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BK's fate


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I would rather have Bynum then a 6 foot 8 forward with little to no upside.

Why doesn't he have upside? He ain't 35 years old. I don't understand the mentality that you have to deficiencies in order to have "upside"

Rondo can't shoot in college but he has upside.

Shelden avgs 18 and 11 but he has no upside.

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I'm pretty sure the owners already know what he's planning for the draft and FA. BK's future depends on how the Hawks play in the upcoming season. If we perform well than he's good unless Belkin gets the team. If we blow again he'll probably get the boot. If we start out slow I think Woody wil be the first with tire marks on his back giving BK until the end of the season.

This may sound strange but the thing about this offseason that scares me the most if the loss of Al Harrington. The loss of his vet presence and familiarity with the team could hurt us alot but I'm not sure how important it really is in the NBA. I'm almost want him resigned in a better safe than sorry type of way.

I hope for the playoffs this season. In hoping for the playoffs by default I'm hoping to keep BK because if we make the playoffs I don't see how he can fired. I find it to be a bit disturbing but it is what it is.

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...This may sound strange but the thing about this offseason that scares me the most if the loss of Al Harrington. The loss of his vet presence and familiarity with the team could hurt us alot but I'm not sure how important it really is in the NBA. I'm almost want him resigned in a better safe than sorry type of way...

Not strange at all RAHMOR. I really believe that we have a better chance at doing something big in FAcy than we do in the draft this year. That's why I'm not concerned about taking Shelden with the 5. A solid pick that will help us now and be a contributor for years to come. The other side of that would be taking a project that may or may not be a big help in a few years. By that time the whole team might be blown up again anyway.

My main concern is whether or not the ownership fiasco will stop us from making a couple FA moves that could put us back on track. Al isn't going to be a cheap re-sign...and then we're basically talkng about equalizing salaries in trades.

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in college. He is not the offensive talent that Brand is (although he actually scored more than Brand in college), but he is at least Brand's equal as a rebounder and shotblocker (I think a little better actually) and we desperately need both of those skills. I think Shelden will actually be a better defending Carlos Boozer and that is pretty good if you ask me. I still prefer Roy or a HEALTHY Aldridge (his medical concerns scare the hell out of me) but other than that, I'd just as soon take Shelden as anyone else for this team.

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The only reason people are using this Antonio Davis comparison is because they saw it on a draft site.

Shelden Williams is Carlos Boozer with defense. Is that an all-star/superstar talent? No. But since when are we trying to get a team with 5 superstars. You can't decline to draft a guy because he doesn't have superstar potential. Sometimes you have to get a guy to do the dirty work which is exactly what Shelden does. He's a tough defender and rebounder. No he's not the offensive juggernaut that Elton Brand is but the last time I checked we didn't lose any games because we were offensively inept.

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You do not pick role players within the top 5 picks of a draft when you have better options available!

I would tend to agree, the argument of course being is Shelden destined to become just a 'role player'? I don't know, but believe he can become something more than that- as in a solid NBA starter, and maybe that's exactly what we need.

At any rate, picking someone ready to go ala Shelden would seem to make sense from BK's perspective. He needs to start putting a winner out on the floor sooner rather than later- his job security demands it. We're chock full of players with 'upside' and 'potential'. We've got plenty of raw talent to furnish this rebuild- now it's time to get players who are actually ready to go right now.

So Shelden makes a lot of sense for us (and for BK) in my opinion.

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in college and he projects to be a better pro. All they have in common is a similar physique but Shelden is actually bigger and stronger (15 more pounds of solid muscle).

Upside is such a subjective thing. Honestly, I think it is just as likely that Shelden will develop an effective post game as it is that Aldridge will develop the heart and strength to bang with the big boys down low or that Tyrus Thomas will develop the size, strength and skills to be effective in the post.

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...We've got plenty of raw talent to furnish this rebuild- now it's time to get players who are actually ready to go right now.

So Shelden makes a lot of sense for us (and for BK) in my opinion.

Yeah Seano - and add to that - there is NO WAY that BK can take a point guard this year as it would be akin to admitting we need one...and then his draft pick this year would be compared to CP3 forever.

So logically - we need a 1 or a 4/5 or a 5. But we can't take a 1. So then preferably an NBA ready 5 (but there isn't one out there this year). So we take the 4/5 option and it's likely Shelden. Shouldn't be a problem. A guy like him can be a big help to Zaza and also play the 5 some when we go smaller.

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in college and he projects to be a better pro. All they have in common is a similar physique but Shelden is actually bigger and stronger (15 more pounds of solid muscle).

Upside is such a subjective thing. Honestly, I think it is just as likely that Shelden will develop an effective post game as it is that Aldridge will develop the heart and strength to bang with the big boys down low or that Tyrus Thomas will develop the size, strength and skills to be effective in the post.

Actually Shelden is about 45 pounds heavier than Davis was when he got into the league. Basteball-Reference.com lists the player's height and weight of what they come in at. Shelden's body is much more developed than Davis'. Plus Davis never almost averaged 4 blocks in college.

My point is that Shelden will be much better than Davis. And even Davis was in an All Star game in 2001(as was Dale Davis 2000).

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  • Premium Member

It's funny.

Half of these guys crying no upside has never watched a college game.

the other half

would tell you that Bargnani is "the man" and they have never seen.

and a guy who puts up 18/11 and 22/14/3.6 against 1st round competiton is nothing.

This season, there will be a whole lot of crow to eat.

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At least in size, Shelden is much more Karl Malone than Antonio Davis. Not to say that he will become the greatest power foward ever. Just an observation, I love how we make it seem that only folks with picture perfect J's and 40 inch vert's have the upside to become superstars. When in fact most teams draft a sold guy who works his butt off to become a game changer.

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They are only making these comparisons because they saw it on one of those draft sites. There really is no comparison in the two. Antonio Davis didn't have impressive numbers in college and he wasn't even close to being a first round pick. It's a joke of a comparison.

The 45 pound difference in muscle says it all.

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AFTER Davis has trained with NBA trainers and developed his "MAN" strength. How big and strong will Shelden be in 3 or 4 years? I think he is a solid, can't miss pick. Not a superstar but an VERY good starter for the next 12 years.

Aldridge and Bargnani MAY turn out to be a lot better but Aldridge may also turn out to be a too soft, injury-prone Jonathan Bender clone and Bargnani may be Nikoloz Tskitishvili #2. I guess time will tell.

Honestly, like I said in another post, we could take any one of about 8 guys and I won't be upset. I think Shelden is as close to a sure thing as the draft has to offer.

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My main problem with the Shelden pick is we have Marvin Williams and Smith to man the forward positions and we have Joe Johnson as the shooting guard. We should be looking to address the center or point guard position and not be stacking a position where are already set at for the next 10 years.

I am also convinced that Brandon Roy is going to be a special player and could make our back court be one of the best in the NBA for the bext 10 years. Roy has the ability to take this team to another level and will give opposing coaches nightmares on trying to match up with us.

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