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Can I Get an AMEN on Josh Smith....


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Y'all don't hear me...

It's only the summer, which means that athletic types like Smooth can look a lot better than they may be ready to show in real games, but MAN! The Guilty Pleasure just gave us more to whet our basketball appetites with for the next three seasons.

Good for the kid not getting down on himself after being called out by all the "experts" (not including you, KB...).

Good for Woodson and Knight for already getting the kid thinking about the whole game, and not just reacting to what the critics said.

And good for you, Jay Bilas....Your producer provoked, thoughless act of simple mindedness has begun a chain effect that will hopefully continue as this young man improves. You've given him, Coach Mike, Billy, and all of us a sound bite to continue to pepper him with, just as Marty Blake did to Karl Malone all those years ago.

It may just be summer...but I think it just got a lot hotter over in the arena....

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Not only was I impressed by Josh Smith scoring 26 points. But his ATTITUDE...on Hawks.com Josh Smith said,

"...I had to show my athleticism and give the league a little notice."

That quote in itself tells me that Josh Smith is out for blood. Jay Bilas will be the first to eat crow.

I'm excited to watch this kid for the next 3 years. I think we have a diamond in the rough.

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When was the last time we drafted a player that we got this excited about? Forget Al Harrington, this kid might be the next Dominique himself. If he keeps showing this kind of play for the rest of the offseason and preseason, he might just find himself starting this year. I know they probably want to bring him along slowly, but you cant keep a phenom on the bench. As long as he is willing to play defense and hustle his butt off, no way can I see him being left on the bench like what LB did with Darko.

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What excites me though not only his potential, but the fact that we seem to have a coach and a GM who have a very specific plan for the type of team they're going to field, which will make their instruction of Josh S both easier and more productive. Face it, a lot of great young talents are going to be busts, and for a lot of different reasons. Yet the coach and GM can be one of those reasons so a lot of responisbility and pressure is on their shoulders to grow Josh Smith to his potential. I have a lot of confidence in both BK and Mike Woodson to pull it off.

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That's for sure. They're saying he can go with either hand. He's blocking shots... And most importantly, he's showing NBA range on his shot. Consistency, energy, and commitment will play a huge role in his development, but the foundation is there. Couple that with his well above average athleticism and we've got the makings of a star.

...and, of all the veteran tutilage and mentoring that we're talking about bringing in, now more than ever, WE NEED A TRUE POINT GUARD. I don't care about superstar crossovers and behind the back whatnots...and I don't care too much for makeshift "point guard by committe..." I WANT TO SEE A COMPETENT PLAYMAKER OUT THERE RUNNING A SMOOTH OFFENSE HELPING JOSH SMITH FIND HIS GAME.

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well, sure, we all wish we had Livingston and JSmith (esp. now), but tha'ts not the reality.

As for telfair is going to do fine, if not moreso in the NBA, it simply depends on his cast (imo). He needs a running team, a coach who both trusts (and teammates) and is tough with him (ala Pop and Parker.

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