitely been on the short end of the stick under Omicron... We have had to be the team with the most safety and protocol sitting players.  But the same next man up mentality still is what is the law of the land.  Now what if...  Travis would have picked up a 10 dayer and he became a star right before our eyes.. I mean a guy who when he got on the court for us could put in 22/8/3...  consistently.  And we were able to win a few games that we shouldn't have.  Would we complain? That's the fans stance.  We know that it sucks to have a team full of 10 dayers.. but we also believe that this might be for 2-3 of those 82 games that they play and there's a possibility that Rife may get in and show that he's the real BU or JJ may play and show that we should be looking to trade Gallo or JC.  We're not applauding this but we're still hopeful.. because we're fans. 


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