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#3/Smoove for Aldridge/Jack/2008 first?


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This is not a reply to any individual... It is just my take.

Trading Josh Smith would be a HUGE mistake (unless he has let it be known he will not resign with us.) I thought we had Josh locked up for 2 more years, not just 1.

Anyway, at 21 Josh Smoth produced:

16.4 PPG, 8.6 RPG, 2.88 BPG

He was 2nd in the league in blocked shots for the 2nd year in a row and is on his way to averaging a double - double next year.

Josh Smith is not only 2nd in the NBA in blocked shots, no other Hawks averaged even 1 block a game. He is the only guy who prevents the opposition from having a 48 minute lay up drill against us ever night.

Granted he has several things he needs to improve on:

1. offensive post moves

2. fighting more for defensive post positioning

3. Quit shooting 3's

However, at only 21 he has 5 time All-Star written all over him.

His shot bocking can't be replaced !

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I wouldn't trade Josh Smith for Lamarcus Aldridge straight up RIGHT NOW. Although it would be nice postponing the big contract by having LA instead. He is a fan favorite and unless his attitude does become a problem or he wants MAX money then I wouldn't move him accept for a BIG TIME player.

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The reason for the 08 first is simple:

1. Aldridge has a rep for being soft and injured.

2. Jack is serviceable but prolly not better than Law or Critt.

3. If this plan fails, the Hawks have to be assured that they have a pick to either play with or deal next year.

With the pick, we're walking the tightrope with no net.

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According to the Oregonian, this is the new rumor.

It may have teeth...

Jack or Law, JJ, Marvin, Shelden, Aldridge??

Don't like it.......that team would rely way to heavily on the jump shot.

What do you think the team does now?

Jack takes it to the basket and gets to the line a lot. And Aldridge is a true post player which we don't have. We would be much less of a jump shooting team with that lineup.

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According to the Oregonian, this is the new rumor.

It may have teeth...

Jack or Law, JJ, Marvin, Shelden, Aldridge??

Actually according to the oregonian the columnist (john canzano) is basically saying that the rumor is silly.

"Rumors, agents and THE Ohio State University

Posted by jcanzano May 30, 2007 08:19AM

You have to ask yourself why the latest trade rumor floating around --- Portland gives up LaMarcus Aldridge, Jarrett Jack and its 2008 first-round pick for Atlanta's Josh Smith and the No. 3 pick in 2007 --- is picking up so much momentum.

It's certainly not being bantered about by the Trail Blazers, who would be nuts to consider giving up Aldridge. I have confirmation that there was a single discussion, one innocent phone call, between the two teams on the subject."

PTL is talking to virtually every team in the league and if...and it is a huge if... there involves a trade with ATL it will be down the road and will not involve aldridge. Josh smith or otherwise.

Also read the 3rd to last paragraph in this article from today.

Teams want to talk, and Pritchard is listening

Posted by Jason Quick May 30, 2007 19:36PM

It was interesting to watch Blazers general manager Kevin Pritchard on Wednesday at the NBA's pre-draft camp in Orlando. To say Pritchard has become a popular man with his general manager peers would be an understatement.

In the morning session, Pritchard left his scouting seat in the sideline bleachers with Seattle assistant general manager Rich Cho, and the two went to a corner of the gym to hold a private, five-minute conversation. Pritchard was animated during the conversation, using his right index finger to count down his left fingers.

Later, in the evening session, Pritchard did little if any scouting, instead sitting high up in the bleachers to talk with members of the Dallas Mavericks front office.

After the session, while I was interviewing Pritchard, Chicago general manager John Paxson came up and grabbed Pritchard's arm, telling him he wanted to talk to Pritchard before he left. As I continued my interview, with Paxson waiting a few feet away, I asked Pritchard what the nature was of his earlier talks with Seattle and Dallas.

"I can't comment on that, you know that,'' Pritchard said with a smile.

After more questions, Paxson again approached and said he would catch Pritchard later. I told them I was done, and the two walked to the balcony of the arena and had a discussion. I didn't stay to see how long they talked, but it lasted at least several minutes.

The point, of course, is that a lot of teams want to talk to Portland, and Pritchard is listening.

"We are going to prepare like we have done in the past, like we are going to get multiple picks,'' Pritchard said. "Then we are going to try and stimulate some interest with our four second round picks. We can do a lot of things with them, there are a lot of options.''

Did I just feel trade winds blowing?

Pritchard said the team will begin its workouts with prospects starting June 8 in Portland. He said they will continue to have workouts nearly every day until right before the draft. I asked him if any of those workouts include lottery-projected players like Florida's Corey Brewer or Ohio State's Mike Conley, Jr.

"Can't get 'em,'' Pritchard said. " Well, actually I shouldn't say that. I would say that is not in our plan right now. It's difficult to get those guys because with the first pick we have the opportunity to get one of the top two guys, so with such a narrow window of time it's difficult to get those guys. If we had the sixth pick we would have a lot more guys in.''

So I asked again: No plans for workouts of lottery-level players.

"As of right now, no,'' Pritchard said. "But we are talking to people.''

And yes, people, I will try to secure a list of which players, and when, the Blazers will workout, so you can stop emailing me about that.


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Smoove ain't going anywhere. I mean why does anybody watch the Hawks at all. Without him we are BORING. Plus

-he's the only unamimous example of a pick we got right

-he's the only pick who has made dramatic improvement

-he probably still has the best chance of being an all-star than anyone else on the team except JJ

I understand he has the most value and he may have some conflicts but given the postives why would we trade him when he's the kind of guy we are trying to get?

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According to the Oregonian, this is the new rumor.

It may have teeth...

Jack or Law, JJ, Marvin, Shelden, Aldridge??

OMG we get RAPED in that deal.

First of all the #3 >>>> Portland's first next year ESPECIALLY if they got Smoove and that 3rd pick

Smoove is greater than Aldridge and Aldridge won't close the gap because he will only get better.

OMG this would be a ridiculously stupid trade.

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