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Lapses in Energy cost us dearly...


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When will these guys figure out you can't schlep your way during any possession in this league?

It's way too hard to consistently work your way back from a double digit deficit, yet we seem to snooze through some stretches as if it's a given we'll get back into it...

Thankfully, the Bucks have been as generous in stretches, else this would be very, very ugly...

Also, when will the Hawks stop going for pump fakes...No team gives up it's defensive position more than the Hawks, and let's not even get started on transition offense...

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I guess it wasn't just Big Dog....

(Insert HotlantaDude comment about the whole team sucking, why bother watching and other over-the-top negative rantings that makes everyone wonder why he continues to post, care, or feel anything towards the Hawks at all)

Honestly, this team can play up to a great level every game, but if they pause for even a minute, they give back everything they gain to that point...

What good is it to play hard for 10 minutes if you are going to sleep for the next two? You will lose everything you earned during that ten minutes and then some.

48 minutes a game, guys...nothing less.

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Turnovers, 3pt shooting, and FTs just killed us this game. D wasnt very good either, but it was still decent. Well, I think its time for me to cry myself to sleep(just playin). DAMNIT, we suck. At least Ratliff had his 3rd straight good game and Rahim seems to be coming around(although he still doesnt seem to try much on D or on boards)

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Well lets be honest,atleast I'm not at the game

jumping up and down looking like a moron every

game.Isn't that you that wears the Reef jersey

every game?A friend of mine was wondering who

that clown is.

Your right these guys are complete garbage.2-14

road record?You call that pro basketball?But what

is so surprising.Ive never seen a player get his shot

blocked as much as Reef.He should be embarassed.

These players should go back to college and learn

the game because they don't know how to play it

at a high level.Reef being from Marietta I expect

him to be a idiot because idiots live there...I made

sure I got out of there quick!

These guys abuse the right to be called Pro's.There

isn't a single one of them pro caliber players.

I've lost my passion for the game watching these

losers so much.They can continue to waste the time

of the 7000 morons that do attend the games...glad

I don't pay a penny to see these guys=)I and the

16000 that doesn't go are the smart ones.

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You guys are just dying to point that out, huh...But it was actually irrelevant tonight...The Hawks would have lost this game with or without Big Og...The problem tonight was in the backcourt...JT goes cold in the 2nd half, Wilks can't shoot, Glover sucks, etc.

The Bucks hit 49.3% of their shots (41 from 3...)...

JT+Ira+Wilks+Glover = 39 pts., 9 TO

Cassell+Allen+Redd+Ollie = 61 pts., 4 TO

That's why the Hawks lost...I don't think everyone realizes just how important Demarr was to the "structure of the team" - his injury threw everything out of wack...

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I was simply pointing out what you might say (which you can't deny that's what you would say) and you want to take a personal shot at me.

That's fine....I would rather do things my way than your way, but you seem to be very unhappy unless everyone joins you in negative unison, screaming every day, every hour about how bad this team is.

Oh, woe is you, I suppose. And, gee, being a "moron" and a "clown" has only given me a pretty good forum for which to write opinions and observations about a team I truly care for, along with that a media pass that helps me fulfill some of my dreams.

Though that means little to you, whose dreams likely include insulting every person alive who doesn't think like you do, for the team I choose to cover and look like a "clown" for is one which you have no love for, yet feel compelled to cruise a fan page of theirs (and others as well) every hour of every day.

Honestly, how many times have others been on this board and NOT seen HotlantaDude? Not many, I would think. Yet, you contend you can't stand this team and "don't pay a penny" and call anyone yourself a "smart one".

But I would wager that there are many who would say you are a sucker for posting all the time about a team you can't stand, making some people have to wade through your posts for some original opinions.

I am a clown and a moron for my favorite team, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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Honestly, how many times have others been on this board and NOT seen HotlantaDude? Not many, I would think. Yet, you contend you can't stand this team and "don't pay a penny" and call anyone yourself a "smart one".

I told you before I leave my computer on most of time

downloading songs or whatever else.So sue me=)

"But I would wager that there are many who would say you are a sucker for posting all the time about a team you can't stand, making some people have to wade through your posts for some original opinions.

I am a clown and a moron for my favorite team, and I wouldn't have it any other way."

There is nothing worse than looking like a ass on TV

and you do a pretty good job of it I might add.

I respect your writing ability as you are pretty good

at it.But beyond that,I think your a clown and I'm

sure you feel the same way about me and that is


Of course I smack the people that can't see just how

bad these guys are.

As far as the team goes,I can't just switch teams like

that.I wish I could,but I can't.Perhaps I just need to

become a more neutral fan like I am of baseball.

PS your the one that called me out so you shouldn't

be crying about me insulting you....You called me out


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Dude, you have over 2000 posts on this board, twice as many as Diesel, for crying out loud,don't tell me you don't spend a lot of time and energy here.

Pity is what I feel for you, and those who have to wade through the repetitive opinions you have on this team.

They suck. Nobody is NBA caliber. Atlanta should lose the team. We get it. Can we put a moratorium on your posts, because it's not as if we don't know what you are going to say (which was the point of my original comment).

Call me names, whatever, it has worked for me pretty well, I must say, as I have a paid for ticket to the game, a press pass, and get to sit courtside for a team that I have a lot of passion for.

As for the team, the record indicates how good or bad a team is, and 14-23 doesn't indicate a good team at all, no matter if you are a fan or not.

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" Reef being from Marietta I expect him to be a idiot because idiots live there...I made sure I got out of there quick! "

you moved to dallas heh. You really moved on up.... to the east side eh?

All that aside, why not just quite? I mean you say you've lost passion. [censored], I've never seen one ounce if it from you anyway. The only thing I've ever seen you passionate about is bashing people that do a job you couldn't do and have only a basic knowledge of in the first place.

You say you can't just change teams, why not? You've never supported this one! Seriously, this is a site for people that support the team. That doesn't mean they agree with everything they do, or like watching them lose. But they support it. They at least take the time to find the positives and most of them readily acknowledge when there are none. I've never seen one bit of this support you say you've given.

I'm not slamming you, well, except maybe the dallas comment. hehe. But seriously. When have you ever supported the team? I mean, what reason do you really have to continue "wasting your time on a bunch of losers"? Not to mention the blind, ignorant clowns that try to do the same? Especially when you could be using all that time to soak up the quality nightlife that Dallas has to offer. smile.gif

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LMAO or in my case LMBAO! Ive been waiting for an argument to get a little fun. Tit for tat. Keep it up this is entertaining.

[censored] Hotlanta does have a lot of post 2 times Diesel more than 3 times me. I like both you guys, Hotlanta + JayWalker. But seriously Hotlanta why are you so angry. Your kinda like the Eminem of Hawksquawk, keep posting its fun having you guys around.

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I am getting a kick out of the love and hate relationship!

You guys show so much passion for the Hawks (like i said, love/hate). It's great to see so much drama building up in this forum.

I'm a Hawks fan, and for one thing, coming home afterwork, I enjoy reading both Jaywalkers and Hotlanta's posts. I'm neutral here ok, but I just want to say thanks to you two. I enjoy coming to Hawksquawk and reading the fun and exciting comments you guys bring to this forum. To top it all off, it would be great to watch you two hang out with each other at a Hawks game. Heck, I'll buy the popcorn! Keep on writing guys =)

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The theory was not that Big Dog makes the team win...

Your theory was that our Losing was attributed to Big Dog.

Well tonight we loss to a lesser opponent and Big Dog was not a party to our loss. That means your theory is Wrong.

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Let us define what a theory is. A theory is something that holds true through most experimentation. Thus, a theory is created to explain the majority of outcomes from a given circumstance.

It then becomes LAW when it is unfathomable that ANY other outcome is possible.

No one here said the Hawks would go undefeated with Big Dog out of the lineup. But, the overwhelming, conclusive evidence still leads one to the conclusion that Big Dog is associated with Hawks losing.

4-1 when Big Dog is out. (Remember he sat the majority of an entire game due to injury)

compared to

10-22 with him in.

I'm going to go with the 4-1 record as being a little brighter than 10-22.

Further examination is also due, in order to solidify the theory. But this loss proves nothing wrong.

If you thought we were about to pull out of this undefeated, and those of us who think Big Dog is a cancer were implicitly stating that, think again. We only said that we are a better team without him.

Our record still proves us right.


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I guess your scientific theory would include a list of teams played against during those five games and the thirty-two with Dog in the lineup.

Listen, the point is it's not one guy's fault. At times this season you could blame Dog, others JT, others Reef, Theo, etc.

Sometimes, you could blame the whole team, coach, and management.

Big Dog is not a cancer, and he is an athlete that "gets it" when it comes to team basketball. Project whatever you like on the guy, that he is a ballhog, demands shots, whatever, according to everyone who follows the team, it's not true.

He can't dribble, and he is limited physically defensively, but he is a tremendous shot, which is what Pete acquired him for. That he doesn't fit our scheme is not his fault, and he doesn't quit when he's on the floor, despite his obvious flaws.

Again, that doesn't mean he is free from blame during this season, but it does mean he is not a cancer or the only problem with this team.

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he's one of our old users, I don't want him to go anywhere. I was asking logical, valid questions. He defends his negativity behind all this invisible "support" and "passion" but in all the years i've known him on here, I've never seen it.

And yes, he is a good contributor to the board, these days. You probably don't remember him when he was ARR(abdur rahim rules). BUt you want to talk about how a user can grow up. He used to be negative AND an ass. Not only did he diss the team, he would flame other users who disagreed with him. At least now he's cut out 95% of the flaming. I give him big props for that. He was literally hawksfreak before there was a hawksfreak.

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