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Thanks to everyone who sent their wishes.


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An update on my sister.

The moved her from the antepartem unit to the labor and delivery unit last night and put her on Magnesium Sulfate to control her blood pressure. Her pressure was 204/120 when they moved her. The Mag Sulfate stabilized the blood pressure. They did some blood work, and the doc came in today and said it all looked good. He plans on keeping her in the L&D unit for another 24 hours for observation, and if everything goes well, he'll move her back to a regular room in the antepartem ward tomorrow. He wants to hold off at least two more weeks before he delivers the baby. The chances for survival go up at 28 weeks, and the likelyhood of a permanent disability decreases.

So, the good news is my sister is doing better now. The bad news is, she will have to stay in the hospital till the baby is delivered.

BTW, preeclampsia is a stage where the mother is starting to become toxic. It can lead to full blown eclampsia, which is a toxic state and can cause seizures and even induce a coma, or it can lead to HELPS syndrome, which is a clotting disorder.

Again, thanks for your wishes, and I'll keep you updated.

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Sorry to here that KB. Hang in there, everything will work out.

My wife gave birth to a little boy 5 months ago and we had all kinds of complications with placenta previa and was told we might have to deliver pre-term at 18 weeks.

We lasted full term actually (37 weeks) which is considered full term and our son is doing very well.

Just pray and stay confident and your sister and baby will do just fine.

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I hope everything works out for the best. Pre-eclampsia can be very scary, especially if it creeps up on the unsuspecting. However, now that it is better controlled and your sister will be monitored, if it worsens, the baby can be delivered quickly and in a controlled setting (i.e. c-section). And your right, every day in the womb goes a long way, so lets keep our finger's crossed!

My thoughts are with you and your family.


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I haven't been online for a few days. I'm glad to hear your sister is doing better. 16 years ago my son was born at 28 weeks. He weighed in @ 2lbs. 6ozs. He's 6'3" and doing great now but it was such a sacry thing to go through. A lot of prayers from a lot of people helped, I'm sure. We didn't have all the problems your sister did but doctor's know what they are doing and if it's meant to be the they'll make it happen. Your family is in our prayers.

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