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Everything posted by MarylandHawk

  1. Yeah that’s why he is a great defacto GM.
  2. Have to sprinkle in a little positivity here and there so as not to reveal true intent.
  3. Ahh…you know it is nice when Squakwers are arguing over how good a Hawks draftee/player is. Lol.
  4. What I think I love about his game the most is his ability to stay active and move without the basketball. He is decisive and urgent whether he has the ball or not. He puts pressure on the opposing teams because he won’t stay still and he is always an outlet for his team. He is always ready to shoot as soon as he touches the ball and if the shot is not there, he knows exactly what to do with it. This awareness seems to be translating to defense too.
  5. He was doing that for the Sky hawks. He just needs time and opportunity.
  6. I don’t think fans want him gone. I think other gms around the league value his versatility and he can fit with most teams. Travis, up to this point, has valued his versatility more. Other teams keep sniffing around to see if his value drops to us.
  7. So why in the hell would they put this story out. Shams seems to be abusing his relationship with John’s agents.
  8. Actually it would be a boon to the leagues success. If you are not an Atlanta Hawks fan, Trae is a player other fan bases love to hate. They will tune in. Plus Trae has a lot of casual fans he is bringing to the game. The Hawks, by being a south eastern, team will bring a whole new set of eyes to the finals thereby adding new nba casual fans into the fold. It is one of the things that makes the NFL so popular, any given team can make a run to the super bowl.
  9. I agree here. Although I will say the few times I have seen Trae off the ball and running through screens, when he gets the ball he naturally wants to stop and analyse and then try to make a play. Defeats the purpose of running the play for him. He has got to be ready to shoot when he catches the ball or he has to keep running the play and immediately pass to the next player with no hesitation.
  10. Wow, reading back through this thread you would think we lost by 25. It seems like people around here feel like if we don’t win all 82 games, lead all 4 quarters in each game, all players shoot 50% or better, we are trash. Some of y'all need to reset your baseline expectations. All I know is we have a top 4 record in the league where 20 teams have pushed all their chips in to try to contend. We have the best guards in the league, excuse me, in league history on the same team, and young players getting an opportunity to play and get better every game. This is very entertaining for me.
  11. It was the back to back hustle plays for me. They won every 50/50 ball tonight. They did that last game too. I hope this becomes a trend with this team. Dre, John, Clint and Trae are scrapping for 50/50 balls. Let’s call that the Murray effect.
  12. Uh huh Bogi Keep dragging that injury out.
  13. This was a game of true team basketball. Everybody sharing and hustling. Looks like the chemistry is coming around.
  14. 34 10 1 turnover. You guys really sound crazy nit picking Trae’s flaws.
  15. With the left hand too. If Trae was a quarterback, he would be pretty good.
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