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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Can't remember the season starting so early before. Third week of October.
  2. They have no idea what they are doing. Slink is shooting from the hip. In three years he will be on the street.
  3. Alex


    The other teams.
  4. The underwhelming experience continues.
  5. Clark would have easily been the teams best shooter and for a bargain of a price. Schlenk is really clueless.
  6. I think the moment is too big for him and he cannot be the focal point of any offense. He's a good complimentary player, but not a building block.
  7. Dennis: 21 PPG on terrible all around shooting. Under 40% from the field and under 30% from three. Bazemore: 14 PPG on terrible all around shooting. Comparable to Dennis shooting numbers. Prince: 12 PPG on decent shooting. 45% from the field and 40% from deep. I think he will get open looks from distance and hit them at a good clip, just not a ton of makes from out there.
  8. We just traded a Wildcat for some other Wildcats...
  9. No thanks. Don't really have the desire this time around. Sorry, folks.
  10. No idea what any of that means.
  11. Deal. Less than 30 wins for the Hawks and I win a undetermined prize. They win more than 38 and you win? Anything between 30-37 is a wash?
  12. They will win less than 30 games. I am not ruling the playoffs out though.
  13. I have always loved the NBA. Never really rooted hardcore for a team. There were teams and players I liked and some I didn't, but never really had a team of my own. I just landed on the Hawks because I loved the Braves and decided to go with another Atlanta team. I have never been super invested in the Hawks though. I consider myself a Hawks fan, but my fandom for them has never been at a high level. The only team I actually live and die with is Michigan State, but as I grow older the losses sting less and the wins don't seem to be a satisfying. Life changes and priorities shift. I would say I am just another victim of that cycle.
  14. So the Slink says he wants another point guard and a big to fill out the roster? If that's the case then expect two wing players or something completely random because the joke of a GM is a stone cold liar.
  15. It makes no difference for the Hawks what if anything happens with the Kyrie situation. For teams like Washington and Boston it could make a difference. I doubt Kyrie is traded anyway. Let's just say he is traded. Well then it opens the door for other teams depending on what Cleveland got in return. I don't see Gilbert wanting to all of a sudden turn bad. I am assuming he would want veteran players who can help Cleveland this upcoming season. Cleveland isn't simply fading away this season if Kyrie is dealt. Knowing that the ultimate coward is leaving next summer I think Cleveland would throw all their chips in and try for one last hoorah.
  16. This most certainly punches his ticket to Springfield, Mass.
  17. He's head and shoulder better than anyone the Hawks have in their front court and it's not even close.
  18. He doesn't want to tank, but he doesn't want to actually try to win games either based on his roster. They might not be be 20 win bad, but they are going to be bad and likely get a measly top 8 pick.
  19. lol watch Slink show up to a free agent meeting with Dansby Swanson at his side.
  20. Guy is still lying through his teeth about not tanking. Amazing people continue to slurp down his phony message.
  21. Alex

    Is Delaney it?

    By combo do you mean sucks on offense AND defense?
  22. I will wait until the official predictions thread. Just know I won it two years ago and got second last season by a game or two I believe.
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