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Sheffield vs Boston fans


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Sheffield did a DAMN good job not punching that fans lights out. The guy took a swing at Sheffield in the middle of a freakin play. Who knows what caused him to do that, but there was no excuse for it. Just a truly classless move from a typically classless bunch of fans.

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I've watched it a few times online and it sure doesn't look like the guy was trying to hit Sheff. He wasn't even looking at him. He was looking toward the infield and barely made a motion. I don't blame Sheff, but it sure looked like a misunderstanding to me.

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It looked to me like someone brushed or was kind leaning up against Sheff as he bent down to get the ball and he came up to push them away, assume they would be all up on him. But they weren't.

Fortunately the situation didn't escalate and Sheff did exactly what he should have done, stayed calm.

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and they showed an angle that I didnt see on ESPN. Maybe the guy was trying to interfere, but I cant blame Sheff for a minute for thinking he was being attacked. What makes me wonder though is if he didnt get hit, how did his jaw get sore and his lip get swollen? I think the guy clipped him and thats what I saw when I saw it live, although I think it was his elbow that got him, not his fist.

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From that angle you really can't tell exactly how close they got. You can see there was some contact. Though not enough to say it was anything more than a fan trying to make a play for his team. I definitely didn't see any cheap shots.

Usually people who do that do it to instigate the player into attacking them. You can tell by the guys reaction that he DID NOT intend to get Sheff up in his face. He looked pretty terrified when Sheff came towards him.

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I know I would be terrified if Sheff was coming at me pissed off, he is a very large dude. Much bigger in person than I would have ever imagined. Who knows if there was malicious intent or not, but even if there wasnt he shouldnt have been reaching onto the field with the player right there to get the ball.

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He looks smaller (if thats the case) because he had offseason shoulder surgery that kept him from working out for 2 months. Personally I dont think he looks smaller, but if he is I would say its due to the surgery and the fact that he is getting up there in age.

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I hate the Yankees, as you probably remember, but honesty compels me to say that Sheffield didn't lose it.

He kind of threw his hands at the guy who'd just hit him. If I were looking down and picking up a ball and somebody threw a hook at my jaw, I would probably throw my hands in that direction just to get him off of me. That's a frightening thing to get blind-sided when you don't expect it, and you're going to defend yourself. He didn't even throw a punch at him.

When he went back later, he was just staring the guy down. Sheffield acted appropriately, in my opinion. What he did was NOTHING like what Ron Artest did. Artest didn't even get hit...just had something thrown at him and tore into the stands throwing hay-makers at fans who weren't even involved.

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