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Everything posted by Atlantaholic

  1. Teague has been great. Him and Horford seem like the clear cut keepers from this group. Josh is still totally iffy in my eyes, but those two I'd hold on to for a long while.
  2. You are hilarious. It's baffling that Korver gets more than two games to hold on to his spot? Jesus holy christ, the guy has two, (two!!!!) bad games and it baffles you that he is given a third opportunity? He sucks because he has had a bad preseason and two bad regular season games? Really? First of all, who cares about his preseason, we are talking about a guy with 667 games played in the freaking league, and has proven throughout a sample size of an entire NBA career that he is a better all around player than Morrow. Have you seen Morrow play defense? The guy is horrible. Maybe the reason you are baffled has a little more to do with your impatiance as a fan than anything Drew is doing. Good lord, think for at least a moment before beating down on that keyboard.
  3. Learn to eat crow my friend. Korver was EASILY the MVP today.
  4. The NBA is as talent deprived as I've ever seen it. Looking at the depth chart team by team it's really shocking how bad a lot of these teams look on paper. Teams are spending on marginal players because there isn't a whole hell of a lot of better things available right now.
  5. Lets just say he's our most important inside presence... Any possession where Josh is not in the paint on defense is a victory for the opposing team, only if we got an even better interior presence, like Howard, would it make any sense to move the guy to the three.
  6. Josh could be effective at SF but only in small stretches. Asking him to chase around guys in the perimeter for 30 minutes is stupid, especially considering the fact he is our best Interior defender. Only way we should move him to SF full time is if we got Dwight Howard.
  7. Can we just put this guy on the damn block so he can average 20-10 and 2.5 blocks a game? Everything that's wrong with Josh is when he is in the perimeter.
  8. Just watching the interviews you can tell the man has an ego second to none. Still, the way he plays ball, I could overlook it.
  9. Well, if there ever was a time we could get away with it, it would be during the current era of basketball. How many good SGs are there? In the east, after Wade and JJ, who else is there?
  10. Was he the second pick?? Forgot about that... Damn, what an abomination of a draft pick that was.
  11. We are talking about a guy who got benched in Minnesota after a stretch where he made like 1 field goal in 6 games and that posts per 36 min averages of 8.2 rebounds a game right? Thanks, but I'll pass, we can sign any other scrub Center as far as I'm concerned, but as a lifelong fan of a franchise more often associated with massive draft blunders and mismanagement than success I would like us to avoid having perhaps the worst #2 pick in the history of the NBA in our team.
  12. Looking at the stats I think it's pretty debatable whether the guy is better than Petro. The only thing he has done better than Petro throughout his career is block shots. I haven't seen Petro play much, but Darko's defense outside of the occasional block has been extremely suspect (and I'm being kind) from what I've seen. I doubt he is that much of an improvement over Petro, seems redundant to get him, but I guess as another Jason Collins 12th man role he would be an acceptable get.
  13. Darko is horrible. Whatever he gives you defensively he takes away and then some on the other end. One of the worst offensive post players I've ever seen. He would be another Jason Collins, minus some of the size.
  14. We were one of the best perimeter shooting teams during the regular season (5th in 3 point %, 11th in Fg %), so I don't think your comment makes a lot of sense. Teague didn't get assists because he doesn't have good instincts in the half court, and has worse instincts in the open court. Teague is good at a lot of things but anticipating situations and setting up teamates is unfortunately not one of them. He had a stretch of a month and a half where he was averaging south of 3 assists per game. In fairness to him he did improve during the end of the season, but his best case scenario looks to be a worse passing version of Devin Harris (in his prime). Even during his breakout performance against the Bulls, he didn't average more than 4 assists while playing close to 40 minutes a game. Even going as far back as college he was always a score first PG with average passing statistics.
  15. Wasn't the main reason he got benched to begin with his non existent defense?? I even remember reading a commentary on one of the playoff games where they gave OJ props for finally playing defense for once.
  16. If his PG instincts and BBIQ matched his physical ability he would be a stud. As it stands he is an effective scorer when he is intent on being aggressive and a decent set shooter with average at best passing skills. A nice player, but with many flaws.
  17. I definitely rather have Barnes, though as bad as Chills is on offense I think Jeffries is worse. I've actually never even seen the other two guys play so no opinion there.
  18. I thought it was really bad, easily one of my least favorite movies of the franchise (though I actually hardly even consider this film really part of the franchise as it is quite different in tone, style, and the Aliens themselves are only indirectly referenced at the end). The photography and special effects were easily the high point, and the story itself could have made a very intriguing movie, but to me the characters their complete and utter lack of any sort of intelligence and relatability made me stop caring around half way through. The script was also pretty thin, as the character motivations are never really fleshed out to any satisfying degree. It felt more like a slasher flick where things happen just to set up a bloody death rather than to flesh out any story or add any intrigue. I think I am in a minority though, as most of my friends thought it was a good movie... perhaps my expectations were just too high, but really, I'm not sure I would ever really watch this movie again. Mostly boring and often times disgusting and never intriguing like I had hoped. A big dud for me.
  19. It's obvious the guy tanked hard in Pheonix and was never anything more than a completely average player when he played for us... Having said that, if he can give us anything like the numbers he put up his last few seasons with us he would be hands down the best SF on our squad as of right now. For the vet minimum I don't see any better options at SF.
  20. So, New York has just traded for Felton, which probably indicates they won't match Lin. If Lin goes to Houston are they out of the Dwight sweepstakes??
  21. it's been three years since he put up those type of numbers. 18/4/4 is more like it. Joe during the regular season should be fine though, what he'll certainly need to improve upon is his playoff performances if he wants to avoid a media lynching. But considering he will be the number 2 guy and have reduced preasure and responsibility there's a decent chance he will find his Pheonix suns playoff form... at the very least until he turns 32 which is usually the age where SGs start seeing a steep decline in their play. Great player for us, but all things considered, I'm glad we've moved on.
  22. Collins was one of Sunds key free agent moves. Literally.
  23. Kyle Korver is great at putting the ball in the basket. That's way more than you can say for a lot of guys on the team last year. This is a good move.
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