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just to remind everyone of the "big picture", this thread should be bumped whenever

we are currently sitting in a playoff spot smile.gif

As of right now 3/10/08...WE ARE IN!!!!


1 x-Boston 50 12 0.806 -

2 x-Detroit 46 17 0.73 4 ½

3 Orlando 41 24 0.631 10 ½

4 Cleveland 37 27 0.578 14

5 Toronto 34 28 0.548 16

6 Washington 30 32 0.484 20

7 Philadelphia 30 34 0.469 21

8 Atlanta 26 37 0.413 24 ½

New Jersey 26 38 0.406 25

Chicago 25 38 0.397 25 ½

Charlotte 24 39 0.381 26 ½

Indiana 24 39 0.381 26 ½

Milwaukee 23 40 0.365 27 ½

New York 18 46 0.281 33

Miami 11 51 0.177 39

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it's very exciting because nobody knows which of the teams will make it in

nj could miss it; washington could even if caron/arenas don't come back for another month

us or chi or indy or even charlotte could make it in

1-5 are set, but 6-11 are pretty wide open, especially 8-11

may not be the best ball being played, but it's still exciting

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First of all, I will support this team as far as they go, but I must say that making the playoffs without a chance of really competing does not excite me much at all. Sure, the Hawks could end the streak, and the ASG get to sell a few more tickets this year, but, as bad as the East is this year, making the playoffs should have been the given. With the type of performances we've been seeing lately, the team will get beat like a drum in the first round.

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I hate to say it, but I think making the playoffs will be bad for this team in the long run. It will give Gearon an excuse to keep Woody around, and will generate some money for ASG in the form of 2 home playoff games that they DO NOT DESERVE for subjecting us to this shoddy product night after night.

Frankly, though, we are tanking so badly that I don't think we have to worry about it.

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We stink but anyone who wants to miss the playoffs is not a true fan.

We haven't made the playoffs THIS CENTURY.

We need that taste of post-season. It gives Josh Smith incentive to re-sign.

If he doesn't re-sign we wasted these 4 years of rebuilding.

It's with our current core that we have the most talented young roster in the conference.

Not to mention ANYTHING can happen in the post-season. Can't win if you don't make it.

And I'll be danged if we give the Suns a lottery pick

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We have to hope for an invitation to the big dance. If we end up with one of the top

eight spots in the east, we're invited.

So what if we're not as great as all those teams out west who win all those games.

If we're in, that means we're one of the top eight teams in the east.

We have a sorry team? If we're in, we're better than those teams that don't

make it at all.

Most didn't expect a win monday night. Ditto to our wednesday night game.

Without our "doubleheader" wins, Hawks have a long string of defeats.

If we expect to go to the "big dance" this season, then our opportunity

really begins after wednesday's game.

Our two goals for this season: Play .500 ball for the season AND make the

big dance. Winning half our games now looks very improbable but we still

have the opportunity for our other goal.

We may get there, then fall flat on our face. Then again, who knows. Whatever

team we face may think they have a free pass to the first round when they

face the Hawks. Could be. They may walk all over us. Four easy ones. Think

of the Hawks coming out and winning! Not likely, but it could happen. You

never know. Think of all the red faces on our opponent when they had to say,

"We lost to the Hawks!"

Ah well. We can dream, can't we. That may be all we have left of this miserable

season, a dream. But, until someone wakes us up because we didn't make

the big dance OR we make it and then fail to win any games there, the dream

will continue for all true Hawk fans!!



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just to remind everyone of the "big picture", this thread should be bumped whenever

we are currently sitting in a playoff spot

As of right now 3/10/08...WE ARE IN!!!!


1 x-Boston 50 12 0.806 -

2 x-Detroit 46 17 0.73 4 ½

3 Orlando 41 24 0.631 10 ½

4 Cleveland 37 27 0.578 14

5 Toronto 34 28 0.548 16

6 Washington 30 32 0.484 20

7 Philadelphia 30 34 0.469 21

8 Atlanta 26 37 0.413 24 ½

New Jersey 26 38 0.406 25

Chicago 25 38 0.397 25 ½

Charlotte 24 39 0.381 26 ½

Indiana 24 39 0.381 26 ½

Milwaukee 23 40 0.365 27 ½

New York 18 46 0.281 33

Miami 11 51 0.177 39

If we can win more than 36 and finish with some nice momentum, I think I really will get excited and I'll be completely "on board". I'll probably spring for playoff tickets hoping to see a win or maybe even two.

The more likely "best case" scenario: we finish the rest of the season playing just above .500 ball, taking 10 of the next 19. Sadly, we'd only have a 36-46 record, but we'd still likely breeze into the playoffs because our conference is close to an all time low after the top few teams. I'd consider buying playoff tickets but will really hope to find some for free.

If we win 34-36 games we'd be playing just a little better than our record thus far and it should be enough to get the 8th spot. I wouldn't be terribly excited about the playoffs, maybe not enough to spend my own money on anything other than the cheap seats. I'd be expecting a complete disaster first round and part of me would be just fine with that if it expunged BK/Woody.

If we make the playoffs with 33 wins or less I'll be disgusted.

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This team has no business making the playoffs. Period.

All the playoffs would do is encourage the no account Atlanta Spirit into thinking Woody's done the job. I believe the players are tanking anyway right now. Their defense speaks for itself. The Miami win was at home against an 11-50 team and was close. The fact that lousy Miami almost beats you at home should tell you something.

This pollyanna crowd that gets excited over a lousy team making the playoffs is lame at best.

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We have to hope for an invitation to the big dance. If we end up with one of the top

eight spots in the east, we're invited.

So what if we're not as great as all those teams out west who win all those games.

If we're in, that means we're one of the top eight teams in the east.

We have a sorry team? If we're in, we're better than those teams that don't

make it at all.

Most didn't expect a win monday night. Ditto to our wednesday night game.

Without our "doubleheader" wins, Hawks have a long string of defeats.

If we expect to go to the "big dance" this season, then our opportunity

really begins after wednesday's game.

Our two goals for this season: Play .500 ball for the season AND make the

big dance. Winning half our games now looks very improbable but we still

have the opportunity for our other goal.

We may get there, then fall flat on our face. Then again, who knows. Whatever

team we face may think they have a free pass to the first round when they

face the Hawks. Could be. They may walk all over us. Four easy ones. Think

of the Hawks coming out and winning! Not likely, but it could happen. You

never know. Think of all the red faces on our opponent when they had to say,

"We lost to the Hawks!"

Ah well. We can dream, can't we. That may be all we have left of this miserable

season, a dream. But, until someone wakes us up because we didn't make

the big dance OR we make it and then fail to win any games there, the dream

will continue for all true Hawk fans!!



nicely said.....

If this team backs into the playoffs and then gets blown out 4 straight, then it would show that we didn't belong. But....if we are playing well going into the playoffs and can compete with whoever we face, then the season would have to be considered a success.

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Still there smile.gif


1 x-Boston 50 12 0.806 -

2 x-Detroit 46 17 0.73 4 ½

3 Orlando 41 24 0.631 10 ½

4 Cleveland 37 27 0.578 14

5 Toronto 34 29 0.54 16 ½

6 Washington 31 32 0.492 19 ½

7 Philadelphia 30 34 0.469 21

8 Atlanta 26 37 0.413 24 ½

New Jersey 26 38 0.406 25

Chicago 26 38 0.406 25

Indiana 25 39 0.391 26

Charlotte 24 39 0.381 26 ½

Milwaukee 23 41 0.359 28

New York 18 46 0.281 33

Miami 11 51 0.177 39

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We're BAAACK! Tied, but still back smile.gif

I wonder how the tiebreakers work? Anyone?


1 y-Boston 52 13 0.8

2 x-Detroit 48 18 0.727

3 x-Orlando 44 24 0.647

4 Cleveland 38 29 0.567

5 Toronto 34 32 0.515

6 Washingto 33 32 0.508

7 Philadelphia 33 34 0.493

8 Atlanta 28 38 0.424

New Jersey 28 38 0.424

Chicago 26 39 0.4

Indiana 25 41 0.379

Charlotte 24 42 0.364

Milwaukee 23 43 0.348

New York 19 47 0.288

Miami 11 54 0.169

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