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Hope the Hawks Learn a Lesson Team Concept Beats 3 Stars


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Mavs payroll is 90 million

ATl payroll is 71 million

19 million is enough to fill out the roster with 2-3 more quality rotation players.

I said two years ago when we resigned Bibby,Marvin,Zaza, even Mo that we blew it because we didnt maximize our assets.

Instead of signing Zaza to a 4 yr 16 million dollar deal you sign him to a 3 year 20 million dollar deal

Instead of signing Bibby to a 3 year deal at 18 mil you give him a 2 yr deal at 22 mil

same with Marvin and Mo shorter deals with higher salaries

You do this because you understand that down the line no good players will have base nba salaries and so unless you plan on trading Joe,Al,or Josh you wont have any other pieces able to be moved .

The Mavs will overpay in yearly salary so that they will always have the salaries to move for someone a team is looking to dump who maybe could help them .

Marvin in the final year of a 3 deal makes him a valuable trade chip even at 10 mil . Marvin + future pick for Kaman ? We wouldve been able to get involved in the Melo talks .These are the types of situations that Cubans tries to put himself in even if he doesnt always get what he wants hes so in tune to whats going on that he is able to move quickly when opportunities present themselves .

We build our team as though the Bibby signings were the lats move we would ever make and we are paying the price now .

Believe it or not, Marvin has a player option for another year. Unbelievable!
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Do not undersell Dirk. He is amongst the NBA's elite scorers. The biggest lesson they can learn from the Mavs is that you need at least ONE phenomenal talent. When this organization gets serious about winning, they will stop trying to dodge the cold reality of that.

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A lot of us here are being very hypocritical but we need to learn something here.

When Dallas first traded Devin Harris for Jason Kidd, there were a lot of people who called the move a blunder. Who said that Youth for Age doesn't work (even though the Celts had proven this too). Etc. etc.

The point is that you have to be willing to risk something in order to get the players you need. Dallas did that and it paid off. I have said this before. A young team won't win much in the NBA. The NBA is a veterans game. Just look at the champions from the last 30 yrs.. Not a lot of young guys do much. Lebron is entering year 7 of championship watch. Experience matters. And so does skillset.

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I think we're all missing the point a little here. What is the difference between us and a contender? What do they have that we don't? A superstar? A superstar combo? Defense? Veterans? Money? Good management? Smart owners? A decent bench? A solid big? Some or all of that, mixed with a little luck. The real question is how much of that do we have?As far as the superstar thing goes...I think we need to stop trying to figure out if we have one or not and just do what we can to make sure we have one. I don't think you can start talking about anything until you can say you've got a guy that can make baskets. You can have all that other stuff, but if you don't have a guy that can deliver when it counts, then you won't win. Dallas' supporting cast will deliver within their roles, but at the end of the day...if Dirk is not on that team, then they're not any better off than we are. Dallas has shuffled and reshuffled for many years. The one thing that has stayed constant is Dirk.You build around the talent. If you don't have the talent, you get it.

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+1. They still had one constant, Dirk. Atlanta has to get that constant. Horford is a player who needs someone who can create his shot. Joe needs to be a #2. Atlanta has to find a #1 option without trading their big 3 or get a superstar who can alter both.

The only way we can do that is to hope we get lucky in the draft and get a guy that someone completely overlooked. Otherwise, you have to trade one or two major assets in order to get that superstar.

The Hawks gambled that we could go far with the core that we have. It's not a failure yet, but if they're not going to build around JJ, they have to put better players around the "core" to make them ALL better. Hawk fans have been literally screaming for a PG and a C since Mookie and then Deke left Atlanta. 10+ years, and we still don't have both assets. Hopefully what we saw out of Teague wasn't a mirage, and that he can at least become a viable scoring PG that can come in and get us 11 - 13 ppg. I think he'll benefit greatly if Jamal isn't brought back, so that he can have the ball in his hands, even if he isn't the starter.

But the elephant in the room is still acquiring that center. If we can get a legit center, maybe this core can get it done collectively. If not, someone has to go. And that decision, in my opinion, needs to be made this summer. If you don't get that center that can help you, trade one of our main assets to see if you can get one ( or multiple players ).

Joe is our 'superstar'. That is the problem.

The other problem is that the organization hasn't properly built a team to accent all of JJ's abilities. He could easily average 6+ assists a game if he were surrounded by better perimeter shooters and a guy down on the block who could score down low. JJ is an All-Star who shows flashes of superstardom once every blue moon. The trick is to see if you can get him to play like a superstar more often, by putting him in the best position to get the job done. Like in this game . . .

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Joe can't score more than 20+ for a winning team. That's a true sign that you aren't a #1. He does nothing elite. Joe is the perfect #2, but a #1, he's not.

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Without a freaking mastermind like Carlisle as head coach there's no way we can have that team concept. This was one of the best coaching jobs in post seasons that I've ever seen. It was.......art.

Before I would go too far praising Carlisle, I think you have to praise Donnie Nelson first. He put the team together that had every skillset needed to win. I give Carlisle credit for the Zone (Avery Johnson) and putting Berea off the bench... and the fact that he got everybody to buy into the team play. However, all that with a flawed skillset would not have won much. Nelson's accomplishment on the other hand was putting together guys who were so well fit together that their second leading scorer went out for the season and another guy was able to step up and replace him.

Dallas had a great blueprint with great depth.

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Before I would go too far praising Carlisle, I think you have to praise Donnie Nelson first. He put the team together that had every skillset needed to win. I give Carlisle credit for the Zone (Avery Johnson) and putting Berea off the bench... and the fact that he got everybody to buy into the team play. However, all that with a flawed skillset would not have won much. Nelson's accomplishment on the other hand was putting together guys who were so well fit together that their second leading scorer went out for the season and another guy was able to step up and replace him.

Dallas had a great blueprint with great depth.

They will be just another playoff team without that coaching. But props to Nelson for getting Chandler though.

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Before I would go too far praising Carlisle, I think you have to praise Donnie Nelson first. He put the team together that had every skillset needed to win. I give Carlisle credit for the Zone (Avery Johnson) and putting Berea off the bench... and the fact that he got everybody to buy into the team play. However, all that with a flawed skillset would not have won much. Nelson's accomplishment on the other hand was putting together guys who were so well fit together that their second leading scorer went out for the season and another guy was able to step up and replace him.

Dallas had a great blueprint with great depth.

I have liked Carlisle for many years. In the same way, I want to say right here and now I LIKE RICK ADELMAN. The thing about a coach is, it's not like he's on the court or he's going to take a team full of scrubs and make them into contenders. It's a talent thing and a chemistry thing. From a talent perspective, you can see the way certain coaches seem to just squeeze out wins like juicing an orange. Doc Rivers when he was in Orlando. Adelman in Houston. And Carlisle at Indiana. Lawrence Frank in Jersey.

But the filp side of that is coaching means nothing if you don't have the right pieces there. How many times has a big time coach gone into a sh!tty situation and not really done any good? Lots. When you have that team looking to make the leap, you put a guy in there just like you add the right player and for whatever reason, it works. That's why I didn't think Miami would win it all this year or next. Spoelstra is a decent coach, but I'm really not impressed with him.

As far as our situation goes...contenders don't go bargain shopping. Sure, sometimes a guy will inherit a job...but it's a short leash. I get the feeling that this team is more concerned with how much they pay for a coach rather than the quality of the coach they get. Mark Cuban, and the Mavs front office, on the other hand did the homework and they were not concerned about money. It's a big difference and it's how you win championships.

You think Miami will give Spoelstra 6 or 7 years and 100+ excuses the way we did with Woody? What about Brown in LA? Van Gundy in Orlando? Contenders don't fool around with coaching just like they don't fool around with players - and money is never a concern. They just get sh!t done.

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