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Things that make you go Hmm?


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Kevin Love Snubbed.

I heard a lot of our fans saying that Smoove was snubbed... But did you get a lo to Kevin Love. Smoove is not better than KG or Amare at this time. However, Love leads the league in rebounds by a wide margin. Plus he scores. I remember when the thought of Love for Smoove came up many people booed and hissed. Right now, it's sad to see Love snubbed so hard.

Joe best G in the East for January?

Ok, I know people say Wade, Wade, Wade...but what about Joe. It's close. I think Wade gets him on Rebounds. But Joe was hitting shots better. If Joe added trips to the free throw to his arsenal, maybe he moves up in the world.

Bogut up for trade?

As injured as he has been, I would still take him.

Where's Marvin?

I know that marvin hagler was suspended but it seems like he hasn't played since NOvember. Will he be in shape?

Etan Thomas... Waste?

This guy used to be so serviceable. Now, I'm looking for Solo to make his comeback. At least Solo could see the floor sometimes.

Is Zaza's time coming to an end?

The best dressed Hawk and the man most likely to know how to make brochette is not been up to much on the court. Why couldn't he beat out Twin for the big lineup?

How much does our bench suck?

Teague is no longer looking like the future. Jethrow Crawford is looking like Teague's assistant. The Crawford is the only good thing on the bench. Can we go far with a sorry bench. I mean even Damien Wilkins looks bad.

I think our whole bench - Crawford for 1 Pacer starter and d-leaguers is a fair deal.

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I'd 'love' to see us trade for Love, nyuk nyuk nyuk. Really though, the guy is an absolute stud. How many times do you see a player go for 30-30 anymore?

You have to wonder if he's on the block too. Based upon that interview he gave to SI early in January, you really have to wonder. He sure makes it sound as if he wishes he were: "I don't know what David Khan and the front office want to do. If it’s right, it’s right. If it’s not, it’s not. I could end up somewhere else. I just want to play for a team that wants to win at this point. At this point, I just want to win now.”.

So there ya go, Diesel. What would it take for us to make a trade for Love?

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It's an absolute crime that Love isn't in the All-Star game but the whole voting process is a crock anyway. How the coaches left him out is even worse to me though.

Regarding Marvin he was playing fairly well before his back injury and looked pretty solid against the Knicks so I expect that he'll play well in our next game as long as he continues to try and score. At this point if we expect anything more than solid offense and good defense out of Marvin then that's on us for having unrealistic expectations as he's never going to be the player we hoped he would be back in 2005.

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To me, you can be unjustly put in the All-Star Game by fans. But if you make the reserves - who are selected by coaches - I frankly think the conversation should end. NBA head coaches are the most qualified people in the world to judge the value of NBA players.

In any case, I think Love is overrated. Always have. He's the best example of why basketball box score statistics are a terrible way to measure a player's value; like Michael Lewis said, they measure what's observable rather than what's important. Kevin Love adores his own jump shot (he had a great Dec/Jan from 3-land, but that's it), is a terrible defender, and doesn't do any of the little things. I'll grant that he's an outstanding rebounder and that rebounding is an important skill, but the danger of box score stats is people start to think that box score stats are ALL that matters. Consequently, if someone rebounds well and is a good volume scorer, it's QED to them that he's a great player. Kevin Love is an example of why that's not true.

He'll be putting up great stats for a long time. I don't expect to see him on a team that wins many games, though. And if he ever does, it will be with a far lower scoring and significantly lower rebounding average.

Edited by niremetal
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Hoopsworld: "The Expendables"... http://www.hoopsworld.com/Story.asp?story_id=18656

Now, I'm always grateful for My Favorite Georgian. And I always say that you'll know we've finally reached championship-caliber when Zaza is the clear 12th Man on your roster. But the main things I like to see Zaza do (offensive boards, soaking up fouls, flopping on the floor for loose balls, totally unadvisable passes), I don't get enough of that stuff in just 14 minutes per game, particularly now with JaCo showing he has a pulse. I think he can contribute more in a different system than what we have going now under LD.

If he absolutely had to go as part of some deal, I would LOVE to see him in a Laker or Clipper uniform. Hollywood is simply not ready for Zaza Pachulia.


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I like Love's stellar rebounding performances as well. If there was an All-Gumption team, Kevin would be on it.

My hangup is that when you're the power forward and you've got shooters like Corey Brewer, Bassy Telfair, Jonny Flynn, and Wayne Ellington, and the centers you're relying on are Darko Milicic, Nikola Pekovic, and Kosta Koufos, then, yes, there will be copious rebounds out there for the seizing on both ends of the floor. The high-pace action (I think Minny is first in pace) also translates into lots of rebound opportunities.

Then there's that pesky record: 0-7 in their division, 3-27 in their conference, 2-22 on the road, and 2-8 in the last ten games leading up to selection day. The Wolves have clearly not helped him make a case. And unlike LaMarcus Aldridge's Ail Blazers, Love's Wolves don't have many injuries to point to for justification of their record (perhaps, ironically, former Blazer Martell Webster?). It's probably true that without Love (and an improved Beasley), the Wolves would be chasing the '73 Sixers, but I can't say that justifies an All-Star nod.

If the Yao spot is to be handed out, I'm tempted to go with LMA, and designate Love as a possible frontcourt injury replacement. But we'll see.


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I"m wondering the same about Zaza. I'd hate to see him go because he's just entertaining and seems like a good citizen of Atlanta. But he hasn't done a lot this season. In fact, Wednesday he actually grabbed a bunch of rebounds which made me realize how little he has been doing. He used to be a rebound machine. Why he hasn't cracked the big lineup I don't know other than he's defense against big centers is not very good.

Teague should be playing though. So he makes some mistakes. Do his mistakes cost us more than Bibby's? I don't think so. Let him play. He does good things out there when he does play. Jordan Crawford i have no idea.

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Kevin Love not making the all-star squad is just baffling. There is absolutely no reason why he should not have made the team. Yeah sure, he plays for the T-Wolves, but he still goes out there and averages almost 16 boards a game. 16 boards!!!!!!!! Not even factoring in the fact that he's also their leading scorer at 21 PPG.

This is definitely a scenario where I look at the NBA and go... HMMMMMMMMMMMMM.

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