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I respect Arod...


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There is a reason that Clemens, Bonds and other who denied using steroids were the subject of federal investigations and the people who admitted it (Giambi, etc.) weren't. If I was A-Rod's attorney one of the things I would have advised him on is that a denial to the public at this stage could provoke attention from federal investigators.

A-Rod wasn't at risk of committing perjury at this point - he was at risk of getting a lot more unwanted attention which could include criminal prosecution.

I get what you're saying and that may be a valid point. Whether this keeps him from getting a lot more unwanted attention will remain to be seen.

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No the english professor is just upset that I called him a dumbass back in 2005.

Hey... reject... was that in context? You know.. Dumbass!

Diesel, your warning level has been increased because of this post. Please refrain from personally attacking or insulting other posters.

That goes for everyone else as well, let's try and keep it civil!

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You're the one that said A-Rod is now in the same category as Michael Vick. And my blind homerism, really? This coming from a guy who signs every post with a 7? Considering that I don't even like A-Rod I find that pretty humorous.


Did that sink in this time? I hope so, because everytime I get into an argument with you I have to repeat myself 8 or 9 times for it to sink in... It's really quite annoying... And what does me signing every post with a 7 have to do with anything? Just stop... You lost all credibility with me a while back when you were quoted as saying "Joey Harrington has all the tools to succeed in the NFL"... No reply needed, it's worthless anyway...


Edited by TheTrueSiete
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Diesel, your warning level has been increased because of this post. Please refrain from personally attacking or insulting other posters.

That goes for everyone else as well, let's try and keep it civil!

You know what? I was wrong for using profane language to describe that simpleton. It's obvious that he lacks the intelligence to even post about Hawks basketball or things concerning Hawks basketball. To that end, I apologize to the true Hawks fans here for stooping down to the level of that simpleton. I was wrong for bringing up what I called him in the past... realizing that he's struggling with intelligence issues. Moreover, I invite him to continue his "I hate Diesel" platform because when you really think about it... It's sad, but it's all that he has. Anybody who spends their day thinking of how can I get Diesel... must either be a Diesel worshiper or a fool. Therefore, I humbly take my punishment given down from Dolfan and for the fool I must tell him that I am not your god.

God please bless him.

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Did that sink in this time? I hope so, because everytime I get into an argument with you I have to repeat myself 8 or 9 times for it to sink in... It's really quite annoying... And what does me signing every post with a 7 have to do with anything? Just stop... You lost all credibility with me a while back when you were quoted as saying "Joey Harrington has all the tools to succeed in the NFL"... No reply needed, it's worthless anyway...


Wow calm down fella, no need for you to get so upset. Did you really just ask me what does a 7 have to do with anything? Yes I agree, replying to you is indeed a worthless effort and I'm already kicking myself for wasting that effort again. I'll leave it at that and go off to figure out how I'll possibly make it through the day knowing that I have lost all credibility with you.

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I hereby nominate this thread for classic status. I got some funny looks when I laughed out loud reading this at work.

I mean, really, this is turning epic! We have Diesel v. CBAreject, Dolfan vs. Mr. 7, then Dolfan stepping in and warning not one but TWO dudes, lol....

Anyway, just trying to keep it light :lol:

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Keep the posts from commenting on other posters here or this thread is going to be done. There is no reason for the kind of finger pointing and personal remarks we are seeing on this thread.

Thank you for setting is straight AHF, I apologize to everyone for helping to escalate the tension in this thread.

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I'm just glad A-Roid is on the Skanks. This drama and tore's book leaves them in third place again. Not to mention Burnett's arm falling off,Sabathia pulling an Anduw Jones and Tex hitting .200 for the first 3 months like he always does.

Why are you glad that A-Rod used steroids? No matter how much you hate a team or a player it does nothing but damage the game to find out that a player has cheated. I hate the Red Sox but I'd never hope that Big Papi, Manny, or Schilling cheated. Even as much as I despise Bonds for the person he is I hate that he actually took steroids.

Just to clarify I'd love it if every player who cheated was discovered because I believe that it would ultimately be good for the game.

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Why are you glad that A-Rod used steroids? No matter how much you hate a team or a player it does nothing but damage the game to find out that a player has cheated. I hate the Red Sox but I'd never hope that Big Papi, Manny, or Schilling cheated. Even as much as I despise Bonds for the person he is I hate that he actually took steroids.

Just to clarify I'd love it if every player who cheated was discovered because I believe that it would ultimately be good for the game.

Don't get me wrong I was a huge fan of A-Rods even when he joined the Yanks(who I hate with a passion). There's only a couple of guys that I have respect for in the game. One of them being Chipper who has always been vocal against steroids something these guys (A-Rod,Clemens,Bonds,Tejada,etc) didn't do because of guilt. I used to love baseball now I could really care less. If Chipper or Jeter ever took steroids then I may have to stop watching all together.

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Don't get me wrong I was a huge fan of A-Rods even when he joined the Yanks(who I hate with a passion). There's only a couple of guys that I have respect for in the game. One of them being Chipper who has always been vocal against steroids something these guys (A-Rod,Clemens,Bonds,Tejada,etc) didn't do because of guilt. I used to love baseball now I could really care less. If Chipper or Jeter ever took steroids then I may have to stop watching all together.

I never liked A-Rod, before or after he became a Yankee and I'm as big of a Yankees fan as I am a Hawks or Dolphins fan, but I'm like you it wouldn't truly change the way I feel about the game the way it would if a guy like Jeter did steroids. I'd probably stop watching as well.

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Awaiting Dolfan's even-handed treatment of this issue by warning Diesel for using the terms "fool", "fool", and "simpleton".

Let the record show that he warned me for the phrase "most of these people are idiots", which was addressed to nobody in particular. If that merits a warning, this merits three warnings.

A lack of action should be interpreted as overt favoritism by all reasoning minds.

I think it all started with you talking about Diesel spreading his fat butt cheeks across a keyboard or something to that tune.

If anyone has a problem with how they are treated by another poster - or god forbid a moderator/admin handling it via PM is in good taste.

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You know what? I was wrong for using profane language to describe that simpleton. It's obvious that he lacks the intelligence to even post about Hawks basketball or things concerning Hawks basketball. To that end, I apologize to the true Hawks fans here for stooping down to the level of that simpleton. I was wrong for bringing up what I called him in the past... realizing that he's struggling with intelligence issues. Moreover, I invite him to continue his "I hate Diesel" platform because when you really think about it... It's sad, but it's all that he has. Anybody who spends their day thinking of how can I get Diesel... must either be a Diesel worshiper or a fool. Therefore, I humbly take my punishment given down from Dolfan and for the fool I must tell him that I am not your god.

God please bless him.

Since I'm not involved in this thread I'll deliver the message.

This is inflammatory. It was meant to be humorous and it would have flown a year ago but (and I used to be the biggest violator in this respect) but it's just not acceptable anymore.

This isn't a Warning to Diesel individually, it's a Warning to the entire board.

Please keep your posts above the belt.

Edited by gsuteke
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Now that A-Rod had his press conference and I had a chance to see it, I will add that it was not at all believable. He expects me to buy that a 27 year old multi-millionaire was too "silly" and "naive" to know that he might be using a banned performance enhancing drug when he got injections for 3 years. Then I am supposed to swallow that he did these in secret and told no one about it even though he believed he was taking something that was a minor, legal over-the-counter substance.

Gee, Alex, how much did you say you were selling that bridge for? Sign me up!

A-Rod blew his chance to put this behind him, IMO. This idea that he was too naive to know that secret injections might be something to raise a red flag in his mid-20's after years of professional baseball is just not something that I can buy into.

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It's completely insulting, and just shows the lack of character that A-rod possesses. To the people who said they respected him, but disrespected Bonds, what about now ? Similar situations, the only difference is they're seemingly done with the congressional witchhunts, so he doesn't face criminal charges. Could someone please enlighten me on how Bonds is facing perjury charges anyways ? I never knew the government actually took him to court. I haven't really followed anything baseball related in 10 years, so I'm not being sarcastic.

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Could someone please enlighten me on how Bonds is facing perjury charges anyways ? I never knew the government actually took him to court. I haven't really followed anything baseball related in 10 years, so I'm not being sarcastic.

The cliffnotes version is that Bonds testified before a federal grand jury that he never knowingly used performance enhancing drugs and had taken steroids by accident when he thought he was using flaxseed oil. The government has since taped phone calls with his trainer where his trainer talked about Bonds' drug use; collected allegedly positive drug tests; and gotten testimony lined up from former players and Bonds' former mistress about his drug use and his trainer's drug use. There are evidentiary issues with some of these pieces of evidence - most notably some of the positive drug tests - so it is unclear what will be admitted into evidence at this time as far as those tests go.

Bond's trainer has now spent the last year and a half in jail for refusing to testify against Bonds. He will be called by the prosecution, will refuse to testify, and probably will be jailed for a while longer for not voluntarily rolling over on his buddy. This presents an interesting situation where the tape of his conversation will likely be admitted as an exception to hearsay (an admission against interest) and Bonds will not be able to cross-examine Anderson about it.

Basically, Bonds is in the same position as other athletes like Marion Jones who lied during the federal investigation but has more $$ to put up a defense than someone like Jones.

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