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Stallworth's sentence - what a F#@)# joke


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Vick kills some dogs. He gets almost 2 years in prison and a 2 year NFL suspension when it's all said and done.

Stallworth kills a man while breaking the law (driving intoxicated) and he just got 30 days in jail.

We have devalued the human life in our society IMO.

What a joke.......

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Well his family came to a finacial agreement so apparetly this guys life was " for sale". I would think if the family fought tooth and nail to make sure Stallworth served serious prison time he would have. It is very sad that some people have served longer sentences or equal ones for misdemeaner crimes. Our legal game and all its players to me are a sick joke.

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Vick kills some dogs. He gets almost 2 years in prison and a 2 year NFL suspension when it's all said and done.

Stallworth kills a man while breaking the law (driving intoxicated) and he just got 30 days in jail.

We have devalued the human life in our society IMO.

What a joke.......

While I agree that the sentence is rather short and laughable for manslaughter, comparing it to Vick is laughable as well. One made a boneheaded decision (although the accident would have probably happened even had Stallworth not been drinking) one PURPOSELY strangled and tortured dogs for pure enjoyment. You have to look at intent here.

While I believe killing a person should get your more than 30 days in jail, I also think Vick deserved more than 2 years

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Well his family came to a finacial agreement so apparetly this guys life was " for sale". I would think if the family fought tooth and nail to make sure Stallworth served serious prison time he would have. It is very sad that some people have served longer sentences or equal ones for misdemeaner crimes. Our legal game and all its players to me are a sick joke.

Unless I read this story wrong, the pedestrian that got killed was actually in the wrong. The only reason Stallworth is even being charged is because he was over the limit. You have to take things like that into consideration. But still I agree, this judgment and our judicial system is a joke.

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Vick kills some dogs. He gets almost 2 years in prison and a 2 year NFL suspension when it's all said and done.

Stallworth kills a man while breaking the law (driving intoxicated) and he just got 30 days in jail.

We have devalued the human life in our society IMO.

What a joke.......

You need to get the facts straight, teke. Stallworth was technically drunk, as we almost all are legally after a few beers. You still drive home though, don't you? He had enough of his faculties to be driving no more than 10 miles over the limit, which is a common speed. In fact, most traffic enforcers won't even give you a ticket unless you are going 10 mph over the limit. This man ran in front of him, not in a legally protected crosswalk mind you, but just out in the middle of a road coming from who knows where, trying to catch a bus. Stallworth saw him at the last second and flashed his lights. Should he have swerved and possibly killed himself or another person because of this reckless act by the man running? Not in my opinion. Also, he immediately called 911 and took the roadside test. He acted like a man should in a time like that. He took responsibility. He, in no way acted drunk. That's the whole crux of the argument here. If he had not had any drinks, it would have been the man's own fault, correct?

He's also going to be in home confinement for years and will likely never be able to drive a car again. I don't think that's getting off easy. All I know, is if I have two beers and some @sshole runs in front of me from some blind spot, I don't think I should bear the responsibility.

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Vick kills some dogs. He gets almost 2 years in prison and a 2 year NFL suspension when it's all said and done.

Stallworth kills a man while breaking the law (driving intoxicated) and he just got 30 days in jail.

We have devalued the human life in our society IMO.

What a joke.......

Yeah, I would think the judge would be ashamed.


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You need to get the facts straight, teke. Stallworth was technically drunk, as we almost all are legally after a few beers. You still drive home though, don't you? He had enough of his faculties to be driving no more than 10 miles over the limit, which is a common speed. In fact, most traffic enforcers won't even give you a ticket unless you are going 10 mph over the limit. This man ran in front of him, not in a legally protected crosswalk mind you, but just out in the middle of a road coming from who knows where, trying to catch a bus. Stallworth saw him at the last second and flashed his lights. Should he have swerved and possibly killed himself or another person because of this reckless act by the man running? Not in my opinion. Also, he immediately called 911 and took the roadside test. He acted like a man should in a time like that. He took responsibility. He, in no way acted drunk. That's the whole crux of the argument here. If he had not had any drinks, it would have been the man's own fault, correct?

He's also going to be in home confinement for years and will likely never be able to drive a car again. I don't think that's getting off easy. All I know, is if I have two beers and some @sshole runs in front of me from some blind spot, I don't think I should bear the responsibility.

The man was coming from work after working all night to support his family. Stallworth flahed his lights? LMFAO did he think he saw a deer. How about hit your breaks or maybe not pass a car already stoped to let the man cross OR HOW ABOUT IF YOUR GOING TO BE OUT PARTYING ALL NIGHT CELEBRATING A 4MIL DOLLAR SIGNING BONUS PAY SOMEBODY A FEW BUCKS TO DRIVE YOUR STUPID DRUNK AYSS HOME. As for intent well its not like Stallworth hadnt had drunk driving and drug charges before so I assume he was infromed of all of the ramifications of what could happen ahead of time.

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Dude got off easy but he had 3 very important things going for him:

1. The man he hit was not in a cross walk. He was jay-walking. The person that was killed was negligent himself for not being in a cross walk. Had Stallworth hit another car and killed a person or killed a person in a cross walk he would have gotten much more time. If you hit a jay-walker you really cannot get in too much trouble, even if drunk, as this case has proven.

2. Intent - there was no intent to kill anyone. Mike Vick intentionally did what he did even though, to me, his crime was far less then killing a human .

3. Stallworth fully cooperated with the police from day #1.

Edited by coachx
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Here's the point that's being missed here IMO.

A man died. How many people will stand outside and protest when Stallworth returns to training camp, whenever and where ever that may be? A few dozen members of MADD? How long will that last, a few days before it dies down?

We as a society have devalued the human life.

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Here's the point that's being missed here IMO.

A man died. How many people will stand outside and protest when Stallworth returns to training camp, whenever and where ever that may be? A few dozen members of MADD? How long will that last, a few days before it dies down?

We as a society have devalued the human life.

That is a good general statment if the victim was totally innocent and did not have contributory negligence in his own death.

Had that man just looked both ways before running into the street he would still be alive. (If your going to jaywalk you should at least look to be sure a car is not going to hit you or to be asure a cop will not write you a ticket, Right ? ). If he would have been at a cross walk, and waited for a red light, then he would still be alive. The guy was in a hurry and paid the price.

This dead man is just as responsible for his own death as Stallworth is..........in fact he is probably more at fault. It could have just as easily been me or you that hit some guy running into the middle of the street , with on coming traffic, just to catch a bus.

Edited by coachx
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A man died. How many people will stand outside and protest when Stallworth returns to training camp, whenever and where ever that may be? A few dozen members of MADD? How long will that last, a few days before it dies down?

This may be a little off topic, but didn't Jonathan Babineaux kill his girlfriend's dog around the same time as the Vick stuff? If thats the case, I remember 0 PETA members protesting Babineaux on the Falcons. So I don't think this is a dog v.s. human situation. Probably has more to do that PETA is a f***ed up organization and just pounced on whatever would give the biggest shock value and tried to capitalize on the free media attention.

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This may be a little off topic, but didn't Jonathan Babineaux kill his girlfriend's dog around the same time as the Vick stuff? If thats the case, I remember 0 PETA members protesting Babineaux on the Falcons. So I don't think this is a dog v.s. human situation. Probably has more to do that PETA is a f***ed up organization and just pounced on whatever would give the biggest shock value and tried to capitalize on the free media attention.

Yes, Babs did kill his girlfriend's pitbull, but the circumstances dictated it.

Below is from memmory, so I may miss a detail or two, but the jist is there:

Babs had taken the animal to several training classes to get the animal to be calm and respectful of Babs and his family.

On the day of the incident, the dog became very aggressive with Bab's young daughter. Babs then used a technique he learned in class to clam the dog. Unfortunately, Babs may have applied too much force to the technique. The dog then died from complications.

My take: Babs was getting this aggressive pitbull away from his kid. In that situation lethal force is OK in my book. My kid's, and anyone else's, welfare always comes before an aggressive dog's welfare. The only issue was that Babs may have used too much force, but given that Babs is a very strong guy and that he was in a high stress situation, the dog's death is completely understandable in my book and in the eyes of the DA (e.g. no charges were filed or were dropped- can't remember which).

RE: PETA- couldn't agree more. But, then, I have had direct confrentations with them over HIV and cancer research I used to do...

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Vick was in federal court. If he had gotten caught dogfighting he'd still be playing. Organizing, hosting, and funding an inter-state illegal gambling operation is why he went to prison. I'm sure he lost points for lying at the beginning and being an idiot for not only being involved but in charge of the whole operation putting his whole career at risk.

As other's have said Stallworth did the right thing after it happened. If he had taken off he'd be in jail for a very long time. Its amazing what a difference trying to do the right thing makes even if you've just made a huge mistake.

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