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Paul Pierce Traded?


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  • Premium Member

I think where Boston is headed is:

West, Miller, Davis, Jefferson, Nene as their starting 5.

I think they will give up one of their PGs in the trade, probably Banks.

Denver would have:

Boykins, Pierce, Mello, Kmart, Camby...

That's almost enough firepower to win the West? They just lack depth...

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Denver would have:

Boykins, Pierce, Mello, Kmart, Camby...

That's almost enough firepower to win the West? They just lack depth...

They also have Watson, Lenard, Najera, and Elson. They need another 4/5, but otherwise, they're the second-best team in the West. (I actually thought they were *already*).

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I haven't seen this trade come up anywhere else...but both teams would be hurting if this went through.

Pierce is a sf in my book. One of the 'truer' ones left in the game today...and so is Carmelo. Sure, it'd explain the Watson signing..but seriously, how can this deal make sense to these teams?

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Let's be honest here.

Pierce is an upgrade at the SG over Miller. Pierce is a 23 ppg SG. Kmart can be a 17-20 ppg PF and the Have Mello who is a ~20-21 ppg Sf. As long as Boykins can distribute, they will have several options offensively. That's a lot of firepower. How many Western teams HAVE 3 players that average over 20 ppg?

Not even the champs have that?

Phoenix has that NO longer?

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First off, I don't know where you get Miller as being a SG. He is not and has never been a SG. He is a PG first and foremost. Any time spent on the court playing alongside boykins has one of them playing out of position, pretending to be a SG. Miller was their primary ball handler and setup man. His loss will be felt from top to bottom.

Second, Pierce is not a SG. He is a SF by position and by game. Sure he and Mello would be a great scoring tandem. But they can't guard anyone. Opposing SG/SF's would feast on them.

Third, K-mart can't be a 17-20ppg PF for a few reasons 1. He's a tweener 2. He's not a good indivual scorer. 3. Jason Kidd couldn't make him a 20ppg player, Miller/Boykins couldn't, you think Boykins and some scrubs will? 4. He lacks the talent.

They made the playoffs because they came together as a team, late in the season and played very well to finish out the year. Breaking up that chemistry to simply bring in a scorer would be suicide.

I've seen far to many paper-teams that are built looking at the players individual stats and have failed miserably to know that it means nothing. They would learn like so many others have learned, competing at the highest level is about teamwork and chemistry, not names and individual stats.

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I'm pretty much in agreement with everything that Chillz said here. I've said them as well...about Pierce being a sf, KMart not being able to create...and Diesel, honestly, you know Miller's not a sg, never has been. it's disrespectful to yourself to try and 'spin' it that way. You know too much...you know the truth; you know he plays pg, has for every team he's been on, and that that didn't change last year in Colorado.

Come on.

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He played SG because they didn't have any depth at that position. If Leanard played all season I believe that Miller would strictly be a point guard.

I think Miller would make us a very good team pairing him with our atheltic lineup and moving JJ over to SG. I wish there was a way we could have gotten him.

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um...do you just look at stats?

do you realize how unhappy carmelo would be with Pierce instantly installed as the new alpha dog?

do you know that they're both sf's...not swingmen?

do you realize that they wouldn't be able to guard anyone...

that they'd erase their cap maneuverability (sp)...

ugh. they'd be a depth charge to the organization. it just wouldn't work.

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um... I prefer to watch the games than look at stats.

I think Mello would benifit being Pierce's side kick, taking pressure off of him, al la JJ and the suns.

As a Hawks fan I would think you would be the first to realize that traditional positions are not what they used to be

I think they would be fine on defense, while they are not on the all defensive team, both can do the job, plus they will have teamates on the floor and a zone defense, they will make it work

the nuggets could be very dangerous, depth may be the only problem

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firstly, there's a difference between 'typical positions' and two guys who play almost the exact same style...and have nearly the same deficiencies.

Secondly: it's not about complimentnig the other so much as it is about personalities/ leadership...Mello will not just sit back to Pierce, nor the other way around...so who then does KMart 'tend to...?

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When the Nuggs found out that Boykins was a better PG than Miller, they moved Miller to the place of their other need SG. IF you had watched them play, you would know this. Seeing that Denver didn't pick up Spreewell or Finley, I figured that if all remain the same, Miller WOULD play SG like he did for most of last year.

If that's the case, I was saying that Pierce is a better SG than Miller.


Kmart is a PF, he doesn't have to create?? Historically, the PF position has been one where a player gets the ball in scoring position and scores. The reason why Kmart was so effective in NJ is because he did what PFs traditionally do. There's only one Duncan and one KG... Not too many Pfs can create nor do they need to.


I think Mello would love playing second fiddle. Mello is not a guy who seeks the pressure. Mello wants to win. I think Karl is a good coach to mesh these Personalities. Also, I think if Mello wanted to be first fiddle, that Pierce would welcome that too. Look at Pierce last season. It was like an instant relief when Walker came back and took over. Pierce struggled trying to be " the man".

Overall, I think it's a move that benefits Denver in a major way. They didn't even play Nene. They get Pierce who fills the glaring hole at Sg. They become one of the biggest teams in the game with three guys who can put up 17-20...

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