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Falcons/Saints - I hate giving up the ball


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On 3rd and 5 with just over 3 minutes left, the Falcons should have been in 4 down mode and run the ball on theird down to get the short yardage on 4th down, IMO. In either case, they should have gone for it on 4th down. The Falcons averaged 6.5 yards per play so it wasn't like that was unreasonable in any way.

The Saints, however, are a top offense that is averaging 6 yards per rush and 7 yards per pass attempt.

Why, oh, why do you give the Saints the ball only needing a few first downs to kill the game?

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That was Smith first mistake and one of the biggest boneheaded calls all year from any coach. He will get blasted for it this week and as he should. Do it if the defense is showing some pride and can actually play. Saints one of the softest teams in the league just basically punched the Falcons defense in the mouth and just stomp all over them all game. I don't know what Smith saw in this sorry effort from the defense that led him to believe this sorry bunch would all of the sudden stop them.

Edited by HawksJJHorford
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I agree with you AHF; no way should the falcons have punted. It's like Smith trusted his defense more than his quarterback; and that makes no sense. The falcons needed a touchdown and even if the defense did make a stop, little time would have been left on the clock with no timeouts. For all the good things that Smith has done this year, his late game decision making has not been one of them.

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On 3rd and 5 with just over 3 minutes left, the Falcons should have been in 4 down mode and run the ball on theird down to get the short yardage on 4th down, IMO. In either case, they should have gone for it on 4th down. The Falcons averaged 6.5 yards per play so it wasn't like that was unreasonable in any way.

The Saints, however, are a top offense that is averaging 6 yards per rush and 7 yards per pass attempt.

Why, oh, why do you give the Saints the ball only needing a few first downs to kill the game?

Things like this is why coaches rarely last long. Coaches don't seem to be all that smart. If your defense had been holding them to 3 and out's most of the game, I understand. But you can't punt the ball in that situation.

The coach lost them that game. Just another empty headed coach that will probably be fired within 3 years. Even if you don't convert 4th and 5 you still have a shot to hold them to a FG.

Edited by Hotlanta1981
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Rookie head coach mistake? His other mistake was to challenge the Saints first down call where I believe they converted a 4th and 1. The game is really close and you can clearly see the pile move ahead of the first down marker... they need all the timeouts they can get.

But yeah, he should've went on the 4th and 5 (because you can see the Falcons can't stop the Saints all game long)... worse case scenario, they can still hold them to a FG (would've been a difficult one) and try to tie the game instead of winning it on the next possession.

With all that being said though, Smith did a great job with the Falcons that he should get a pass. Falcons still in the Wildcard lead.

Edited by DeerPark
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Easy guys. I agree we shouldn't have punted, but Mike Smith is still doing a great job. This young team will learn from a painful loss like this, as will the coaching staff. I think we have a good chance to win out after this heartbreaker.

Not only that but a LOT of coaches would have done the same thing. NFL coaches tend to be very reluctant to go for it on fourth down because it invites attention on the coach and subjects them to very public second guessing. If we went for it on fourth and didn't make it and the Saints went down for a finishing score, Smith would have been killed in the press. The fact that a scoring drive from the Saints moved to their side of the field would have produced enough first downs to end the game would not have been an acceptable excuse for many members of the press.

Smith made an error on this one, IMO, but there is no reason to throw out the baby with the bath water with this guy. He has done a great job as a first year coach in Atlanta.

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I agree it was a mistake to punt, but its because of Smith that the Falcons are even in the playoff hunt. I will take this mistake and live it due to the overall package that Smith brings.

What this game showed is that Falcons' defense needs a complete overhaul. There seem to be a few keepers: Abe, Babs, Foxworth, and Coleman. A few developlment guys: Lofton, Houston, and Jackson. Guys that would look better with more talent around them: Davis and Gravy. And, some guys that just need to go: Anderson, Boley and Brooking. Our outside linebackers are some of the worst in the NFL right now. They don't make plays behind the LOS, nor do they get guys down when they hit them.

Again, rebuild the defense this offseason. Any sort of hard-hitting defenders and the Saints crumble like a house of cards. As is, our soft D allowed the Saints to dictate that game.

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It was the wrong call. If you fail on 4th and 5, you have to get the 3 and out anyway to stay in the game, just like you would if you punted. If they attempt a long field goal and miss, you have decent field position. If they make it, you still need a TD just like you did before u punted. If you give up one or more first downs, well then you didn't stop them anyway and the clock runs out.

By not going for it you give yourself one less out. It's too late to play a field position game there. Beyond the fact that the defense had been uninspiring all day, looking at it in terms of sheer logic I think it is fairly obvious in retrospect that going for it was the correct call.

The playcalling before 4th and 5, as AHF alluded to, was mismanaged as well.

I wish Boley could have squeezed that interception. That was great read on his part and a horrible decision by Brees to throw that ball. He did everything but make the catch. The 88 yard kick return was a killer. Foxworth played his worst game. Jamaal and Brooking were non-existent. Why wasn't Abe in the game on the last series? Malloy was again solid.

Offense was stellar. Matt Ryan looking better and better. I'm anxious to see how he looks against a very good defense next week, one that knocked him around and confused him early in the season. It will be a good measuring stick to see how far he's come.

Edited by jhay610
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It was the wrong call. If you fail on 4th and 5, you have to get the 3 and out anyway to stay in the game, just like you would if you punted. If they attempt a long field goal and miss, you have decent field position. If they make it, you still need a TD just like you did before u punted. If you give up one or more first downs, well then you didn't stop them anyway and the clock runs out.

By not going for it you give yourself one less out. It's too late to play a field position game there. Beyond the fact that the defense had been uninspiring all day, looking at it in terms of sheer logic I think it is fairly obvious in retrospect that going for it was the correct call.

The playcalling before 4th and 5, as AHF alluded to, was mismanaged as well.

I wish Boley could have squeezed that interception. That was great read on his part and a horrible decision by Brees to throw that ball. He did everything but make the catch. The 88 yard kick return was a killer. Foxworth played his worst game. Jamaal and Brooking were non-existent. Why wasn't Abe in the game on the last series? Malloy was again solid.

Offense was stellar. Matt Ryan looking better and better. I'm anxious to see how he looks against a very good defense next week, one that knocked him around and confused him early in the season. It will be a good measuring stick to see how far he's come.

Matt will be an elite QB before long. Could be there next season. Best rookie QB I've seen in years.

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