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Travis Hansen


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He looked decent in the time he played last night. He had

something like 5 points and 3 rebounds in 13 minutes. You

guys think he can contribute as a 10th man or so? Do you

think the team should hold onto him or dumb him the first

chance they get? I think I'd hold onto him for a while to see

if he can become a Jon Barry or Vashon Lenard type of scoring role player.

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he sure did looked good. He can shoot the rock quitely well and he has great hops. I think what Stotts did last night of playing CC and Hansen was a good move. I mean CC and Hansen are very ahletic guys, that can hit some open jumpers and will hussle. We should keep playing them, they played well.

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I will agree that Hansen played well. Stotts seems to be gaining some confidence in him. However, CC did not play well last night. He didn't move around much, and in his 6 minutes, his only stats were 0-2 shooting, a foul and a TO. He looked just like a player that has played in around 15 games in two years, and he looked really tired when he left the game.

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Don't give up on our rookies, Hansen & Boris Diaw. Some

seemed to think that both were a complete waste of

draft picks and this was before they had watched either

of them play at all in the N.B.A.

C.C. did look a little lost on the floor. It's been so long

since he has played meaningful minutes. Remember, it

took Theo R. about half the year to completely recover

his "game" after being out for so long.

Our "bench" gave a good account of themselves last night.

Note to Terry Stotts and his staff: This Hawk team wins

much better when playing "back to back games." The

subs get a lot more playing time in these games. Could

this be a hint to play them more and let the starters have

more time time off? Something to consider.

Just when we had lost all hope, then these Hawks come

out and win an easy one, at least for them, and fan the

dying embers of hope back to life. Go figure.

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The reason they can come out and "fan the embers of hope" is because they are a talented squad.

The problem lies in the fact that they are not being utilized properly. That is the biggest problem. We have enough talent to win games consistently, but we need to use our players properly.

Allowing Dion to be MJ and Jackson to be Kerr will result in losses. Putting JT at PG throughout the night will result in losses. Putting Reef out on the three point line or not using him, will result in losses.

The only one being used properly is Theo. But, Theo is one of our worst problems in that we rely on him defensively TOO much and he is often out of position.

Scoring in the paint, giving the ball to Reef to initiate our offense, and putting JT in a position to score are the keys to our offense. A good offense should ignite more hustle on defense.


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I really like Hansen. He's a competitor and doesn't back down from people. I really like his athleticism and think his shot will be lights out in a few seasons. I think we should hold on to him as I see him evolving his NBA game much like Michael Redd. He could become our starting shooting guard at some point. And stop with the eminem jokes it's hard to come from BYU and stand out.

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eminem really ruined it for the rest of the white dudes who want to dye their hair blond. i mean i like em's music but since that's his identifiable physical trademark, it's automatically attributed to any dude with same hair style.

Hansen should just grow his hair out long like Nowitski had and be done with it.

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