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Michael Moore on Jay Leno


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Impressive? Like all of Moore's movies you're only seeing what he wants you to see. If you believe you're watching a documentary, then you don't know Michael Moore. He's a skilled manipulator and he knows that 95% of the people who see his movies aren't going to bother sorting fact from fiction on their own, which means he wins.

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Impressive? Like all of Moore's movies you're only seeing what he wants you to see. He's a skilled manipulator and he knows that 95% of the people who see his movies aren't going to bother sorting fact from fiction on their own, which means he wins.

while there may be some truth to this, it seems to me that the exact same thing could be said for the more conservative media outlets as well(i.e. sean hannity, rush limbaugh, "no spin zone" bill, most major news outlets, the administration's p.r. machine).

no one is perfect, and everyone has some sort of agenda that they want to get across. luckily, we have folks that can get their different points of view out there. it's up to us individually to sift through everything that's put out there and come up with our own idea of what the truth may be. otherwise, we can just blindly follow one camp like sheep, because that takes a lot less effort, and is generally encouraged by both left-wing and right-wing hardcore political types. coincidentally, that kind of blind alliegence also encouraged by other radical political and religious leaders around the world.

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hey I'm not getting into the man's politics. i'm getting into his eating habits.

he made Jay Leno look small. Jay called him on it and he said he's "walking alot now." Jay said "Did walking out here to your seat count as exercise?"


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As with any "documentary" there are likely as many, if not more, "truths" that are completely opposite to the "truth" being presented in the "documentary". I can't stand Michael Moore, I think he is a major blowhard. There are many conservatives that I am not a fan of but I dont know of any of them that are as full of themselves as Moore is with his agenda.

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There are many conservatives that I am not a fan of but I dont know of any of them that are as full of themselves as Moore is with his agenda.

I don't know. I have a hard time seeing how he is more full of himself than someone like Ann Coulter who is vicious in addition to agenda-driven and ego-centric. Remember, she is the one who accused 9/11 widows of "enjoying their husbands deaths" when they endorsed Kerry over Bush for President. She also said, "My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building."

She has repeatedly targeted Muslims calling them things like "Jihad monkey", "Camel jockey", etc.

In other words, all about class and reasoned debate.

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You won't hear an argument from me defending her thats for sure. I can't stand her either. In fact I don't think I have ever been so put off by the media and government and politics in general at any point in my life and I consider myself to be conservative.

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There are many conservatives that I am not a fan of but I dont know of any of them that are as full of themselves as Moore is with his agenda.

I don't know. I have a hard time seeing how he is more full of himself than someone like Ann Coulter who is vicious in addition to agenda-driven and ego-centric. Remember, she is the one who accused 9/11 widows of "enjoying their husbands deaths" when they endorsed Kerry over Bush for President. She also said, "My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building."

She has repeatedly targeted Muslims calling them things like "Jihad monkey", "Camel jockey", etc.

In other words, all about class and reasoned debate.

this is all I'll say about politics. I lean towards the liberal side of social issues for the most part. I lean, don't fall mind you. I am very conservative on the financial side, meaning I hate having my money redistributed to "the less fortunate." in the end that's where my vote goes.

I CANNOT for the life of me listen to political talk radio. It literally gives me a headache. listening to it is like talking to Walter, why would you want to engage yourself with a constant source of negativity? Boortz and O'Reilly are funny at times though, I'll give them that.

anyhoo that dude was obese. you need find it on Youtube if you haven't seen it.

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Truths? Hardly.

I'll give you a great example of the difference between our health care system in the US and the one that so many liberals would like to see us go to....the government controlled system used in Canada.

This is a case of a patient I had when I was on my surgery rotation earlier this year.

A 36 yo male presented to the surgery clinic with a six week history of rectal bleeding. He had seen his PCP on Friday before getting an appointment with the surgeon on Monday. We scheduled his colonoscopy for Thursday of that week. On Thursday, we performed his colonoscopy and found a napkin ring lesion that turned out to be adenocarcinoma about 20 cm in the rectum. We worked him up Thursday night and did a low anterior colon resection on Friday.

This is a case of a man whose initial presentation was on a Friday. One week later, we had removed the cancer.

This is what would have happened had this been in Canada:

First, he would have presented to his PCP with his rectal bleeding. This is the same.

Now, this is where it gets different. He would then be referred to a gastroenterologist. It would take him 1-2 months to get an appointment with a gastro doc in Canada. The gastro doc would then have to schedule his colonoscopy, which could take another month. After finding the cancer, the gastro doc would have to refer him to a surgeon, which would take another month or two. The surgeon would either schedule him sight unseen or spend another month getting his resection set up.

So basically, what we did in one week here in the US would have taken at least 4-6 months to do in Canada.

The worst possible thing that could happen to health care in the US is for it to be socialized to the point that it is under government control, which is what the democrats want.

I believe that health care should be privatized and out of the governments hands completely. Look at the mess they have made of medicare and medicaid. The premise behind both was a good one, but the government allowed too many that shouldn't have qualified for either one to get it, and it has drained both programs.

People should have the responsibility to take care of their own health care needs if physically able. Leave the federal funds for children and the elderly.

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well said and a perfect example.

I have a good friend who lives in Toronto who, after two years of suffering, was diagnosed with Crohn's. It literally took him that long to get in to see a competent physician who was able to diagnose his problem. It wasn't a matter of debating his symptoms or asking other doctors opinions, it was simply a matter of getting him scheduled to see the right doctor and it took him two years. It then took another two years to get him healthy. They gave him various medicines and treatments for nearly a year and a half before finally deciding they would cut out 12 inches of his intestine. Once they decided to do that, it took them another 6 months to get him scheduled in for the surgery! Over this time period he endured vomiting, severe pain, bloody poops and losing an unhealthy amount of weight. Had this happened in the US, that same progression of diagnosis to treatment would have lasted about six months, if that. Every nation on the planet with a similar system suffers the same problems too.

I have no problems with an affordable government plan for people who have no other means can pay into and get coverage, but unfortunatly that's not what the democrats are pushing. They want fully tax funded public health care because that's what gets them the votes. Their solution is almost always to take from the "more fortunate", as if luck was the reason they got into that tax brackets in the first place.

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I believe that
almost everything
should be
or localized

^^^I rarely talk politics on the 'Net, but that's my locale right there.

If it's something that absolutely must have some governmental involvement, oversight and taxation should be at the local level.

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