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Do you guys want me to keep posting insider info?


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so don't do it.

Is this the same monumental restraint and self control you used when while on "ignore" you posted a whopping 70% of your week's posts in relation to me.


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I rarely post but read often. Absolutely keep posting.

I do wish those handful that doubt you would just stay out of the thread.

Diesel, TexasPete, etc., when you see a thread from Sothron that says insider info, no one wants to hear you question it. We can presume that you don't believe him and leave it at that. Just ignore the thread and we will all be happier.

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To everyone:

Keep bashing if you like, who cares? But try not to take yourself seriously. Is anyone here intelligent? Not overly - no one who has been a Hawks fan through all this can be called really intelligent. Addictive, obsessive, insanely loyal maybe; but hardly rational.

I meant to direct that to everyone in general, not to those who bash one person, Sothron or anyone, in particular.

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I enjoy Ron's "insider info". Just like I enjoy my attempt at Satire about the Hawks. For me, discussion is discussion. 9.8/10th of what's said here is not factual in the first place so i can take a lot of it tongue and cheek or for what it is... second hand rumor.

However, there are two things that I don't understand about this:

1. Why play the religion card constantly?

I'm a God fearing person, however, I don't like to see religion used to separate people as it has been used here. Anybody knows if you want to cause separation in people, you bring up religion or politics and there you go. However, why?

2. What's up with the continuous need for attention?

Every other post... it's like some great "what about me?" moment from Ron. He and LS101 are different but they have the same MO... I'm starting to wonder, was it just LS101 being satirical when he posted his latest poll after this poll by Ron? But now, i see that they're both about the same. Both seeking that attention. One through pity: I was in an accident, pity me... Those guys are picking on me... pity me... Do you want me to continue posting... Pity me.

This is the essential messageboard for fans of the Atlanta Hawks.

That suggests that if you're a fan of the Hawks and you have something the rest of us should know, then share it ( if you can)... It doesn't require a poll? It doesn't require a pity party? Just share! It doesn't require you gathering support... Just share. If it's true, then it will happen. I don't see the need for the "BIG Deal". I don't think anybody is jealous? Hell everybody knows somebody. Hell Ron could be Mrs. Billy Knight for all it matters... Is that something to be Jealous over. Just realize that when you put something out that says insider weather your name is RON, Vescey, Jay Walker, or David Aldrich, it will be scrutinized. However, I don't see those guys taking a poll either?

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I don't want to sidetrack this but I have to respond to this.

1. I don't "play" the religion card. The only times I mention my religion are when people ask me about it, ask about the avatar or when they out of the blue insult it. I don't run around here trying to convert people or beating them over the head with a Bible.

2. I do not know what "pity card" you are talking about. Someone asked me in a thread where I had been and I simply told the truth about the accident my wife and I were involved in. I may have made a joke or two about my torn labrum in one or two posts but I hardly think that qualifies as "attention seeking". I posted this poll as I noted before because someone made a challenge that most people here don't want to read my "insider" information. So I decided to see if this was true or not.

Sometimes a rock is just a rock and a poll asking a simple question is just that.

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It is more than a 10:1 ratio in favor of you continuing to post. Count me in on the "keep on posting" side.

I would also join in the people who ask that there not be a litany of attacks on Sothron when he posts. Respond to the substance of the post - question why it wouldn't make sense for the team to do something like that, etc. If something turns out to be wrong - call him on it. If it is right, give him some kudos. But the part that becomes problematic are the predictable and monotonous parody posts. These are becoming enough of a deterent that he may stop posting if they continue. (They are also so predictable that they are not interesting to read, IMO). It is a legit question to ask if people are interested in continuing to read these posts if they are going to be a pain in the rear for him to do.

The issue is that it really shouldn't require a lot of time on the defensive if people just respond to the substance and don't get on the collateral issue of whether Sothron has a legit source.

Remember that Jay Walker has endorsed Sothron's posting/source on this site. Just treat his posts like someone is posting a link from some other source and this won't be a problem.

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"Everything has a purpose NEO!"

The matrix III.

Look... I have not insulted your Christianity because I respect it.

You say you don't wear it on your sleeve... I say that nobody was putting your religious belief on center stage until you brought out your personal hostility against SWATGUY because of something he said many moons ago about guess what... Your Religious beliefs.

Let's practice some Christian Beliefs here:

The Bible says "Pray for those who persecute you and Forgive those who despitefully use you." If you're needing an application, SWATGUY is your man. In short what Jesus was saying is Let it go. The tense in which he spoke suggests that this act was in the process... not something that had happened and the person had asked for forgiveness... This person is one who is still hating you, still persecuting you, still using you. You are a much stronger Christian if you uphold the words of Jesus in your actions than if you try to meet the world with it's own ways and systems... Christianity doesn't need any defending. It has stood this long. About 1/3 of the world's population regard themselves as Christian. That starting from 11 apostles. Do you think Christianity being the most targeted religion out there needs defending? Instead of defending it, be a great example of it. It's much better!

One more...

The Bible says "When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full.". Jesus here talks about prayer, but it can also fit just about any act you do as a Christian. Your life should give glory to God, however, if you're doing it for people to see.. then God cannot get glory from it. You ought to be a light unto men, not one to be pitied.

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I have always read your posts with interest. I have no reason to suspect you are lying. I don't really see why you would be motivated to make this stuff up. What would be the gain? I don't see what the big deal is.

Frankly even if you were making it up it wouldn't bother me anyway.

i agree. i'm not going to be all over your nuts because you MAY be posting inside info. if you are lying, then that's something you'll have to deal with mentally on who you are.

but keep posting them. at least it gives us something to talk about.

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Diesel...I don't even know how to respond to that post. Swatguy took several shots at myself and my religion. He was not banned or supsended for being a bigot so I did the only thing left to me: ignore him. I don't make an issue out of it unless someone else *cough* brings it up.

As for the forgiveness issue...what does that have to do with anything? I forgave him months ago. Just because I forgive him does not mean I have to tolerate his bigotry or respond to his attacks. Jesus did not tell us to forgive others and keep letting them attack you and do nothing about it.

The ONLY TIME I bring up religion on here is when people ask me about it or bring it up like you are doing now. I honestly do not even know how to respond to something like this. Its like the two times I mentioned what car I have and then someone proclaims me a "Dodge attention whore" because of it.

Anyways, back to the poll...

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Dear Mrs. Sothron,

As you ask, a poll has been taken and now we know, without

question, Hawksquawk Nation wants your good husband to

keep up the good work.

Also, let me wish for both of you a full recovery from

the results of your auto accident and God bless you both.


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if you are genuine why do you care what others think?

...you couldn't "ignore" me for 10 seconds, you aren't "genuine" enough?

While it is a nice sentiment to believe that telling the truth is enough and one does not need an acknowledgement of their truth-telling, it is only that, a sentiment.

Sothron wears a Christian avatar, and for some that is strangely offensive. I'm not Christian myself but I appreciate it for what it is, a reflection of his person he feels strongly about and wants others who interact with him to witness. I think the same can be said about the trait of sincerity. It matters and he may want those who come into contact with him to know that about him. Even the most deotologically sound person doesn't do it in a vacuum.

GSUteke, you do not appear to want your having character proceed you. Empty internet boast, after internet boast...It seems you would rather your being a character proceed you. In the same vein, perhaps if you were a "genuine" character you wouldn't have to try so hard. Regardless, I'm all for that too. Just don't imply that being "genuine" is remotely a standard for truth telling or anything else. Its close to the Holy Grail equivalent of insisting witches would float if thrown in water. Only in sentiments does that sound nice and neatly packaged and it doesn't work well in a society or forum where posters in this case, those like yourself, would just assume hold your head under water.

blah blah blah

blah blah blah blah blah

when someone is on ignore Waldo it's a moot point when another user quotes them.

I took you off ignore when you went schizo on CHillz. Oh you do remember going schizo don't you?

Don't lecture me on being "genuine."

You don't possess the credibility.

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Personally, I don't really care how accurate the information is. It makes for good discussion.

That's my exact thoughts too. It makes for good discussion - so why not? Plus, it's always a good read.

Oh and I definitely believe that your sources have asked you to lay "false trails" (such as the Brandan Wright interest) to possibly throw the internets rumors off a little bit.

But yeah, keep it coming. Most of the more "normal" people on here really appreicate it.

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1. Why play the religion card constantly?...attention...Pity me.

Diesel, I don't know exactly what card you are playing but it makes you seem particularly disgusting.


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I'm a longtime lurker and an infrequent poster. Keep posting the insider info. We can decide for ourselves the validity of it. I personally like the speculation that comes along with it....

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